Catholic Priest in court over infidelity

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New Vision Online

Monday, 12th September, 2011

By Vision reporter

JUSTICE Edmund Sempa Lugayizi of the family court has advised a Catholic Priest accused of infidelity, to settle the matter out of court with the woman’s husband.

“We think a chance should be given for mediation,” Justice Lugayizi said.

Justice Lugayizi refered the file to deputy registrar, Margaret Mutonyi.

Mutonyi, the deputy registrar of High Court family division will spearhead the negotiation starting November 9.

Martin Okumu Masiga dragged Fr. John Baptist Sseppuuya, the assistant parish priest of St. Kizito Catholic Church in Bwaise, Kampala Archdiocese to court, alleging that he fathered a child with his wife.

Fr. Sseppuuya presided over Masiga’s wedding to Margaret Mbakire Kyakuwa on December30, 2006 at Christ the King Church in Kampala.

The lawyers representing the two parties last July met and agreed to appear before deputy Registrar Mutonyi with a view to settle the matter amicable but since then the case has not been settled.

Masiga (the plaintiff) on Friday appeared with his lawyer Kafuuzi Kwemara in court but Charles Semakula, the lawyer representing Fr. Sseppuuya did not appear with his client.

Kafuuzi said if they failed to reach an out of court settlement then the hearing of the case would proceed.

He added that his client would continue to appear in court to ensure that the matter is concluded

Masiga wants court to dissolve their marriage and remedies granted to him.

Kampala Archdiocese Vicar General Rev. Fr. Charles Kasibante earlier said after the case was filed in court, that the church had taken action against Fr. Sseppuuya, but did not divulge details

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