The Technical School in New Glasgow, Nova Scotia once operated by the Brothers of Our Lady of the Seven Sorrows, including Brother Gregory

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Translation of text:

Technical School in New Glasgow, Canada

….(partial sentence)

Canada spoke to the imagination, gave the congregation more security and promised many new recruits (men who would join the order).

The promises of the bishop in Antigonish in Nova Scotia were attractive but -as often happens – reality was different again

The council agreed and in 1956 these brothers left for the New World:

Longinus Koelemij (1946 to Tangshan China and September 1956 to New Glasgow)

Octavianus Frankemolle  (note: September 1956 – to New Glasgow)

Salasius van der Kuil (note: September 1956 – to New Glasgow)

Anastatius Knuist  (note: September 1956 – to New Glasgow) as the first pioneers to this New World.

In 1957, they started (launched) a Technical School in New Glasgow

At a somewhat later date, the brothers established a novicate and started in Mabou with the development of  a farm.

2 Responses to The Technical School in New Glasgow, Nova Scotia once operated by the Brothers of Our Lady of the Seven Sorrows, including Brother Gregory

  1. Pieter Spit says:

    did Brother Gregory abuse any one in Nova Scotia?

  2. Sylvia says:

    Nothing has been confirmed Pieter

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