Church-related Documents

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Documents or articles which shed some light on the thinking of Catholic bishops and/or the teaching of the Roman Catholic Church, and/or further information which will aid in understanding what’s happening as the clerical sex abuse scandal and other clerical betrayals of trust unfold throughout the world

Quotes from Saint Alphonsus Liguori on the priesthood and the sin of scandal



Alexandria-Cornwall:  Diocese of Alexandria-Cornwall, Ontario

March 2017:  Should the Diocese of Alexandria-Cornwall merge with the  Archdiocese of Ottawa?

Death of Father Bernard Cameron (Alexandria-Cornwall Diocese)

15 October 2017:  Father Bernie Cameron Obituary

March 2015:  Diocese of Alexandria Cornwall Guidelines for Dealing with Complaints of Sexual Abuse of Children and Sexual Assault of Adults

14 December 2009:  Report of the Cornwall Public Inquiry:  Volume 1, Phase 1, Facts & Findings

 01 December 2005Report of the Rev. Francis G. Morrisey omi in response to questions relating to financial management in the Roman Catholic Church(prepared for then Bishop of Alexandria-Cornwall, Paul Andre Durocher and entered into evidence at Cornwall Public Inquiry)

01 March 2004:  Screening Policy for the Diocese of Alexandria-Cornwall

1995:  Diocesan Sexual Abuse Guidelines for the Diocese of Alexandria-Cornwall

Antigonish:  Diocese of Antigonish, Nova Scotia

16 May 2012: Bishop Dunn Press Release re Raymond Lahey dismissal from the clerical state

CCCB (Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops)

2018:  Protecting Minors 2018 from Sexual Abuse:  A call to the Catholic Faithful in Canada for Healing, Reconciliation, and Transformation (CCCB guidelines)

1992: From Pain to Hope”  Report from the Ad Hoc Committee on Child Sexual Abuse (Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops) (CCCB guidelines)

Corner-Brook:  Diocese of Corner Brook and Labrador

05 November 2017: Statement from the Diocese of Corner Brook and Labrador Re George Smith

2010: The Diocese of Corner Brook and Labrador Policy and Procedure in reply to allegations of sexual misconduct

Halifax Yarmouth:  Archdiocese of Halifax-Yarmouth

2017:  Archdiocese of Halifax Yarmouth: Overview: An Act Respecting the Roman Catholic Archdiocesan Corporation of Halifax-Yarmouth and the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Halifax-Yarmouth

2017:  Reorganizing ourselves for Mission

October 2017:  Articles and documents regarding the reorganization of the Archdiocese of Halifax-Yarmouth, Nova Scotia

05 October 2017:  Archdiocese of Halifax-Yarmouth Act

Kingston:  Archdiocese of Kingston, Ontario

20 September 2013:  Archdiocese of Kingston:  A policy for Creating a Safe Faith Community and Responding to Cases of Alleged Sexual Misconduct

London:  Diocese of London, Ontario

2011:  Diocese of London Statement Regarding Fr Bernard A. Robert

14 June 2007: Draft of A Safe Environment Policy for the Diocese of London (Ontario)

Montreal – Archdiocese of Montreal, Quebec

22 June 2016:  For a responsible pastoral ministry

07 June 2016:  Montreal Archbishop Lepine issues decree For a responsible family ministry

Ottawa: Archdiocese of Ottawa, Ontario

13 September 2018:   Letter to Priests from Archbishop Prendergast re return of Father Joe Leclair

September 2015:  Ottawa Archdiocese Code of Pastoral Conduct

01 January 2012:  Protocol for Parish Financial Administration: Archdiocese of Ottawa 01 January 2012  (with cover letters)

13 September 2011:  Protocol Regarding Sexual Abuse of Minors by Clergy and Religious Clerics (Ottawa Archdiocese)

23 March 1987:  Archdiocese of Ottawa Guidelines in Cases of Child Sexual Abuse by a Cleric (First Draft)

Pembroke:  Diocese of Pembroke, Ontario

Pembroke Diocese  Protocol for Sexual Abuse Cases Involving Minors  (on website July 2013)

Priests who father children

April 2018:  Cardinal Archbishop Collins Statement regarding priests who father children  (from  17 April 2018:  Catholic priests take a vow of celibacy when they’re ordained. But when they break that vow, their children are left to live a lie)

20 March 2018:  Diocese St Catharines responds to Mary Ormsby re priests who father a child (from  17 April 2018:  Catholic priests take a vow of celibacy when they’re ordained. But when they break that vow, their children are left to live a lie)

Prince:  Monsignor Bernard Prince

30 March 2010:  Barry Conway Affidavit re Monsignor Bernard Prince sex abuse

10 February 1993:  Pembroke’s Bishop Windle letter to Papal Nuncio re Father  Bernard Prince  expressing concerns that Prince’s sexual abuse of several young boys might become public knowledge.

15 August 1990:  Unsigned letter on Pembroke Diocese letter head.  (Appears it may be letter which Pembroke Bishop Windle claimed he sent to those Bishops in whose jurisdiction Monsignor Bernard Prince had served in some capacity at some point in time) 

Regina:   Archdiocese of Regina Saskatchewan

April 2019:  Archbishop Bolen letter re Father Robert MacKenzie

05 March 2019:  Open letter to all those who have been wounded by the effects of clergy sexual abuse within the Archdiocese of Regina

The Way of the Cross Through the Voice of Victims

Saint John’s:  Archdiocese of Saint John’s, Newfoundland

16 May 2012: Statement of Archbishop Currie on the Laicization of Raymond Lahey

1992:   Mount Cashel Hughes Commission Report Volume One

1990:  Winter Commission Report Volume One 1990 (Archdiocese of St. John’s, Newfoundland)

Toronto:  Archdiocese of Toronto

18 July 1989:  Archdiocese sets guidelines for abuse cases



February 2017:  Australian Royal Commission Proportion of Priests and non ordained religious subject to a claim of sexual abuse claims 1950 to 2010

22 May 2015:  Christian Brother Peter Clinch testimony at Australian Royal Commission hearings in Ballarat (22 May 2015)

20 May 2015:  Full text of statement from Cardinal George Pell (20 May 2015)

21 August 2014:  Australian Commission re Melbourne Response Transcript Richard A Leder and Cardinal George Pell testimony

20 August 2014:  Australian Commission re Melbourne Response – Peter John Callaghan testimony

19 August 2014:  Australian Commission (Case 16) re Melbourne Response Transcript Peter John O’Callaghan testimony

18 August 2014:  Australian Commission Transcript (Case 16) re Melbourne Response Day One 18 August 2014

27 March 2014:  Cardinal George Pell testimony at Australian Royal Commission – Day three (Transcript)

24 March 2014:  Cardinal George Pell testimony at Australian Royal Commission – Day one (Transcript)

February 2014:  Cardinal George Pell statement for Australian Commission of Inquiry

30 September 2013:  Leaders of the Catholic Church in Australia submission: ” Truth Justice Healing Council” (Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse:  Issues Paper No. 2 – Towards Healing)

28 May 2013: Victorian Parliamentary Inquiry Statement by His Eminence Cardinal George Pell

01 July 2010: A Pastoral Letter on Sexual Abuse (01 July 2010 – Abp. of Melbourne) with VIDEO

September 2012: Melbourne Response 2012 brochure (Melbourne Response first introduced in 1996)

MacInerney:  Father MacInerney

26 May 2015:  Transcript of Father Adrian Francis MacInerney testimony at Australian Royal Commission hearings in Ballarat

Ridsdale:  Father Gerald Ridsdale

28 May 2015:  Transcript of Gerald Ridsdale testimony at Royal Commission Ballarat hearings

27 May 2015:  Transcript of Father Gerald  Ridsdale testimony at Royal Commission Ballart hearings

08 April 2014:   Reasons for Sentence DPP v Ridsdale (references all charges, including abuse of young girls, also reference rape, digital penetration and sodomy)

11 August 2006:  Reasons for Sentence R v Gerald Francis Ridsdale (reference all charges including buggery and instance where victim was tied to pool table and sodomized with lubricated pool cue)

14 October 1994:   Sentencing remarks of the Supreme Court of Melbourne Gerald Ridsdale (reference all the crimes, including buggery)

06 June 1994:   Transcript of Interview between Catholic Church Insurance Limited and Gerald Risdale (‘latched on to boy aged 10 or 11 at Charismatic prayer group; talks of counselling sessions, time and scandal  at Servants of the Paraclete in New Mexico, and had molested after New Mexico)  (4)

06 June 1994:   Extracts of transcript of interview between Catholic Church Limited and Gerald Ridsdale (3)

06 June 1994:  Transcript of Interview between Catholic Church Insurance Limited and Gerald Risdale (reference to abuse of policeman’s son in 1975, and introducing new Rites of Reconciliation in diocese in ’75 and ’76) (2)

06 June 1994:  Australia Transcript of Interview between Catholic Church Insurance Limited and Gerald Risdale (was molested by family memebers, molested in England in ’59 or ’60, first complaint to Bishop after ordination was early 60s, flatly denies allegations of buggery, 06 June 1994 (1)

06 June 1994:   Extracts of transcript of interview between Catholic Church Limited and Gerald Ridsdale

06 June 1994:  Transcript of Interview between Catholic Church Insurance Limited and Gerald Risdale (reference to abuse of policeman’s son in 1975, and introducing new Rites of Reconciliation in diocese in ’75 and ’76)

07 April 1994:  Transcript of Interview between Catholic Church Insurance Limited and Bishop Mulkearns

28 April 1993:   Extracts of Transcript of Interview between Father Eugene McKinnon and Catholic Church Limited (discusses angry parents confronted priest who replaced Ridsdale and belief that Ridsdale probably molested every boy at the school)

10 April 1993:   J.E.  O’Con to Mssrs Dunhill Madden Butler re Father Ridsdale (believe he has admitted to sex abuse of eleven boys)

19 August 1989:  Father Watson ofm to Bishop Mulkearns (Re Father Ridsadle going to Servants of Paraclete, and re opening similar treatment facility in Victoria)

27 June 1989:  Father Augustine Watson ofm to Bishop Mulkearns (re seriousness of decision bishop must take “to protect community & the Church – suggests putting Ridsdale in chaplaincy, preferably  at convent of elderly nuns)

27 November 1988:   Bishop Mulkearns to Father Gerald Mulkearns9suggest not good idea to hear confessions or baptise.  No suggestion he cease his “apostolic work” with families in the area)

30 June 1988:  Bishop Mulkearns to Father Gerald Risdale revoking faculties for one year

11 April 1988:  Father Gerald Ridsdale to Bishop Mulkearns (confirms he will step down from parish work which “has proved to be a temptation and a difficulty for me.”

Father Paul David Ryan

25 February 2015:  Transcript of Private Hearing of Paul David Ryan

12 January 2012:  Bishop Conners to Cardinal William Levada asking how to proceed to have Father Ryan laicized

30 January 2007:  Bishop Conners to Father Ryan asking that he request laicization – also regrets unable to meet since Conners became bishop in July ’97

19 December 2006:  Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith to Bishop Conners asking for further documentation and request he ask Father Ryan to request laicization

13 November 2006:  Bishop Connors to Cardinal Levada requesting laicization for Father Paul Ryan who is currently in jail – also reference to one victim who committed suicide

09 August 1995: Father  Perkins Richmond Virginia  Diocese to Bishop Mulkearns re sex abuse allegations against Father Ryan dating  in Richmond Diocese dating to late 70s (Parish priest was informed.  Fr. Ryan offered money and threatened one boy to silence him)

16 August 1985:  Bishop Mulkearns to Father Paul David Ryan in States (Bishop would be glad to see Father Ryan return to Ballarat)


01 August 1985:   Father Ryan in Dayton Ohio to Bishop Mulkearns (Fr Ryan seems to have been studying liturgy – talks of a young 16-year-old he was helping – is perhaps close to returning to Australia)

17 March 1980:   Father Paul Ryan to Bishop Mulkearns (Fr. Ryan didn’t get position with ICEL, returning to Autralia – would like to teach)

19 April 1979:  Bishop Mulkearns to Father Paul David Ryan (re Fr. Ryans’s request to return to States)

11 April 1978:   Father John Harvey to Bishop Mulkearns re Father Paul David Ryan (suggest only need reveal to another bishop that Ryan was under care of a therapist and a spiritual director)

01 February 1977: Father Harvey to Bishop Mulkearns re Father Paul David Ryan

Canon Law

07 February 2017:  Transcript- Canon lawyer Father Tom Doyle testimony at Australian Royal Commission Case Study 50

Some info and thoughts re the Seal of Confession

03 May 2011: CIRCULAR LETTER: To assist Episcopal Conferences in developing Guidelines

21 May 2010:  Substantive Norms

July 2010 Explanatory statement re new “Norms concerning the most serious crimes”

21 May 2010: Letter to Bishops re new “Norms”

2005“Confidentiality Archives and Records Management,”(Father Frank G. Morrosey omi, Catholic Archives 2006

2001:  “Addressing the Issue of Clergy Abuse”(Father Frank G Morrisey omi, Studia Canonica 35 2001)

1992:   “Addressing the Issue of Clergy Abuse”(Father Frank G. Morrisey omi, Studia Canonica 35 1992)

1992:   “The Pastoral and Juridical Dimensions of Dismissal From the Clerical State and of Other Penalties for Acts of Sexual Misconduct”(Father Frank G Morrisey omi, Canon Law Society of America, Proceedings of Thirty-Third Annual Convention, San Antonio Texas, October 14-17, 1991)

Commentary on Canon 1395.2 of the 1983 Roman Catholic Church Code of Canon Law

CCCB (Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops)

2018:  Protecting Minors 2018 from Sexual Abuse:  A call to the Catholic Faithful in Canada for Healing, Reconciliation, and Transformation (CCCB guidelines)

1992: From Pain to Hope”  Report from the Ad Hoc Committee on Child Sexual Abuse (Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops) (CCCB guidelines)

Fitzgerald: Father Gerald Fitzgerald ( founder of the Servants of the Paraclete)

Father Gerald Fitzgerald letters


07 July 2014:  Memo from Father Dan Griffith to auxiliary Bishop Lee Piche and others re order from Nuncio to call off investigation of Archbishop Neinstedt regarding allegations of homosexual acitivity

04 November 2005: Concerning the Criteria for the Discernment of Vocations with regard to Persons with Homosexual Tendencies in view of their Admission to the Seminary and to Holy Orders

03 June 2003: Considerations Regarding Proposals to Give Legal Recognition to Unions Between Homosexual Persons

June 1992: Some Considerations Regarding the Catholic Response to Legislation Regarding Homosexual Persons

01 October 1986: Letter to the Bishops on the Pastoral Care of Homosexual Persons

29 December 1975: excerpt from Persona Humana


Audit reports from the National Board for Safeguarding Children in the Catholic church

May 2013:  Review of Safeguarding Practice in the Diocese of Down and Connor Diocese

December 2012: Review of Safeguarding Practice in the Diocese of Clogher

August 2012:  Review of Safeguarding Practice of Missionaries of the Sacred Heart: Irish Province

July 2012:  Review of the Safeguarding Practice of the Irish Province of the Congregation of the Holy Spirit

May 2012: Review of Safeguarding Practice in the Diocese of Kildare and Leighlin

May 2012:  Review Safeguarding Practice in the Diocese of Cork and Ross

April 2012:  Review of Safeguarding Practice of Irish Province of Dominican Friars

March 2012: Review of Safeguarding Practice in the Diocese of Limerick

November 2011:  Review of Safeguarding Practice in the Diocese of Clonfert November 2011

02 May 2012:  VIDEO The World: The Shame of the Catholic Church (BBC)

02 May 2012: Cardinal Brady’s statement in full (response to calls to step down)

20 July 2011: Enda Kenny’s Speech criticizing the Vatican

August 2011: Derry Report (Audit into the Diocese of Derry, Ireland undertaken by The National Board for Safeguarding Children in the Catholic Church)

June 2011: The Dromore Report (Audit into the Diocese of Dromore, Ireland undertaken by The National Board for Safeguarding Children in the Catholic Church)

June 2011: The Archdiocese of Taum Report (Audit into the Archdiocese of Taum, Ireland undertaken by The National Board for Safeguarding Children in the Catholic Church )

April 2011: The Ardagh and Clonmacnois Report (Audit into the Diocese of Ardagh and Clonmacnois, Ireland undertaken by The National Board for Safeguarding Children in the Catholic Church )

04 November 2010: The Cloyne Report (Audit into the Diocese of Cloyne, Ireland undertaken by The National Board for Safeguarding Children in the Catholic Church)

November 2010: The Kilmore Report (Audit into the Diocese of Kilmore, Ireland undertaken by The National Board for Safeguarding Children in the Catholic Church )

August 2010:  The Raphoe Report (Audit into the Diocese of Raphoe, Ireland undertaken by The National Board for Safeguarding Children in the Catholic Church )

1996:  Child Sexual Abuse Framework for a Church Response Report of the Irish Catholic Bishops’ Advisory Committee on Child Sexual Abuse by Priests and Religious


06 October 2017:  Legionaries of Christ statement re Father Oscar Turrion

October 2017:  Father Oscar Turrrion “apology”

22 May 2012: Fr Alvaro Corcuera, LC, Legion’s General Director, Writes to all Members of the Movement in North America

15 May 2012: Legionaries of Christ statements regarding the recent Legionaries scandals


07 June 2010:  Catholic church faces renewed questions about disclosing names of abusers

03 March 2009: Bishops were warned of abusive priests

08 December 2002: “Recognitio” Of The Holy See For The “Essential Norms” Approved By The United States Conference Of Catholic Bishops 

2002:  Germain Grisez Ph.D.: Submission on the problem of clerical sexual abuse to Ad Hoc Committee on Sexual Abuse, U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, 2002

8-9 June 1985:  The Problem Of Sexual Molestation By Roman Catholic Clergy : Meeting The Problem In A Comprehensive And Responsible Manner.

This report is known alternately as The Manual and the Doyle -Mouton-Peterson Report.  The Manual was a collaborative effort of Father Michael Peterson (President and CEO Saint Luke’s Institute) and Ray Mouton, (Louisiana attorney).   Peterson, a Roman Catholic priest, lived an active  homosexual lifestyle.  He died of AIDS two years after release of the Manual.

United States

Capuchin Province of St. Joseph

June 2013:  Report of the Audit and Review of the Files of the Capuchin Province of St Joseph June 2013

Chicago Archdiocese disclosure

Father Robert Mayer

18 October 1982:  Michael Hugo affidavit re Father Robert Mayer activities around youth in late 70s

Colorado Spring Diocese

Father Charles Robert Manning

22 May 2012:  Diocese of Colorado Springs press release re Father Charles Robert Manning

Dallas Charter (Charter for Protection of Children and Young People)

March 2014:  Report on the Implementation of the Charter for Protection of Children and Young People (2013 Annual Report)

Groseschel:  Father Benedict Groeschel

27 August 2012: Father Benedict Groeschel Reflects on 25 Years of the Franciscan Friars of the Renewal (National Catholic Register interview in which, amongst other things,  Father Groeschel blames victims for their abuse)

30 August 2012: Apologies re Father Benedict Groeschel interview

Kansas City-St Joseph Roman Catholic Diocese

Father Shawn Ratigan

Interview August 2012:  A Report from the Ombudsman to the People of the Diocese Report of Activity for July 1, 2011 through June 30, 2012 August 2012 (Kansas City-St Joseph Roman Catholic Diocese Ombudsman Report)

31 August 2011:    Report of Independent Investigation re Father Ratigan (Kansas)

Los Angeles Archdiocese disclosure

Father Cristobal Garcia:

Garcia, Cristobal-  files released by LA Archdiocese in January 2013

Father Titian Miani

Miani, Titian: Archdiocese of Los Angeles disclosure files 2013


22 June 1987:  Memo from Monsignor Curry to Archbishop Roger Mahony (Los Angeles) advising care to be taken in where a known clerical sexual predator should be sent for therapy and that the predator “cannot mention his past problems” to a therapist.

Newark New York Archdiocese

Father Michael Fugee

25 May 2013: ” Doing All We Can to Safeguard Children” (Op-Ed, Newark Star Ledger, by Archbishop John J.Myers, Archbishop of the Newark Archdiocese)

May 2013: Bishop O’Connell to parishioners of St Marys, Colt’s Neck NJ  re Father Triggs resignation

May 2013:  Father Triggs resignation announcement to parish St Marys Colt’s Neck, NJ

07 February 2013: Archbishop John J Myers letter to priests in the Newark Archdiocese re Father Fugee

18 July 2007:  Michael Fugee:  “Memorandum of Understanding By and Between the Archdiocese of Newark, the Bergen County Prosecutor’s Office and Michael Fugee, in His Individual and Vocational Capacities”

19 March 2001:  Bergen County Prosecutor’s Office:  Statement of Michael C. Fugee

 New York Archdiocese

26 September 2013:  Timothy Michael Cardinal Dolan letter re sex abuse allegations against Deacon Al Mazza September 2013

Philadelphia Archdiocese

04 January 2014:  Archbishop Chaput to clergy and people of the Church re paying 10% of bail for Monsignor William Lynn

18 February 1994:  Memo of Monsignor James E. Molloy to Anthony Cardinal Bevilacqua re shredding of documents

21 January 2011: Report of the Philadelphia Grand Jury

St. Paul and Minneapolis Archdiocese

Bishop John Niestedt

07 July 2014:  Memo from Father Dan Griffith to auxiliary Bishop Lee Piche and others re order from Nuncio to call off investigation of Archbishop Neinstedt regarding allegations of homosexual acitivity

02 April 2014:  Archbishop John Nienstedt Deposition (VIDEOS OF ENTIRE DEPOSITION)

Father Curtis Wehmeyer

09 May 2011:   Memo from Father Kevin McDonough to Tim Rourke regarding Father Curtis Wehmeyer and disclosure of his “history” with “responsible priest friends”

Van Handel:  Robert Van Handel (Former Franciscan priest and convicted child molester)

18 May 1994: Robert Van Handel Confidential evaluation by Social Worker Michael John Eremia to Deputy Probation Officer re Franciscan priest Robert Van Handel

17 November 1996:  Convicted Francisan molester Robert Van Handel’ request for laicization and other related documents

1994?:  Convicted Franciscan molester Robert Van Handel’s account of his life


10 April 2010:  Full text of Benedict XVI: ‘The Church and the scandal of sexual abuse’

Vatican Sex Abuse Summit

24 February 2019:  Pope Francis address after closing Mass at Vatican Summit

23 February 2019:   Reinhard Cardinal Marx “Transparency as a Community of Believers”

21 February 2019:  Vatican Summit H. E. Msgr Charles Jude Scicluna “The Protection of Minors: Taking Responsibility for Processing Cases of Sexual Abuse Crisis and For Prevention of Abuse

21 February 2019: Vatican Summit Reflection Points  (In his opening statement The Holy Father referred the Bishops to these)

21 February 2019:  Vatican Summit ” Introduction of His Holiness Pope Francis”

24 February 2019:  Pope Francis address after closing Mass at Vatican Summit 

17 May 2018:   Pope Francis letter to the Chilean Bishops

31 January 2018:   Pope Francis Letter to Chilean Bishops

02 February 2015:  Pope Francis letter re Pontifical Commission for the Protection of Minors

? May 2014:  United Nations Committee Against Torture Concluding observations on the initial report of the Holy See

31 January 2014:  UN Committee on the Rights of the Child re Vatican compliance with Convention on the Rights of the Child

03 November 2011: Full text of Msgr. Scicluna’s address on the Church’s role in child protection

03 September 2011: Response of the Holy See to the Government of Ireland regarding the Report of the Commission of Investigation into the Catholic Diocese of Cloyne

August 2011:  Vatican Documents released re ex-priest Andrew Ronan (from Doe v. Holy See) most documents are in Latin but several are in English)

Sexual Abuse Allegations (VATICAN document posted on Vatican website in response to the growing outrage over clerical sex abuse and cover-up)

03 May 2011: CIRCULAR LETTER: To assist Episcopal Conferences in developing Guidelines

08 July 2010:  Priest reinstated after abuse conviction

07 July 2010:  Vatican to reform sex abuse laws

30 May 2010:  Future Pope refused to defrock convicted priest

 17 May 2010: Who’s who in the sex abuse scandal

July 2010:  Decree Defining How the Papal Delegate Will Accomplish His Office

12 April 2010: Guide to Understanding Basic CDF Procedures Concerning Sexual Abuse Allegations (VATICAN document posted on Vatican website in response to the growing outrage over clerical sex abuse and cover-up)

04 November 2005: Concerning the Criteria for the Discernment of Vocations with regard to Persons with Homosexual Tendencies in view of their Admission to the Seminary and to Holy Orders

03 June 2003: Considerations Regarding Proposals to Give Legal Recognition to Unions Between Homosexual Persons

08 December 2002: ”Recognitio” Of The Holy See For The “Essential Norms” Approved By The United States Conference Of Catholic Bishops (Vatican website

June 1992: Some Considerations Regarding the Catholic Response to Legislation Regarding Homosexual Persons

01 October 1986: Letter to the Bishops on the Pastoral Care of Homosexual Persons

29 December 1975: Excerpt from Persona Humana (Declaration on Certain Questions Concerning Sexual Ethics)

1962:  Crimen Solicitationis  (the Vatican’s 1962 instruction on dealing with “the crime of solicitation.”)

Vatican Sex Abuse Symposium “Towards Healing and Renewal:  A Symposium for Catholic Bishops and Religious Superiors on Sexual Abuse of Minors (06-09 February 2012)

February 2012:  Schedule for Vatican Sex Abuse Symposium

February 2012: Benefactors for Vatican sSex abuse Symposium February 2012

09 February 2012: Cardinal Reinhard Marx presentation at Vatican Sex Abuse Symposium Church Abuse and Pastoral Leadership

09 February 2012:  Prof Dr Jorh Fegert Prof Dr Hubert Liebhardt presentation at Vatican Abuse Symposium:  “The Centre of Child Protection 09 February 2012”

09 February 2012: Theology Team presentation at Vatican Sex Abuse Symposium: “Moral Theology Reflections on the Reality”

09 February 2012: Archbishop of Manila presentation at Vatican Sex Abuse Symposium Archbishop of Manila: “Clergy Sexual Misconduct Some Reflections from Asia”

08 February 2012: Father Edenio Valle presentation at Vatican Sex Abuse Symposium: “Religion Society and Culture in Dialogue

08 February 2012:  Mr Michael J Bemi and Mrs Patricia Neal presentation at Vatican Sex Abuse Symposium February 2012

08 February 2012:  Monsignor Scicluna speech at Vatican Sex Abuse Symposium: “The Quest for Truth in the Sexual Abuse Cases: A Moral and Legal Duty”

08 February 2012: Cardinal Ouellet Homily for the Penitential Vigil on the occasion of the Symposium

07 February 2012:   Father Desmond Nair presentation at Vatican Sex Abuse Symposium:  “Best Practices in Prevention of Sexual Abuse within the Church of South Africa”

07 February 2012:  Monsignor Rosetti speech at Vatican Sex Abuse Symposium

07 February 2012: Cardinal William Levada presentation at the Vatican Sex Abuse Symposium: “The Sexual Abuse of Minors A Mulit faceted Response to the Challenge”

04 November 2005:  Instruction Concerning the Criteria for the Discernment of Vocations with regard to Persons with Homosexual Tendencies in view of their Admission to the Seminary and to Holy Orders

One Response to Church-related Documents

  1. Jacqueline Lamoureux says:

    Stephen Joseph Rossetti (born June 15, 1951 in Marcellus, NY) is a Catholic priest, author, educator, licensed psychologist, retreat master and expert on psychological and spiritual wellness issues for Catholic priests. He has appeared on such television shows as Meet the Press and Larry King Live. He served as President and CEO of Saint Luke Institute in Silver Spring MD from 1996 to 2009.[1] In October, 2009 Rossetti stepped down from this position and in January, 2010 joined the faculty of The Catholic University of America to teach in the School of Theology and Religious Studies.[2]

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