Raymond Gareth Stanford
Gary Stanford

Gary Stanford, coach of Kellys Pub basketball team – Metro Champs 2006-2007 (Picture cropped from team photo)
Roman Catholic teacher in St. John’s Newfoundland. Coached the boy’s soccer and basketball teams at St. John Bosco in Shea Heights. He later taught at St. Patrick’s Hall, a Catholic boy’s school, in St. John’s. CONVICTED in 1990. A blogger references a Stanford who taught at St. Patrick’s who was a good friend of the Christian Brothers at Mount Cashel and used to take basketball teams to play at Mount Cashel and then go for a swim. That is Stanford. Stanford was a good friend of Christian Brother Harold Thorne. The pair coached a soccer team together in the 80s. (Thorn was convicted for sexually abusing boys at Mount Cashel.)
(As another small note of interest, when Stanford transferred back to St. John Bosco school the pastor at St. John Bosco Church was Father John Corrigan . The K to 12 school was located on the same property as the Church. The school or parish had a van which was kept at the rectory. Stanford routinely had to use the van to transport teams to and from games – he would get the keys from Corrigan. Corrigan pleaded guilty in 1988 – some of abuse transpired at St. John Bosco)
October 2011: word that Stanford is “employed by government of newfoundland and labrador,works at local newfoundland and labrador sports center. At this center, young boys and girls play sports all year long”
02 March 2012: BLOG Common Sense
28 June 2012: I received a call from Child, Youth and Family Services. They were contacted by the Premier and asked to look into the Stanford situation and report back.
I was told that because Stanford is not a parent or guardian or in a similar position, they can’t do a thing.
11 June 2012: Response from the Premier’s office to email of 05 June 2012:
Dear Ms. MacEachern:
Thank you for your email to Premier Dunderdale. Please be assured that your correspondence will be given appropriate attention.
Chantalle Hull
Office of the Premier
05 June 2012: Email to Premier Kathy Dunderdale re convicted child molester working at the sports centre…
02 March 2012: Email to St. John’s Newfoundland Mayor and city counsellors re Garth Stanford working at Newfoundland and Labrador Sports Centre
04 November 2011: Dr. Patrick Parfrey, Chair of the Board of Directors, Newfoundland and Labrador Sports Centre (re Raymond Stanford)
November 2011: Tourism, Culture and Recreation: Government of Newfoundland and Labrador responds to questions re Raymond Gareth Stanford
02 November 2011: E-mail to Rod Snow, Facility Manager & High Performance Director, Newfoundland and Labrador Sports Centre
28 June 2012: I received a call from Child, Youth and Family Services. They were contacted by the Premier and asked to look into the Stanford situation and report back.
I was told that because Stanford is not a parent or guardian or in a similar position, they can’t do a thing.
11 June 2012: Response from the Premier’s office to email of 05 June 2012:
Dear Ms. MacEachern:
Thank you for your email to Premier Dunderdale. Please be assured that your correspondence will be given appropriate attention.
Chantalle Hull
Office of the Premier
05 June 2012: Email to Premier Kathy Dunderdale re convicted child molester working at the sports centre…
02 March 2012: Email to St. John’s Newfoundland Mayor and city counsellors re Garth Stanford working at Newfoundland and Labrador Sports Centre
04 November 2011: Dr. Patrick Parfrey, Chair of the Board of Directors, Newfoundland and Labrador Sports Centre (re Raymond Stanford)
November 2011: Tourism, Culture and Recreation: Government of Newfoundland and Labrador responds to questions re Raymond Gareth Stanford
02 November 2011: E-mail to Rod Snow, Facility Manager & High Performance Director, Newfoundland and Labrador Sports Centre
October 2011: working at the Newfoundland and Labrador Sports Centre on Crosbie St., St. John’s, Newfoundland. He has apparently been working at the centre for about two years.
External link to Newfoundland and Labrador Sports Centre in St. John’s, Newfoundland
1990: CONVICTED of sexually abusing a student at St. John Bosco starting when the boy was in Grade 7. The abuse continued after the boy transferred to Brother Rice in St. John’s in Grade 10. According to one media article, Stanford followed him, securing a teaching position at nearby St. Patrick’s Hall. According to a blogger was sentenced to 41/2 years in jail.
According to media coverage of the trial the victim testified that he was abused more than 300 times by Stanford and punched in the stomach and face more times than that. The victim said he lived in fear. He testified that he was “trained like a dog to do whatever Mr. Stanford told me to do. If I didn’t I was in trouble.”
Stanford used to virtually stalk the boy, following him everywhere he went. After the victim started dating Stanford even followed the boy and his girlfriend around by car, even on graduation night.
The abuse ended in May 1986 when, according to media coverage, the victim “finally relaliated and punched Mr. Standord in the face after he had been punched himself.” After that “It was all over.”-
May 1989: faced charges of assault, indecent assault and sexual assault.
around 1986: transferred back to St. John Bosco and was teaching at St. John Bosco when he was charged
1983-1986: began to teach at St. Patrick’s Hall, St. John’s Newfoundland. The victim had transferred to Brother Rice in St. John’s. The abuse continued.
1979-1983: teacher at St. John Bosco in Shea Heights (St. John’s), Newfoundland
physically and sexually abusing a student during these years (M)
02 March 2012: BLOG Common Sense
27 February 2012: Recreation conference planned for St. John’s
02 November 2011: BLOG Did the Archbishop perjure himself?
23 March 1990: Crown asks two to five for teacher in sex case
02 November 1989: Former teacher faces sex charges
Second teacher charged with offences against boys
The Ottawa Citizen
15 May 1989
GOOSE BAY (CP) _ A second Newfoundland teacher in less than a week has been charged with sex-related offences against boys.
Alexander John MacDonald, 38, a teacher in Sheshatshit, appeared in provincial court in Goose Bay this morning to face five counts of sexual assault and two of buggery.
MacDonald, an employee of the Roman Catholic School Board of Labrador, was remanded to hospital in St. John’s for psychiatric evaluation. He was ordered to reappear in court May 30.
The offences are alleged to have occurred over the last three years.
Last Thursday, Raymond Gareth Stanford, 39, was arraigned on charges of assault, indecent assault and sexual assault. The St. John’s teacher was released until a court appearance May 19 for election and plea.
The sex-related charges against MacDonald is the latest in a string involving the Catholic community. Fourteen priests, former priests and members of the Christian brothers have been charged with sexual offences against altar boys.
yes, still there.
Update on Gary Stanford, he has been fired at the Newfoundland and Labrador Sports centre, seems the government got involved and removed him..hopefully vulnerable sector checks will be conducted on all current staff and new hires in the future.
Thank you for this important update. Since there was “government involvement” in this decision, one wonders if their upcoming provicial election helped expediate the outcome in any way. We might never know. This and continued monitoring/caution is a good development for the safety of the vulnerable. Thanks again.
If the Provincial Government, City of St. John’s or any another group has a convicted child molester like Gary Stanford employed in the presence of children such as the Sports center on Crosbie Road, St. John’s NL, it is unbelievable the present government & previous Pc government did not require a police check on all employees working around children. Were the PC’s & Liberals aware of him? As a convicted child molester, Gary Stanford should never have been hired there with all the kids activities.
Tina, why on earth are you bringing politics into this post?? Is that your agenda? Mine is to keep predators from harming children…plain and simple. Not to play the politics card. Get serious Tina, or get out.
Phil have you been following this page? It is obvious that Gary Stanford connection to the PC government 10 years ago, got him the job.. you should read how Sylvia (god bless her) contacted both the provincial government and The City of St.john’s and not 1 of the politicians did a thing about GS working at the centre ..Tina hit the nail on the head…you should get out!
Sorry I was away and unable to respond. SJB, I don’t believe he was “connected to the PC government”. Rather, he fell through the cracks because of a “friend” who worked at the centre possibly circumventing the vulnerable sector checks. My point was to keep the politics out of the blog. I abhor all predators of children period, but was angered by the political flavour of her post. The axe to grind should be with the centre and how this molestor even got hired. And even more, the centre is not a political entity of any one government any more than Revenue Canada is tied to a political party. They are both entities of government, not of any political party. So drop the politics and continue the attack on predators and those who defend or protect them…period. Yes, Sylvia was instrumental in shedding light on this molester with your help and for that I thank you both.
Phil, you get “angered” quite easily, despite the fact of the truth!
I just read this Gary Stanford story / article, and as suggested by st. john bosco, it clearly states from replies from the Provincial Government of NL, that the NL Sports Center has a ‘Government Representative’ on the Board of Directors And Further, this Board of Directors reports to the Minister of Tourism, Culture and Recreation for the province of NL.. Read the emails from the Provincial Government representatives and emails!!
This was NOT the ‘Political Card’ as I read it…It was fact and a Cover-Up by Ministers of the day! Just seeing the emails sent by Sylvia to Government departments; and looking at their replies to her, nothing was done! A former teacher convicted of sexual assault working in a similar situation of being around kids without any vulnerable sector check or police clearance, give me a break…someone was “Pulling strings for him”.
Well he WAS fired, wasn’t he! Someone within the bureaucracy/administration did NOT bury this, i.e. he did not fire himself. Did it take far too long? Of course it did! But a belated result was achieved and and in order to recognize the probably unpopular “internal” squeaky wheel(s) who helped make this happen, I sent a note of appreciation to Premier Ball and I have been informed on good authority that this message indeed reached him. It serves several purposes: A. Raise awareness that the Gary Stanford development did not go unnoticed; B. Hopefully the person(s) within government and administrative roles who persisted and got the results are conveyed the message that the premier received a letter regarding this matter. As a former civil (snivel) servant I know the impacts of unsolicited letters of acknowledgement — outside reinforcements do help and may assist in future; C. Should the firing be unrelated to either admin or gov. decisions/reviews, it still is important that the premier knows it occurred and the issue is again on his radar. My analysis might be off – I have no idea – but I acted on it by writing Premier Ball last week. And I feel comfortable with that action.
Hey Elsewhere, do you realize the length of time a ‘blind eye’ was turned to him working there around children?
He was there about 10 years before anything was done! Read the thread and Sylvia’s emails. !!
Joan, as you haven’t walked in my shoes, you have no right to criticize how I may respond with some “anger”. My “anger” was not with your “fact of the matter”, but with the politics push by some readers. Let’s focus on supporting victims, not the flavour of the month politics.
Yup I did. And I also have been involved in various roles in long long long delayed pedophile cases — Elsewhere but haunting and just as galling. And there is one still pending. I recall what persistence it takes to finally get action. Someone somewhere did not give up. Sometimes that voice is the survivor and sometimes it is someone else. If those who did not give up are within the system at any level, God willing my message reached them. After all, Gary Stanford did not fire himself, now, did he. You are welcome to disagree. I am fine with that. Hope you personally have done something more effective, by far, re Gary Stanford. I would celebrate that.
I have been going back through my files on the Gary Stanford case. There were a couple of letters which I sent out but did not, for whatever reason, post on the page at the time. I will post copies of my emails to Mayor O’Keefe and city counselors, and my email of June 2012 to then Premier Kathy Dunderdale.
I pursued those paths after my initial November 2011 query regarding Gary Standford’s employ at the Newfoundland and Labrador Sports Centre to Mr. Jim Tee, then Director of the Recreation and Sport Division with the Newfoundland Department of Tourism, Culture and Recreation. Two of my questions asked specifically if (1) the Newfoundland & Labrador Sports Centre in St. John’s owned and/or operated by the Newfoundland and Labrador Provincial government? and (2) the Department of Tourism, Culture and Recreation has any jurisdiction over the Newfoundland & Labrador Sports Centre?
As you see, Mr. Tee did not answer any of the questions posed but instead redirected them to Diana Quinton, the Director of Communications (for the Government of Newfoundland and Labrador)
According to Ms, Quinton, the Newfoundland and Labrador Sports Centre ” is a corporation, reporting to the Minister of Tourism, Culture and Recreation.” Furthermore, according to Ms. Quinton, the the Provincial Government has a representative on the centre’s Board of Directors but “operates at arms-length in terms of daily operations and the hiring of staff, and in partnership with Sport Newfoundland and Labrador, the Swilers Rugby Club, and the City of St. John’s.”
Ms. Quinton also in turn sent my queries to Dr. Pat Parfrey, Chair of the Board of Directors of the Newfoundland and Labrador Sports Centre.
My questions were forwarded to Dr. Patrick Parfery, the Chair of the NLCS Board of Directors.
As I said back then, Dr. Patrick Parfrey’s response to my questions floored me. Note that there was was no confirmation that Stanford was working at the centre.
I then contacted everyone I could think to contact – media included – who might take action to get Stanford out of the Newfoundland and Labrador Sports Centre in St. John’s, Newfoundland.
That was nearly seven long years ago.
Anyway, I will post copies of the emails.