Gary G Hoskins
Gary Gerard Hoskins
Priest, Diocese Saint George’s, Newfoundland (now Diocese of Corner Brook and Labrador). Ordained 1982. 1987 GUILTY plea – sentenced to- three months jail and two years probation. Sentencing upheld on appeal. Spent time at Southdown. By early 90s was in the Archdiocese of Toronto ( taken in by Cardinal Emmett Carter).
According to his addresses it appears that he was assisting at parishes in Brampton and Toronto. His address for several years was that of St. Michael’s Cathedral. No longer listed in directories after 1997.
Parishioners at St. Anne’s in Brampton found out by accident (relatives visiting from Newfoundland) that their new assistant priest was a molester. According to a blogger on Sylvia’s Site, the parish priest told parishioners that no-one had asked them about their past when they joined the parish and that basically Father Hoskin’s past was none of their business.
Has been working for the Center for Addictions and Mental Health (CAMH) in Toronto since 1995.
New charges laid in Newfoundland 25 February 2013. The news initially was that Hoskins is no longer in the priesthood and has been working as a social worker in the Toronto area, however I have since learned that he was never laicizied/defrocked and therefore is indeed still a priest. Hoskins entered a plea of ‘not guilty; – he elected to be tried by judge and jury. A preliminary hearing was first conducted to determine if there is sufficient evidence to go to trial. On 16 Sept. ’14 Father Hoskins was committed to stand trial. The charges relate to incidents involving two boys who were in their late teens when Hoskins was a priest at St. Stephen’s Parish in Stephenville, Newfoundland.
The charges were stayed by Justice David F. Hurley following Hoskins claim that his right to a speedy trial had been violated.
(I have been told by someone who contacted the diocese that the diocese is NOT covering Father Gary Hoskins legal fees.)
16 February 2017: R v Hoskins (Stay of proceedings granted by Justice David F. Hurley)
25 May 2017: Crown to appeal stay of sexual assault charges against N.L. priest
01 April 2017: Crown appealing stay of proceedings in sex case of former priest
February 2017 – Charges were STAYED
17 May 2016: BLOG He’s still a priest
Father Gary Hoskins has NOT been laicized/’defrocked’
17 May 2016: Father Gary Hoskins has NOT been laicized. He is still a priest in the Roman Catholic Church.
According to an unsigned email received from the Diocese of Corner Brook and Labrador in response to a query regarding Father Hoskins and laicization:
“The laicization process is on hold until the present criminal proceedings are completed.”
As of 13 June 2013 Father Gary Hoskins had NOT been laicized
From: Diocesan Email []
Sent: June-17-13 8:04 AM
To: Sylvia
Subject: Re: Gary Hoskins
Dear Ms. MacEachern:
No, to this point no formal laicization process has taken place.
With best regards,
Father Devine
Bishops of Saint George’s/Corner Brook and Labrador Newfoundland during Father Hoskins tenure: Richard Thomas McGrath (01 June 1970 – 17 June 1985) ; Raymond John Lahey (05 Jul 1986 – 05 Apr 2003 Appointed, Bishop of Antigonish, Nova Scotia); David Douglas Crosby, O.M.I. (06 Aug 2003 — 24 September 2010 Appointed, Bishop of Hamilton, Ontario); Peter Joseph Hundt (01 Mar 2011 — )
Archbishops of Toronto while Father Hoskins was there as a priest:Gerald Emmett Carter (29 April 1978 -17 March 1990); Aloysius Matthew Ambrozic (17 March 1990 – 16 December 2006); Thomas Christopher Collins (16 December 2006 – )
Auxiliary Bishops of Toronto in the Archdiocese while Father Hoskins was there as a priest: Michael Pearse Lacey (03 May 1979 -to 31 May 1993); Robert Bell Clune (03 May 1979 – 27 December 1995); Leonard James Wall (03 May 1979 – 25 Feb 1992); John Stephen Knight (27 April 1992 – 09 April; 2000);Terrence Thomas Prendergast, S.J. (22 February 1995 -o 30 June 1998); Nicola de Angelis, C.F.I.C. (27 April 1992 to 28 December 2002); Anthony Giroux Meagher (: 30 Apr 1997 – 27 April 2002)
At trial
Crown: Kari Ann Pike Q.C. Judge: Defence
Supreme Court of Newfoundland stay of proceedings
Crown: Kari Ann Pike Judge: Justice David F. Hurley Defence: Gerard J. Martin Q.C.
Breaking news
(scroll down for all other media coverage)
07 August 2017: BLOG Please read carefully
26 April 2016: BLOG What’s happening in Corner Brook?
07 April 2016: Crown application in Hoskins sex trial postponed for a month
22 March 2016: BLOG Arguments pending trial
13 January 2015: Hoskins has pre-trial meeting set in Supreme Court
Court Dates
The charges have been STAYED. There was an application of some sort which was heard both in November and 16 February 2017 – the result was the charges were stayed. The Crown has apparently filed an appeal.
TRIAL dates were set for 21-24 March 2017
The scored out dates are those which have passed. The next court date is highlighted in red.
Next court date: 16 February & 30 November 2016: motions, Corner Brook, NFLD Superior Court (81 Mt. Bernard Avenue.); 20 September 2016: 10 am, Crown to argue to present similar fact evidence, and new trial date to be set. Corner Brook Superior Court (81 Mt. Bernard Avenue.); 12 May 2016: 10 am, Crown to argue to present similar fact evidence, and new trial date to be set. Corner Brook Superior Court (81 Mt. Bernard Avenue.); 25-26 April 2016: 10 am, TRIAL, Corner Brook Superior Court (81 Mt. Bernard Avenue.) ; 06 April 2016: 10 am, application related to trial, Corner Brook Superior Court (81 Mt. Bernard Avenue.) ; 15 March 2016: 10 am, application related to trial, Corner Brook Superior Court (81 Mt. Bernard Avenue.) ; 14 September 2015: 10 am, “to set trial date,” Corner Brook Superior Court (81 Mt. Bernard Avenue.), Corner Brook, Newfoundland; 01 June 2015: 10 am, “to set a trial date,” Corner Brook Superior Court (81 Mt. Bernard Avenue.), Corner Brook, Newfoundland ; 02 March 2015: 10 am, “to set a trial date,” Corner Brook Superior Court (81 Mt. Bernard Avenue.), Corner Brook, Newfoundland ; 26 February 2015: pre-trial conference (NOT open to the public), Corner Brook Newfoundland courthouse; 12 January 2015: pre-trial conference (NOT open to the public), Corner Brook, Nfld.; 01 December 2014: 10 am, Corner Brook courthouse, Nfld, “first plea“; 16 September 2014: Committed to stand trial in Superior Court, Corner Brook, after 09:30 am, preliminary hearing (booked for one day), Stephenville, Newfoundland courthouse (35 Alabama Drive) ; 03 June 2014: has elected trial by judge and jury; 17 February 2014: 09:30 am, ‘to set a date,” Stephenville, Newfoundland courthouse (35 Alabama Drive); 14 January 2014: 09:30 am, preliminary inquiry – booked for one day, Stephenville, Newfoundland courthouse (35 Alabama Drive); 22 July 2013: 09:30 am, “to set date for preliminary inquiry,” Stephenville, Newfoundland courthouse (35 Alabama Drive); 03 June 2013: 09:30 am, “for plea,” Stephenville, Newfoundland courthouse (35 Alabama Drive) ; 29 April 2013: 09:30 am, “for election and plea, “Stephenville, Newfoundland courthouse (35 Alabama Drive) ; 25 March 2013: Stephenville courthouse, Newfoundland
Documents and websites of interest
09 April 1987: R v Hoskins – Newfoundland Court of Appeal, appeal of sentence denied
29 August 2014: Gary Hoskins still with CMHA: Regrets for attendance at Central West LHIN Diversity Core Action Group meeting
February 2012: Gary Hoskins listed as CAMH Community Service Provider
2011: Gary Hoskins “Program Consultant at Center for Addictions and Mental Health (CAMH_ – info on ZoomInfo Cached Page for RHO – ref. Mississauga Halton LHIN (LHIN stands for Local Health Integration Network
13 March 2009: Gary Hoskins CAMH listed as contact person on flyer
2005-2006: Gary Hoskins listed as addiction therapist with Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH)
1984: “Changing roles” – pages from Decks awash 1984 re Catholicism in Stephenville
The following information is drawn from Canadian Catholic Directories (CCCD) of that date, media (M), personal knowledge (P) and R. V Hoskins legal document (L)
March 2017: charges stayed
01 December 2014: “not guilty” plea via lawyer in Superior Court
16 September 2014: Preliminary hearing – committed to stand trial in Superior court
– according to media report Hoskins is now a resident of Missassuagua, Ontario
29 August 2014: “Gary Hoskins – Centre for Addiction and Mental Health” not in attendance at Diversity Core Action Group meeting. ( Gary Hoskins – Regrets for Central West LHIN Diversity Core Action Group )
03 June 2013: entered plea of ‘not guilty’ through his lawyer. He has elected trial by judge and jury. A preliminary hearing will be conducted to determine if there is sufficient evidence to go to trial (M)
25 February 2013: New charges laid in Stephenville, Newfoundland (M) according to media reports is no longer a priest and has been working as a social worker in the Toronto area. (M) I have since learned that Father Gary Hoskins still is in fact a priest in the Roman Catholic Church.
2012: Rainbow Health Ontario conference brochure lists Gary Hoskins as the Rainbow Health Outreach Worker for LHIN 6 – Mississauga Halton. According to the brochure
“RHO’s 14 outreach workers live in every part of Ontario. They work for us on a part time basis to ensure that we have a presence in every LHIN region. Outreach workers help to develop local networks and initiatives, share resources and best practices, and create vital connections to promote the health of LGBT communities.”
Also, according to the brochure, “the biennial Rainbow Health Ontario Conference is the only conference in Canada focused on the health and wellness of lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans (LGBT) communities.” (external link to brochure)
15, 26 February 2012: “Community Service Provider” for Centre for Addiction and Mental Health. Training session in Brampton Ontario ( CAMH Community Service Providers)
2011, 2000, 1999, 1998: not listed (CCCD)
25 August 2011: In attendance at Diversity Core Action Group meeting representing Centre for Addiction and Mental Health ( Father Gary Hoskins – Diversity Core Action Group Meeting)
2011: Listed as a therapist, Program Consultant, Regional Implementation Coordinator for Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, Ontario ( Hoskins CAMH Therapist Program Consultant ZoomInfo 2011)
Listed as part-time member of the Rainbow Health Ontario Community Outreach Team ( Hoskins 2011 ZoomInfo Cached Page for RHO) Bio of Hoskins as follows:
Gary Hoskins
6 – Mississauga Halton LHIN
Gary Hoskins is a Program Consultant at Center for Addictions and Mental Health(CAMH). He graduated with a B.A. from Maynooth National College, Ireland. He also studied three years with the Guildhall School of music and drama in London England. He received the Human Services Counselling diploma from George Brown College. He has been working at CAMH since 1995 first as a counsellor in the drug and alcohol program then as a nicotine counsellor for three years. Prior to joining Policy Education and Health Promotion (PEHP) in Oct. 2008 Gary had been working as a therapist/ trainer for both the Problem Gambling Service and the Problem Gambling Project at CAMH.
2009: member of the Regional Diversity Roundtable program
13 March 2009: contact person on flyer for Workshop for Housing Providers Serving People with Concurrent Mental health & Substance Use Problems . ( Click for flyer)
2008: identified in March/April 2008 Canadian Teacher’s Federation publication as “Addiction Therapist/Trainer, Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, Problem Gambling Project” (Father Gary Hoskins- CTF – Youth and Gambling )
– Co-author in above publication of “Youth and Gambling: Should We be Concerned?”
Winter 2005/2006: addiction therapist with the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (SAMH) (Winter 2005/2006: Betting on the job)
2003-2004: identified in Ontario Association of Children’s Aid Societies Journal Winter 2003-2004 edition as an Addiction Therapist with the Problem Gambling Service and Trainer with the Problem Gambling Project. ( Father Hoskins – OACAS – Problem Gambling and Child Welfare ) The journal’s logo seems to be: “the voice of child welfare in ontario”?)
– Co-authored article in above publication “Problem Gambling and Child Welfare.”
1997, 1996, 1995: 200 Church St., address and phone number for St. Michael’s Cathedral, Toronto (Rector Father Samuel Bianco) (CCCD)
Working for Center for Addictions and Mental Health (CAMH) since 1995 ( Hoskins 2011 ZoomInfo Cached Page for RHO)
According to statement issued by the Diocese of Corner Brook and Labrador, (scroll down) Hoskins “has not been in priestly ministry since 1995.”
1994, 1993: St. Joseph RC Church on Leslie St., Toronto (Pastor Father Allan MacNeil) (CCCD)
1992, 1991: address for St. Ann RC Church, Brampton, Ontario (Pastor Father Paul A. Zimmer) (Archdiocese of Toronto) (CCCD)
1989: assisting at St Ann Roman Catholic Church, Brampton, ON (P, M))
1988: According to statement issued by the Diocese of Corner Brook and Labrador, (scroll down) Hoskins “left ministry in the former Diocese of St. George’s in 1988.”
1987 : appeal denied (L)
March 1987: granted leave to appeal his sentence (L)
1987: GUILTY sex assault 17-year-old male parishioner (M)
– St Francis Xavier Roman Catholic Church, St. Anthony, Newfoundland after reported for abuse of a boy in Stephenville ?
1985-86: St. Stephen RC Church, Stephenville, Newfoundland (Pastor Father Bernard Buckle – Father Buckle was charged August 2014) (CCCD)
1984: St. Stephen Roman Catholic Church, Stephenville. Newfoundland (Pastor Hilary Maher) ( “Changing roles” – pages from Decks awash 1984 re Catholicism in Stephenville)
MEDIA coverage and BLOG links
(scroll down for other full text media)
07 April 2016: Crown application in Hoskins sex trial postponed for a month
02 December 2014: Former priest Hoskins pleads not guilty to sex charges
02 December 2014: Former priest Hoskins pleads not guilty to sex charges
17 September 2014: Former priests facing charges
17 September 2014: Former priest ordered to stand trial for sexual assault charges” & VIDEO
16 September 2014: Former priest ordered to stand trial for sexual assault charges” & VIDEO
14 September 2014: Former priests facing charges
09 July 2014: BLOG Interesting
27 June 2014: BLOG Bounce your way around
19 January 2014: BLOG The dancing must stop
15 January 2014: BLOG Update
23 July 2013: BLOG Rescheduled
22 July 2013: BLOG Funeral
19 June 2013: BLOG He is NOT an ex-priest
03 June 2013: Former Stephenville Priest Pleads Not Guilty to Sexual Assault Charges
27 February 2013: Convicted sex offender has new charges from priesthood days
26 February 2013: New sex-related charges filed against man
19 October 1989: 200 recall Melissa at emotional funeral
Statement from the Diocese of Corner Brook and Labrador re Gary Hoskins
Diocese of corner-Brook and Labrador website shown as posted 01 March 2013 (Statement from the Diocese of Corner Brook and Labrador re Gary Hoskins) Yesterday charges were laid against Gary Hoskins related to allegations of sexual misconduct from his time of ministry as a priest in the former Diocese of St. George’s. Our thoughts and prayers are with all those who have been affected by these events. Any allegation of improper conduct by a priest is an extremely serious matter. The Diocese has cooperated fully with the local authorities and we ask any member of the public with information on this case to come forward to assist the RCMP with their investigation. The Diocese has developed extensive procedures to foster a safe environment for all the members of our faith community and has also developed a clear policy and procedure for replying to allegations of sexual misconduct. This policy can be found under “Policies”, the topic “Response to allegations of sexual misconduct”.
Statement from the Diocese of Corner Brook and Labrador re Gary Hoskins
Diocese of corner-Brook and Labrador website shown as posted 26 February 2013 Yesterday charges were laid against Gary Hoskins related to allegations of sexual misconduct from his time of ministry as a priest in the former Diocese of St. George’s. Any allegation of improper conduct by a priest is an extremely serious matter. The Diocese has cooperated fully with the local authorities and we ask any member of the public with information on this case to come forward to assist the RCMP with their investigation. Gary Hoskins left ministry in the former Diocese of St. George’s in 1988. He has not been in priestly ministry since 1995. It would be inappropriate for Diocesan officials to comment on the specifics of this case as it is currently a police matter. However, we must be clear in stating that any form of misconduct by personnel of the Catholic Church is unacceptable. The Diocese has developed extensive procedures to foster a safe environment for all the members of our faith community and has also developed a clear policy and procedure for replying to allegations of sexual misconduct. (This policy can be found on our diocesan website: under the heading “Policies”, the topic “Response to allegations of sexual misconduct”.) Our thoughts and prayers are with all those who have been affected by these events.
New sex-related charges filed against man Tue, 26 Feb, 2013
A man who was convicted of a sexual assault in the late 1980s has had two new charges filed against him.
The two sex-related charges against Gary Gerard Hoskins date back almost 20 years. Police said they believe the assaults took place between 1984 and 1986 in or near Stephenville. Hoskins was a Roman Catholic priest in that area at the time. His case was set over and will be back in court on March 25.
The Ottawa Citizen
12 June 1997
A former Roman Catholic priest has been given a nine-month conditional sentence for sexual assault. Gary Hoskins admitted to assaulting a 17-year-old boy in Newfoundland on two occasions in 1983. In 1987, Mr. Hoskins was sentenced to three months in jail for sexual assault against another teenage boy.
Canadian Press April 10, 1987 ST. JOHN’S, Nfld. (CP) In a split decision, the Newfoundland Supreme Court of Appeal ruled Thursday the jail term handed to a Roman Catholic priest convicted of sexual assault will stand. Rev. Gary Hoskins of Stephenville, Nfld., was convicted in February of the sexual assault of a 17‑year‑old male parishioner in July 1985. Hoskins pleaded guilty to inviting the youth to the priest’s residence after church service and approaching the youth from behind, putting his arms around him and thrusting himself against the youth. He also admitted to pulling the youth onto his lap and putting his hands on the youth’s genitals outside his clothing. In a two‑one decision, the court upheld a three‑month jail term, two year’s probation and an order to seek treatment. Mr. Chief Justice J. R. Goodridge said in a written decision that if Hoskins had not been in a position of trust, a jail term might not be necessary to act as a deterrence. “This is a case where deterrence . . . ranks ahead of rehabilitation,” he wrote. “And while both are important, it is also important that the message should go out to those people in positions of trust dealing with young people that, whatever their sexual preferences, they must not allow them to be satisfied at the expense of young children and unwilling partners.” In his dissenting opinion, Mr. Justice William Marshall said the degree of sexual involvement was “comparatively mild” and that the action warranted a suspended sentence and probation rather than a jail term.
New charges were laid laid today (Friday, 25 February) against Gary Hoskins today in a Stephenville, Newfoundland court.
According to a CBCHere and Now report Hoskins is out of the priesthood and working as a social worker in the Toronto area.
Hoskins first court appearance is scheduled for 25 March 2013. Hoskins, as you can see above, was recycled out of st. George’s Diocese (now Corner Brook and Labrador Newfoundland) and into the Archdiocese of Toronto, Ontario. This was after a 1987 guilty plea and was, yes indeed, under the watch of Raymond Lahey, then the Bishop of St. George’s – now disgraced and laicized for his penchant for child pornography and subsequent conviction.
There should be more in the news tomorrow.
Whoever spoke up – good for you! My thoughts and prayers are with you, as I know are those of so many others who follow the site
There is a small video clip on CBC Newfoundland and Labrador Here & Now worth a watch. It takes a minute or two to hone in on the clip but will give you an idea of what Gary Hoskins looks like, or at least what he looked like when he was still a priest and was charged in the late 80s (I believe that’s what the film footage is?).
Go to CBC Newfoundland and Labrador website Here & Now:
Click on “Here and Now – February 25, 2013 (the one with the two male and one female reporters). Once it’s playing, slide the view bar over until it’s around 55:12. And, there he is.
Yes, that picture (footage) of him is from his first charges many years ago.
There was nothing else on the news this evening.
Thanks MS.
Did you ever hear anything about what happened that prompted him to leave or be kicked out of the priesthood?
The next court date for ex-priest turned social worker and previously convicted molester Gary Hoskins is:
29 April 2013: 09:30 am, “for election and plea,” Stephenville, Newfoundland courthouse (35 Alabama Drive)
Wow. I see preist. Gary Hoskins is on charges aswell . And funny thing is he’s from saint George’s aswell , same place George smith and bishop lahey are from . 3 queers and pedophiles. I’m pretty sure there pretty good buddies. And tell me I’m wrong that that Catholic Church wasn’t a safe haven for those three to act out being a pedophile and hideing out that there homosexuals . I hope the wolves in prison devour them .
There is a difference between pedos and homosexuals that you seem to ignore. Derogatory words like “queer” add nothing to this site. I am not worried about homosexuals as that is a totally different issue than pedophiles. It’s the vermin labelled pedophiles that we abhor. I don’t have any issues with homosexuals, I count some as really good friends. Can you try to see the differentiation between the two as they are not the same thing. Thanks.
PJ, sometimes they can be both, it is a preference for the male – child or adult. It’s a grey area. When it is a female child, it also includes power and control over the vulnerable…and then we move to the most hideous…child pornography, used by men primarily, and women who sell their children in this industry to make money. The violence in child porn is an added level of criminality….unless the judges and lawyers and ministers of justice are paid to gloss over it. It could not be as big worldwide if that leniency and dismissal were not there.
Sylvia, Hoskins was sent to St. Anthony, NL after the accusations (and confrontation) of abuse in Stephenville, then later to a parish in Ontario, then I heard he left the priesthood willingly or was asked to leave. At one point there were rumors he was dead. Don’t know what parish but his name may be there still – as having served between 1988-98. He also could have been doing other work like prison chaplin, hospital chaplin, etc.
Then last year, from another priest, I heard he had “left the priesthood years ago”.
He is probably a good social worker in his own way as long as he leaves the boys alone.
It was known that there were several other boys who were abused in the St. George’s Diocese but they would/could not come forward at the time.
I hope it’s not too late for them.
MS: Sorry but the “preference” you refer to (boy or adult) does not fit 95% of homosexuals…when the “preference” is added and a boy is selected, then the individual is a pedophile…case closed. Now when you said “When it is a female child, it also includes power and control over the vulnerable”, you pissed me off. It doesn’t matter if the child is female or male…both include power and control over the vulnerable…you can’t be serious about this only applying to a girl.
THere in Canada this all boils down to legalities and what definition is used. As I have said in the past I now opt to refer to them all as predators and/or molesters.
I have discovered over the years that there are those who complain if a molester is identified as a paedophile when in fact he is a homosexual who molests teenage boys, and in that case the accusation is then that homosexuals are being equated to paedophiles and hence the person is homophobic.
And there are those who say that a paedophile is not a paedophile unless his victims are pre pubescent. And those who say that he is not a paedophile unless his victims are under 10. And those who say that the ‘magic’ age is 12. And those who say men who molest teens are ephebophiles, and those who say they are hebophiles, and some who say they are pederasts. And in each instance the definition depends on the expert.
So, I stick with molesters and predators. The fact is that there are priests who molest boys who also engage in sexual activity with adult females. And there are priest who molest young girls who engage in sexual activity with adult females. And there are priests who molest boys who also engage in sexual activity with adult males. And there are priests who molest boys who also engage in sexual activity with adult females. And there are priests who molest both boys and girls, but seem to prefer boys.
There are also priest who engage in ‘consensual’ sexual activity with adult females. And, there are priests who engage in ‘consensual’ sexual activity with adult males.
There are priests who sexually assault adult females, and priest who sexually assault adult males.
No priest should sexually abuse a child, nor should he sexually assault an adult.
Priests who are homosexual molest children. Priests who are heterosexual molest children.
Heterosexual or homosexual – priests are supposed to remain chaste, in other words, no sexual activity. They know that when they enter the seminary. They know that when they are ordained. Both heterosexually and homosexually active priests have been reported in the media.
I don’t know that this clarifies anything, but I do know that there is much confusion and angst over definitions, and that homosexuals are as capable of molesting teens and/or pre-teens as are heterosexuals, and that not all homosexuals molest, and that not all heterosexuals molest, and that no priest should be sexually active.
The main point I was making was with the assumption MS was making where there is only vulnerability when it is a girl…it’s the same issue if it’s a boy…believe me, I know.
Apologies. Understood now. Yes, you’re quite right PJ – boys are every bit as vulnerable, and most male victims will say that there is the added same-sex dimension which causes untold confusion.
Yes you are right pj, sorry if I had offended. Anyone .
PJ, you are right about the vulnerable part. It is about power and control and perversion, and anyone who is under the age of 16 should be considered a victim.
As I wrote that, I was thinking that a boy is not as easily intimidated as a girl thus making her more vulnerable. Women had to fight real hard to have any recognition in society and are still objectively seen as sexual pleasure for men…more seductive than men and men have used that excuse for abusing them…”she seduced me”..I have heard that perverted excuse even with respect to female children. That was my frame of mind when I wrote on April 2.
Sylvia, your description of the different labels is very true. It makes my head spin sometimes to see how new names/labels/groups are added every year. And the groups use the Human Rights Commission to justify it. Never thought we would use the Human Rights Commission to back up our sexual preference and justify every kind of behavior. Anyone can say any derogatory thing about a Christian or Jew and no one flinches, but dare we say it about a homosexual or any of the other labels or a Muslim and we’ll be dragged to court.
Anyway, I won’t rant about that. I’m sorry PJ for pissing you off. When anything is forced on us without our permission it is oppression, we are vulnerable and feel powerless.
Yes, Sylvia, it’s all about the “chastity” thing with priests….and nuns….and monks…which is what this Site was created for. But it doesn’t stop with them. Boy Scouts, sports groups, etc. the predators are where the children are.
And that is disturbing.
Thank you all for your good sharings and strong convictions. Most of us are in agreement. All of us care very much. God, give us courage to continue.
Thank you, Sylvia, for persevering; you do good work. It must be very tiring at times keeping the records straight. We appreciate you.
Gary Hoskins next court date is;
03 June 2013: 09:30 am, “for plea,” Stephenville, Newfoundland courthouse (35 Alabama Drive)
The next court date for ex-priest Gary Hoskins is:
22 July 2013: 09:30 am, to set date for preliminary inquiry (Stephenville, Newfoundland courthouse).
The preliminary inquiry is like a mini trial trial to determine if there is sufficient evidence to go to trial.
My thoughts and prayers are with the complainants.
There are a series of posts on another thread regarding Gary Hoskins and his time as a parish priest in Brampton. I am putting a link to those comments here so they don;t get overlooked
And, look what I found. I don’t know how I missed it before, but, I did:
09 April 1987: R v Hoskins – Newfoundland Court of Appeal, appeal of sentence denied
I have added it to the page.
Father Gary Hoskins has a one-day Preliminary Inquiry scheduled for 14 January 2014, 09:30 am, Stephenville, Newfoundland, courthouse.
Those who live in the area or within driving distance please please mark your calendar to attend.
Yes, because it’s a preliminary inquiry there will be a publication ban on the evidence, but it’s so very important that people are there to support the complainant, plus to know what the allegations are, and how they are defended in court. Not only that, but if people don’t show the message to the courts – true or false – is that no one is interested. So, please, mark your calendar 🙂
The next court date for Gary Hoskin is:
17 February 2104: 09:30 am, “to set a date,” Stephenville Newfoundland courthouse
This is on the heels of a preliminary hearing so looks like it is moving on toward trial. Please keep the complainant in your prayers
There is a preliminary hearing booked for Father Gary Hoskins:
16 September 2014: 09:30 am. Stephenville, Newfoundland courthouse (35 Alabama Drive)
The hearing is booked for one day.
As with most iof not all preliminary hearings there will probably be a ban on publication of testimony and evidence. That does not, however, mean, that the general public can not attend. The hearing is open to the public. I encourage those who can do so to attend these hearings, both to support the complainant, and to hear the evidence and know what transpires in the event that charges are thrown out.
Please keep the complainant in your prayers
Father Gary Hoskins has been ordered to stand trial:
17 September 2014: Former priest ordered to stand trial for sexual assault charges” & VIDEO
It will be a few weeks before his next court date is set and probably some months before trial. Please keep the complainant in your prayers.
(As you will see, the video clip also has an update on the the Father Bernard Buckle charges)
Father Gary Hoskins next court date is:
01 December 2014: 10 am, Corner Brook courthouse, Nfld, “first plea”
Most people will have anticipated that because Father Hoskins was committed to stand trial the next court date would be his trial date. That alas is rarely the case. There will probably another few courtdates before the actual trial date is set.
Please keep the complainant and his family in your prayers
Father Gary Hoskins did not appear in court in Corner Brook Newfoundland yesterday – his lawyer entered a ‘not guilty plea’ on Hoskin’s behalf.
02 December 2014: Former priest Hoskins pleads not guilty to sex charges
A reminder that, sad to say, Gary Hoskins is Father Gary Hoskins is still a priest in the Roman Catholic Church. I checked his status last June, so, unless things have changed in the past months, this convicted child molester is still a priest. I draw this to your attention only because Hoskins is referenced in this article as a “former priest” which conveys the impression that he has been defrocked. As I say, unless things have changed Gary Hoskins is still Father Gary Hoskins, – he is very much a priest, and he is very much a convicted child molester who was quietly recycled into a parish in the Archdiocese of Toronto in the late 80s.
Father Gary Hoskins’ next court date is:
02 March 2015: “to set a trial date,” Corner Brook, Newfoundland Superior Court ( (81 Mt. Bernard Avenue.)
Please keep the complainant in your prayers
Father Gary Hoskins next court date is:
01 June 2015: 10 am, “to set a trial date,” Corner Brook Superior Court (81 Mt. Bernard Avenue.), Corner Brook, Newfoundland
Please keep the complainant in your prayers
The next court date for Father Gary Hoskins is:
14 September 2015: 10 am, “to set trial date,” Corner Brook Superior Court (81 Mt. Bernard Avenue.), Corner Brook, Newfoundland
Please keep the complainants. in your prayers
The next court date for Father Gary Hoskins is:
14 September 2015: 10 am, “to set trial date,” Corner Brook Superior Court (81 Mt. Bernard Avenue.), Corner Brook, Newfoundland
Please keep the complainants in your prayers
A trial date has been set for Father Gary Hoskins. There is one court date preceding the trial date. Here are the dates:
15 March 2016: 10 am, application related to trial, Corner Brook Superior Court (81 Mt. Bernard Avenue.)
25 – 26 April 2016: 10 am, TRIAL, Corner Brook Superior Court (81 Mt. Bernard Avenue.)
Please keep the complainants in your prayers.
The next court date for Father Gary Hoskins is:
20 September 2016: 10 am, Crown to argue to present similar fact evidence, and new trial date to be set. Corner Brook Superior Court (81 Mt. Bernard Avenue.
Please keep the complainant in your prayers.
A new trial date has been set for Father Gary Hoskins:
21-24 March 2017: TRIAL, Corner Brook, NFLD Superior Court (81 Mt. Bernard Avenue.)
There is also another court date set for motions prior to trial:
30 November 2016: motions, Corner Brook, NFLD Superior Court (81 Mt. Bernard Avenue.)
Please keep the Father Hoskins victims and complainants in your prayers
Bad news for the complainant. The charges against Father Gary Hoskins were STAYED in February.
I wondered why there was no media coverage – called the courthouse to find out if the trial had perhaps been rescheduled and got the bad news.
The Crown is apparently appealing.
At this point, that is all I know .
Please keep the complainant in your prayers.
Something really stinks here…… how does someone with prior convictions have their charges stayed? If this is because the courts were taking too long then we should all be very angry! … but i am just getting into speculation.
I am guessing that that is probably it Joe – Charter right to a speedy trial violated. It could be something else, but I must say that I cringed when I saw that it has been four long years.
Best I say no more until I find out what is going on.
Our system needs to change ………. Why are there 4,5,6 or even more court appearances where absolutely nothing happens, before a plea is even entered? Are these court dates just to increase all the various lawyers involved’s billable hours? At the expense of justice! Sadly this seems, to me at least, to be the most likely case.