Jacques Faucher
Priest, Archdiocese of Ottawa, Ontario, Ordained 11 June 1960.
16 February 2017: sentenced to to 12 months house arrest and 18 months probation for sexually assaulting three altar boys in the 1970s. (acquitted on charges related to two complainants, with the judge saying that he did not discount their allegations, but there was reasonable doubt)
01 February 2017: Guilty plea to charge of breach of release conditions (he had paid at least 96 visits to a children’s swimming pool). Sentenced to 40 days in jail with credit for time served. (Faucher was incarcerated when the breach charges were laid. He had spent 28 days in jail when he was sentenced – he was out on or by 08 February)
Recent news
(Scroll down for links ot other media coverage and BLOGS)
16 February 2017: “House arrest for the ex-priest Jacques Faucher” & original French text
16 February 2017: BLOG Court news
16 February 2017: BLOG Sentencing?
16 February 2017: “Former priest Jacques Faucher given house arrest for molesting choir boys” & related article
19 January 2017: Ottawa priest convicted of molesting boys back in jail after allegedly visiting kids pool 96 times
14 November 2016: Archdiocese of Ottawa paid former altar boy $50,000 after sex abuse allegations
Jacques Faucher as he appeared as a school trustee in the 1970s. Faucher was initially charged with gross indecency and indecent assault on a male for a “series of inappropriate contacts” with the boy that are alleged to have occurred between 1971 and 1973.
Photograph by: File photo, Ottawa Citizen
Anyone with information about this incident or other incidents is asked to contact the Ottawa Police Service Sexual Assault/Child Abuse Unit at 613-236-1222, ext. 5944 or Phone Crime Stoppers at 613-233-8477 (TIPS) or toll free at 1-800-222-8477.
Archbishops and Auxiliaries of Ottawa Archdiocese from time of Father Faucher’s ordination
Archbishops of the Archdiocese of Ottawa: Marie-Joseph Lemieux, O.P. (29 June 1953 – 24 September 1966) ; Joseph-Aurèle Plourde (02 January 1967 – September 1989) ; Marcel André J. Gervais (Coadjutor Archbishop: 13 May 1989 – Archbishop: 27 Sep 1989 – 14 May 2007); Terrence Thomas Prendergast, S.J. (14 May 2007 – – )
Auxiliary Bishops: Paul-Émile Charbonneau (15 November 1960 – 21 May 1963); Joseph Raymond Windle (15 November 1960 to 23 Jan 1969); René Audet (21 May 1963 – 03 January 1968); John Michael Beahen (11 May 1977 to 14 March 1988); Gilles Bélisle (11 May 1977 – 19 August 1993); Frederick Joseph Colli (19 December 1994 – 02 February 1999); Paul Marchand, S.M.M. (31 May 1993 to 08 March 1999)
Legal Documents
21 March 2016: Reasons for Judgment re allowing testimony of some complainants at Father Jacques Faucher to be used as similar fact evidence at trial (English via google translation with original French text attached)
22 March 2016: Reasons for Judgment re allowing detective interview of Father Jacques Faucher into evidence at trial (English via google translation with original French text attached)
Media Coverage & BLOGS
16 February 2017: “House arrest for the ex-priest Jacques Faucher” & original French text
16 February 2017: BLOG Court news
16 February 2017: BLOG Sentencing?
16 February 2017: “Former priest Jacques Faucher given house arrest for molesting choir boys” & related article
13 February 2017: BLOG Has action been taken?
12 February 2017: BLOG Two courtdates this week
09 February 2017: BLOG Despite breach convicted clerical molester out and about again
26 January 2017: BLOG As always, we shall see
25 January 2017: BLOG Another ‘read it and weep’
24 January 2017: BLOG A thought….
23 January 2017: BLOG Why else would he go?
20 January 2017: BLOG Yes, eighty years old!
19 January 2017: Ottawa priest convicted of molesting boys back in jail after allegedly visiting kids pool 96 times
19 January 2017: Ottawa priest convicted of molesting boys back in jail after allegedly visiting kids pool 96 times
15 November 2016: BLOG Sickening isn’t it?
14 November 2016: Archdiocese of Ottawa paid former altar boy $50,000 after sex abuse allegations
05 October 2016: BLOG A ten minute rant/ ‘apology’
04 October 2016L BLOG Heard anything?
04 October 2016: ‘I ask forgiveness’: Ottawa priest makes courtroom apology for molesting boys
03 October 2016: BLOG Issues of justice
31 March 2016: BLOG They’ve known since 1998!
31 March 2016: BLOG Legal documents posted
30 March 2016: “Former Ottawa priest convicted of molesting altar boys in 1969-74” & related articles
30 March 2016: BLOG “Indefinitley”?
30 March 2016: BLOG Guilty!
29 March 2016: BLOG Another gambler?
26 March 2016: BLOG Verdict date set
22 February 2016: BLOG Court this week
19 February 2016: BLOG A little confusing
14 February 2016: BLOG An oxymoron?
09 February 2016: BLOG Six new charges against ex priest Grecco
07 February 2016: BLOG Court dates for this coming week…
14 April 2015: BLOG 75 charges and 40 + complainants!
12 February 2015: BLOG Links to some articles
10 February 2015: BLOG New dates
09 February 2017: BLOG Friends of Father Steve
06 February 2016: BLOG Trial date set for September
05 February 2015: BLOG He’s still in Iqaluit
01 February 2015: BLOG Court this week
13 January 2015: BLOG London Diocese priest disputing charges
19 December 2014: BLOG He’s a deacon!
05 November 2914: BLOG Priest faces 12 charges
04 November 2014: BLOG Mark calendars
30 October 2014: BLOG Last witness on stand
29 October 2014: BLOG Updates
19 January 2014: BLOG The dancing must stop
17 January 2014: BLOG GUILTY: A merciful end to a difficult week
15 January 2014: BLOG Update
12 January 2014: BLOG Busy week in court
13 December 2013: BLOG Enjoy
11 December 2013: BLOG Good coverage
09 December 2913: BLOG He’s only human?
10 October 2013: BLOG A few updates
08 October 2013: BLOG Church organist from Archdiocese of Kingston facing sex charges
07 October 2013: BLOG Find out what’s happening
16 September 2013: BLOG Updates
10 September 2013: BLOG Unsatisfactory conclusion?
28 May 2013: BLOG Special prayers
27 May 2013: BLOG May he rest in peace
02 April 2017: BLOG Back to “Quam Bonum”
12 March 2013: BLOG Reminder
11 March 2013: BLOG Courtdate tomorrow
15 February 2013: BLOG He’s out and about
14 February 2013: BLOG Another
Scroll to bottom of page for listing of court dates
The following information is drawn from copies of the Canadian Catholic Church Directories (CCCD) which I have on hand, the 1980 Ontario Catholic Church Directory (OCD80), the June 2010 edition of Catholic Ottawa (CO10), 14 Nov, ’16 Ottawa Citizen (Citizen) and media (M).
16 February 2017: sentenced to to 12 months house arrest and 18 months probation for sexually assaulting three altar boys in the 1970s.
08 February 2017: spotted out about and heading for home
01 February 2017: Guilty plea to breach charge. Sentenced to 40 days in jail. At that time had already spent 28 days in jail. He was spotted out and about one week later.
25 January 2017: Scheduled decision (on sentence) delayed until 16 February 2017 (M)
January 2017: arrested and jailed for breach of release conditions (visited children’s section of swimming pool 96 times in 13 months). Charged under Section 145 (03) a of the Criminal Code of Canada (M)
Failure to comply with condition of undertaking or recognizance
(3) Every person who is at large on an undertaking or recognizance given to or entered into before a justice or judge and is bound to comply with a condition of that undertaking or recognizance, and every person who is bound to comply with a direction under subsection 515(12) or 522(2.1) or an order under subsection 516(2), and who fails, without lawful excuse, the proof of which lies on them, to comply with the condition, direction or order is guilty of
30 March 2016: convicted on charges related to three of five complainants – Judge Pierre Roger acquitted Faucher on charges related to two complainants, saying that he did not discount their allegations, but there was reasonable doubt. (M)
08 February – : three week trial scheduled – ran for about 2!/2 weeks
December 2014: Father Jacques Faucher has been committed to stand trial in Ontario Superior court of Justice on 7 counts of gross indecency and 7 counts if indecent assault. (M)
28 May 2013: there are now 28 charges. (M)
01 March or 28 February 2013: new charges laid. Released on bail. (M)
– further six charges laid after police investigated allegations of four more complainants. There are now five complainants and eight charges.
14 February 2013: Out after posting $3,000 bail with a number of conditions. (M) According to CBC report, “Faucher is not to have contact with the victim or their family, is not be with a child under 16 years old without the supervision of the child’s parent or guardian and is not allowed to frequent pools, libraries, parks, schools —and other places where there are children. He also cannot possess an electronic device such as a computer, cell phone or camera.”
13 February 2013: Charged (M)
charged with one count each of gross indecency and indecent assault on a male. The allegations date to 1971-1973 and involve a seven-year-old boy.
2012, 2011, 2010: address in Aylmer, Quebec listed as Gatineau but is actually in Aylmer, Quebec) (CCCD)
2012: “alleged” victim who received $50,000 cheque from Ottawa Archdiocese in 1998 goes to police after hearing that Faucher was participating at a Mass in Aylmer Quebec (Was this St. Mark’s? Does anyone know?.)
2011: Following a review of files of clergy alleged to have committed sexual misconduct, Ottawa’s Archbishop Terrence Prendergast “removed Faucher’s privileges to represent himself as a priest.” Prendergast also notified the Archdiocese of Gatineau. (Citizen) (He was “removed from ministry in 1999, but did not have his faculties revoked???))
2002, 2000: 3 – 129 Catharine St., Ottawa, Ontario (CCCD) 613-683-3266
2000: Archdiocese of Ottawa’s first full-time ecumenical representative
1999, 1998, 1997, 1996, 1995, 1994, 1993, 1992, 1991: Pastor, Christ-Roi Roman Catholic Church, Ottawa(CCCD)
1999: Father Faucher was removed from ministry and assigned to, “ecumenical and interreligious affairs ” allegedly to keep him away from children. (Citizen)
20 September 1999: Faccher letter to “alleged” victim apologizing re allegations of “inappropriate gestures.” He did not admit to or deny the allegations. (Citizen)
02 December 1998: after the Ottawa Archdiocese conducted an ‘internal investigation’ former altar boy received a $50,000 cheque from the archdiocese. According to the Ottawa Citizen, while acknowledging that “alleged abuser” committed the abuse, the diocese denied any liability. Furthermore
The release form said the payment was a voluntary gesture made “in a spirit of compassion and justice” so that the complainant could get the help he needed “to relieve him from the trauma, anxiety, and other damages.”
The ‘alleged” ‘victim’ was “banned from discussing the terms of the settlement or the amount with anyone except professional advisers, caregivers and his immediate family.” (Citizen)
1997: letter from former altar boy to Archbishop Marcel Gervais alleging abuse by Father Faucher and asking that the priest be “terminated immediately” (Citizen)
1990: Appointed by Archbishop Marcel Gervais to Ste-Jeanne d’Arc and Christ-Roi
1989: appointed by Archbishop Plourde to serve as Pastor at Christ-Roi. (Does this mean he was gone from Christ-Roi for a spell and then was re-assigned by Archbishop Plourde? Or is it just a re-appointment? I have no directories for that period and therefore no means right now of knowing what he was doing between approximately 1986 and 1989. I will keep hunting. If anyone can fill in the gaps please contact me at:
1985-1986, 1980: Pastor, Christ-Roi, Ottawa (OCD & CCCD)
1985: President of Daybreak’s 12-member board of directors. Daybreak, founded in 1982, was a non-profit, ecumenical housing service run by nine downtown Ottawa churches (M)
1982: Worked with United Church minister Bob Percival to found Daybreak, a non-profit, ecumenical housing service which was run by nine downtown Ottawa churches (M)
1978: Trustee with the Ottawa Board of Education (M)
1973-1974: Pastor Notre-Dame-des-Saints, Lyndale Ave., Ottawa (CCCD)
1971-72: Assisting at Notre-Dame-des-Anges, Lyndale Ave., Ottawa (Pastor Father Bertrand Levasseur) (CCCD)
In charge of archdiocese’s Marriage Preparation program (CCCD)
1968-69: index lists him at Ottawa University (CCCD)
1967: St. Thomas Aquinas Roman Catholic Church, Ottawa (CCCD) (Pastor Father Emile Latendresse)
License of Theology from l’Institut catholique de Paris (CO1o)
11 June 1960: ORDAINED
26 September 1936: Born in Ottawa, Ontario. Baptised in Notre Dame Cathedral, Ottawa (CO10)
MEDIA coverage and BLOGS
02 March 2013: More sex-related charges for Ottawa priest
01 March 2013: “Six new sex abuse charges for retired Catholic priest” & related articles
01 March 2013: Ottawa priest faces new sex assault charges
15 February 2013: BLOG He’s out and about
14 February 2013: Retired priest released on bail on charge of sex assault on seven-year-old boy in 1970s
24 February 2013: Ottawa Citizen picture of Father Jacques Faucher leaving the Ottawa courthouse
14 February 2013: The ex-priest Jacques Faucher released (google translation of French article)
14 February 2013: Retired priest accused in sexual assault released on bail
14 February 2013: Archbishop Prendergast Press Relase re sex abuse charges against Father Jacques Faucher
07 April 2012: Daybreak saving lives for nearly 30 years; Agency helps those on society’s margins
27 November 2002: PM has helped Christian-Muslim dialogue in nation’s capital
23 January 2000: Church services focus on Christian unity
23 June 1990: 11 ordained deacons to serve local parishes
15 July 1989: Plourde announces diocesan changes
28 October 1985: Churches’ plan helps create housing for Ottawa’s poor
Ottawa police charge retired priest with sex abuse
The Ottawa Citizen
By Zev Singer, OTTAWA CITIZEN February 13, 2013

Jacques Faucher is facing two charges related to the alleged sexual assault of a boy in the early 1970s. (CBC)
OTTAWA — Ottawa police have charged a 76-year-old retired priest with the alleged sex abuse of a 7-year-old boy in the early 1970s.
Jacques Faucher, of Gatineau, was arrested Wednesday and will appear in court Thursday for a bail hearing. He is charged with gross indecency and indecent assault on a male. The “series of inappropriate contacts” between the Roman Catholic priest and the boy is alleged to have occurred between 1971 and 1973.
Police say the investigation, which began in November 2012, is ongoing and they ask anyone with information about the alleged incident or other incidents to contact the Ottawa Police Service Sexual Assault/Child Abuse Unit at at 613-236-1222, ext. 5944 or Crime Stoppers at 613-233-8477 (TIPS) or toll free at 1-800-222-8477.
Ottawa Police charge a retired priest
Ottawa Police Service website
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Wednesday, February 13, 2013 5:48 pm
(Ottawa) — The Ottawa Police Service Sexual Assault and Child Abuse Section charged a 76- year- old Gatineau man with one count each of gross indecency and indecent assault on a male.
An investigation was commenced in November 2012 into a series of inappropriate contacts between a Roman Catholic Priest and a 7 -year-old boy that occurred in Ottawa between 1971 and 1973.
Jacques FAUCHER, age 76 of Gatineau was arrested on February 13, 2013. He will appear in court on February 14 for a bail hearing.
The investigation is ongoing.
Anyone with information about this incident or other incidents is asked to contact the Ottawa Police Service Sexual Assault/Child Abuse Unit at 613-236-1222, ext. 5944 or Phone Crime Stoppers at 613-233-8477 (TIPS) or toll free at 1-800-222-8477.
The NCC’s proposed demolition of Sussex Drive buildings is “mean-spirited”: Aubin
Posted by Trevor Pritchard on Monday, September 17, 2012
As the city’s heritage committee prepares to consider the proposed demolition of two Sussex Drive homes, the head of the neighbourhood’s community association is accusing the NCC of having “no regard” for Ottawa’s history.
In a harshly-worded letter to the Ottawa Built Heritage Advisory Committee, Lowertown Community Association president Marc Aubin says that the staff report [PDF] recommending the demolition of 273 and 275–279 Sussex is “purposefully misleading,” failing to—among other problems—properly outline the historical significance of the two homes, the former residents of which include Lowertown historian Jacques Faucher and, most prominently, former governor general Adrienne Clarkson.
The NCC, which expropriated the property, approved the homes’ demolition in June 2012, according to the staff report. The top-left photo is of 273 Sussex, which was built in 1946; at top-right are the rowhouses that make up 275-279 Sussex, built between 1903 and 1905. The demolition is part of a project to improve Sussex between St. Patrick Street and King Edward Avenue, one that would see the street widened and new bike lanes added in both directions to a curved stretch near Bolton and Cathcart Streets.
But as Aubin makes clear in his letter, he doesn’t believe the NCC properly cares for Lowertown’s history:
Sadly, what hurts the most in this file is the mean-spirited approach of the NCC. Despite all pleas for compassion, it has taken its all too often high and mighty path and ignored Lowertown. It has easily disregarded that our emotional attachment to these buildings contributes to our identity as a community. Instead, it would like to create a small piece of Lebreton Flats at the corner of Sussex and Bolton Street to remind us they have not really changed. They still have no regard for the history of Ottawa or the residents that live here. They have no interest in preserving the history of immigrants to Canada or French-Canadians; a former female and Chinese Governor General; a French-Canadian historian; or a pioneering working immigrant woman—a widowed Sicilian mother of 7 children who owned and operated a successful fruit business in Lowertown for over 50 years. This is a shameful disregard and I could not think of a better example where a compromise was absolutely necessary to preserve heritage buildings.
The “widowed Sicilan mother” is presumably Rosina Mandia, whose family operated a “fruit business that thrived for years at the corner of St. Patrick and Dalhousie in Lowertown West,” writes Aubin. Neither Clarkson—who told Your Ottawa Region in April about her memorable childhood at 277 Sussex—nor Faucher appear in the report, aside from an earlier letter penned by Aubin and affixed at the end. Mandia’s name is completely absent.
In today’s letter, Aubin also argues that, as a rare example of a relatively intact French-Canadian working class neighbourhood from the late 19th and early 20th centuries, Lowertown and its buildings are “much greater than the sum of their parts.” The staff report also conflates heritage and transportation issues, and that OBHAC should only be asked to focus on heritage concerns.
Whatever the heritage committee decides about the two properties, planning committee and city council will still have final say. The committee meeting takes place today at 6 p.m.
Aubin’s letter makes the following reference to Jacques Faucher:
Jacques Faucher
The report also fails to mention Jacques Faucher. This French-Canadian, who’s family
lived in the rowhouse for a number of years, recently released a locally sensational book on growing up in and the history of Lowertown, Les chemins de la mémoire
. Mr. Faucher has been responsible, in a large way, for a renewed interest by Ottawa’s francophone community in the important history of Lowertown and their place in that history. Once again, does the City and NCC have no regard for the history of French-Canadians and their Lowertown?
Peace Dream
The Ottawa Citizen
Letters tot he Editor
12 February 2003
The Iraq Dilemma
Is it a dream or Utopia? Around a table, I am part of a group discussing the probable impact of a joint visit to Baghdad by Pope John Paul II, Rowan Williams, the archbishop of Canterbury, and Orthodox patriarch Bartholomeos I of Constantinople.
They would not go there to uphold the actual regime, but to stand as human shields for the ordinary people of Iraq, who are in large majority Muslim.
Suddenly I hear a ring. I pick up my cellphone, assuming the call confirms that a representative of all the living Nobel Peace Prize winners is willing to join these three Christian leaders in their venture.
Unfortunately, the ringing was my morning alarm clock, calling me up for another day. How sad.
Jacques Faucher,
Excerpt from “Lowertown West: workers’ paradise lost Series: Neighbours in Transition”
The Ottawa Citizen
20 March 1993
Patrick Dare
“….Lowertown didn’t have money, didn’t have clout. All it had was lots of people, living in modest houses. King Edward Avenue, where Bordeleau still lives, was once a grand boulevard lined with elm trees, narrow lanes for traffic and a long park in the centre of the avenue. It was King Edward and the Minto bridges, not Sussex Street, that royalty travelled on the way to Rideau Hall.
“John Bingham, who lives on Boteler Street in the house built by his grandfather in 1897, says Lowertown life revolved around Notre-Dame Basilica for the French-speakers and St. Brigid’s for the English-speakers. There were plays, musical reviews and sleigh rides.
“Four schools operated in Lowertown. Two of them, Guigues and Routhier, had 800 students each, says Father Jacques Faucher, a third-generation Lowertown resident. “Everybody knew each other. It was a healthy neighborhood.
“Business bustled. There was a railway station in use until the 1960s. Faucher remembers the successful Bourque family getting its start in business by hauling ice from the river with horse teams.
“Families were big; Faucher was one of eight children. There wasn’t much money but there were a lot of community events, like a skating rink with lights and loudspeakers in the 1940s. “It was a focal point for our lives. This is where boys met girls, says Faucher.”
[According to a later correction, Father Faucher was one of nine children, not eight as stated above]
French school board
The Toronto Globe and Mail
Letters tot he Editor
09 March 1978
Ottawa ON — We were most dismayed to read a feature article in your paper (Ottawa Asks for First French School Board – Feb. 25) which gave neither a fair nor an accurate picture of the situation.
There is not a recess at Charlebois – it is a high school. More important, the principal was not reprimanded by the board because he instructed pupils to speak French outside the classrooms. Since 1971, French-language schools have operated under a board policy allowing access to all those students who can and will converse in French both in and out of class. The principal of Charlebois operates his school under this policy, which also says that Anglophone students must be willing to put forth a maximum effort.
Eighty-five per cent of Carleton’s pupils do not attend Ottawa schools.
We would like to comment, in passing, on the quote about French culture being swamped – a fashionable position. People make choices about where they live and what they enjoy. A short while ago it was fashionable to deplore the swamping of Canadian culture by American imports – usually via a magazine or television screen. But even English professors cannot ensure that their pupils read Canadian.
There is opposition to a French-language board. We are part of it.
Francophone students are not the least scattered. The policies of the four area boards, public and separate, provide for homogenous educational milieux fashioned to reflect the image of the Franco-Ontarian community. Educational leadership is provided by Franco-Ontarian school principals and staff.
At the level of senior administration, Franco-Ontarian superintendents evaluate the teaching personnel and propose candidates to management positions.
Each French-language high school has an advisory committee where parents, students and teachers share in promoting activities in relation to the cultural aspirations of the community. Programs are also offered to the adults in the field of continuing education. In neighborhoods that are predominantly Anglophone, French-language schools, primary and secondary, have thus increasingly become the focus of cultural, social and recreational activities.
In numerous neighborhoods where Francophone families are in a minority, these schools could be compared to green houses offering a type of sheltered climate for the growth of young people who need to identify with their own specific cultural heritage. Everybody agrees that this challenge is not easy to meet.
In the Ottawa-Carleton area, these educational services have been built up over the years by boards of trustees of various linguistic backgrounds and diverse religious affiliation, operating under the Statues of Ontario.
A majority of French and English trustees working together have made it possible, through mutual respect and greater understanding. We consider this experience of political leadership in education, in a pluralistic format, as a plus on the Ontario scene.
Mary Gilmour
Jacques Faucher
Trustees, Ottawa Board of Education
COURT Dates leading up to and including those for conviction and sentencing
(As court dates come and go they are scored out, but left for future reference)
Next court appearance (on breach charges): 13 February 2017: 09:30 am, courtroom #5, Gatineau. Quebec (17 Rue Laurier)
Next court appearance (on sex abuse charges): 16 February 2017: 2 pm, decision, Ottawa Ontario courthouse (161 Elgin St.); 25 January 2017: 2 pm, decision, Ottawa Ontario courthouse (161 Elgin St.); 04 October 2016: 2 pm, 10 am, sentencing, Ottawa Ontario courthouse (161 Elgin St.); 17 June 2016: Assignment court (this must be related to his sentencing hearing?) Ottawa Ontario courthouse (161 Elgin St.); 08 February 2016: 10 am, TRIAL, (Accused/Accused M-Z- scheduled for three weeks; 10 September 2015: 10 am, for motion, Ottawa Ontario courthouse (161 Elgin St.) ; 05 February 2015: assignment court (Superior Court of Justice), Ottawa Ontario courthouse (161 Elgin St.) ; 05 December 2014: committed to stand trial in Ontario Superior cort of Justice on 7 counts of gross indecency and 7 counts if indecent assault. ; 07 November 2014: 1:30 pm, courtroom #1, judge to render decision re evidence at preliminary hearing, Ottawa Ontario courthouse (161 Elgin St.) ; 29-30 October 2014: PRELIMINARY HEARING 10 am, courtroom #14, Ottawa Ontario courthouse (161 Elgin St.) ; 11 March 2014: 08:30 am, courtroom #5, “to be spoken to,” Ottawa Ontario courthouse (161 Elgin St.); 14 January 2014: 08:30 am, courtroom #5, “to be spoken to” Ottawa Ontario courthouse (161 Elgin St.) ; 10 December 2013: 08:30 am, courtroom #5, “to be spoken to” Ottawa Ontario courthouse (161 Elgin St.) ; 08 October 2013: 08:30 am, courtroom #5, “to be spoken to” Ottawa Ontario courthouse (161 Elgin St.) ; 10 September 2013: 08:30 am, courtroom #5, “to be spoken to,” Ottawa Ontario courthouse (161 Elgin St.); 08:30 am, courtroom #5, “to be spoken to,” Ottawa Ontario courthouse (161 Elgin St.); 02 April 2013: 08:30 am, courtroom #5, “to be spoken to,” Ottawa Ontario courthouse (161 Elgin St.); 12 March 2013: Ottawa Ontario courthouse; 14 February 2013: $3,000 bail posted
Scroll down for links to MEDIA coverage and BLOGS
Reverend Jacques Faucher
[Text from pp 12-13, “Jubilarians 2010” in the June 2010 Catholic Ottawa Newsletter]
Fr. Jacques Faucher was born on September 26, 1936 and ordained to the priesthood on June 11, 1960 in Notre Dame Cathedral, the parish of his baptism. After obtaining a License in Theology from l’Institut catholique de Paris, he served in the following parishes: Notre Dame-des-Anges, Saint-Louis-Marie-de‑Montfort, Sainte-Jeanne-d’Arc and Christ-Roi. In addition, Father Faucher taught at the Grand Séminaire and was actively involved in the field of education, notably teaching catechism in several high schools. Father Faucher also served on the French Language Consultative Committee of the Ottawa School Board and as a School Trustee, and was active in the ecumenical and inter-religious dialogue. Other areas of interest and service include: the Catholic Immigration Centre, the Rooming Houses Ecumenical Corporation for low income people, « Daybreak Nouveau Départ », the United Way of Ottawa, the Club Richelieu and Coopérative Radio-Ville Marie Outaouais. Since 2006, Fr. Faucher had been a member of the Anglican/Roman Catholic Canadian Dialogue.
Father Jacques Faucher’s next court date is:
02 April 2013, 08:30 am, courtroom #5, “to be spoken to,” Ottawa Ontario courthouse (161 Elgin St.)
Father Jacques Faucher’s courtdate of yesterday (02 April ’13) was adjourned to 28 May 2013. Here are the details:
28 May 2013: 08:30 am, courtroom #5, “to be spoken to.”
Those who have been following such charges on Sylvia’s Site know now that it will probably be at least a year before there is date set for either a preliminary hearing or a trial. (I say probably because there is I suppose possibility of change :))
Keep the complainants in your prayers, and remember too all those who may be struggling to find the courage and strength to come forward, be it with allegations against Father Faucher or against any other priest.
The next court date for Father Jacques Faucher is:
10 September 2013: 08:30 am, “to be spoken to,” court room # 5, Ottawa courthouse.
There are now a total of 28 charges against Father Faucher. I don’t know how many complainants have come forward
Hello Sylvia any news on this case Jacques Faucher?
I will check tomorrow for sure Tasha.
So what’s the story on Father Faucher ? Is he trying to buy his way out ?
In Ontario it takes a minimum of one year from the time charges are laid until either trial or a guilty plea – in the majority of cases it more like 18 months to two years. Right now the charges are lumbering their way through the system .
Father Jacques Faucher’s next courtdate is:
10 December 2013: 08:30 am, courtroom #5, “to be spoken to” Ottawa Ontario courthouse (161 Elgin St.)
Qu,est -il arrivé le 10 dec 2013 , si vous avez des information s.v.p. communiquer
les moi.
I am waiting for a call back JJ. As soon as I find out I will post the information
The next courtdate for Father Jacques Faucher is:
14 January 2014: 08:30 am, courtroom #5, Ottawa Ontario courthouse, “to be spoken to”
My mother,father and grandmother were great friends with Father Faucher he use to visit them a lot needless to say my Mother was devasted to learn that her beloved preist and freind is a pedophile,my father and grandmother are dead she’s glad that they will never know.
The case is still before the courts and moving toward trial Eve. We will have to wait to see what the outcome is.
Yes I know all very discouraging , all the trauma people go through and in the end the perpetrator receives next to nothing in punishment but I still think it will be worth it to come forward just a few more things to look after and I will do what I should have done years ago, actually it should have been done for me but it’s up to me now.
I think we should wait before accusing and condemming someone. And for those that have truly been abused justice will be done. For those who are taking an opportunity to attack someone falsly shame on you. Thank you Sylvia for the site and keeping us informed.
I’m all for not judging people. I hope that applies universally: not jumping to condemn untried perpetrators, but not declaring them innocent before the trial, either, as well as not judging victims who speak up as having made false accusations before their stories have been heard.
I do wish I shared your certainty that those who have been molested will see justice done. I fear that, as this site too often demonstrates, the legal system and the RC bureaucracy still have a long way to go before that might become true.
B — We are told to not judge, which includes judging them innocent, or judging them guilty.
Many people think it only applies to the guilty part.
Exactly; this point is too often overlooked!
A preliminary hearing has been set for Father Jacques Faucher:
29 October 2014: PRELIMINARY HEARING 10 am, courtroom #14, Ottawa Ontario courthouse (161 Elgin St.)
I don’t as yet know how many days are booked for the hearing – will follow through on that next week.
A reminder that the charges against Father Faucher were laid 13 February 2013.
This is incredible the delay!!! I still believe do not condemn before hearing the truth!! How strange that we always get scandals during Christmas and Easter! Sylvia great job, very sad for the TRUE victims and VERY sad for the falsely accused!!
The decision as to whether or not there is sufficient evidence to go to trial will be rendered by the judge on Friday, 07 November 2014, at 2 pm, Ottawa courthouse.
Just double-checked on Friday’s court date. I was told the start time is 1:30 pm in courtroom #1. So,
Friday, 07 November 2014, at 1:30 pm, Ottawa courthouse (161 Elgin St., Ottawa, ON)
Father Jacques Faucher has been committed to stand trial in Ontario Superior cort of Justice on 7 counts of gross indecency and 7 counts if indecent assault.
His next court date is 05 December. That is NOT trial date – it will be a number of months, perhaps even a year or more before the case goes to trial.
Aa always, keep the complainants in your prayers.
An addendum to the above – the 05 courtdate is for “assignment court” – this will basically starting the process of moving the case to trial in the Ontario Superior Court of Justice. As I say, it takes time. It feels a little like starting all over again – that’s not reality, but its the way it feels. People think once a judge rules an accused is committed to stand trial the trial is just around the corner. That’s rarely the case.
And a reminder that at any point along the way to trial Father Faucher could decide to plead guilty
I am double checking info I received re these charges
Father Jacques Faucher’s next court date is:
06 February 2015: Assignment Court, (Superior Court of Justice), Ottawa Ontario courthouse (161 Elgin St.)
Unfortunately I was unable to get the start time – it will probably be 08:30 am or 09:00 am.
Please keep the complainants in your prayers.
Father Jacques Faucher’s next courtdate is:
10 September 2015: 10 am, for motion, Ottawa Ontario courthouse (161 Elgin St.)
Father Jacques Faucher’s trial date has been set:
08 – 26 February 2016: TRIAL, Ottawa Ontario courthouse (161 Elgin St.)
Note that the trial has been booked for three weeks.
Yes, a long wait for the complainants. That’s another full year. (Faucher was charged 13 February 2013)
Please keep the complainants in your prayers.
For those who plan to attend, the trial on Monday 08 February 2016 will start at 10 am. Alas, unless you speak or understand French, you will probably be lost. I believe that the trial will, like the preliminary hearing, be conducted entirely in French.
I encourage those who are bilingual to attend as many days of the trial as you can, both to be there to support the complainants and their families, and to follow the trial itself.
Please keep the complainants in your prayers.
how come the media are not informing us ?
I don’t know j.j. It could be financial (cost of assigning a reporter for more than two weeks) or could be lack of interest. Whatever the case, its terrible terrible shame.
I have heard that the verdict will be rendered 30 March. I will check that out tomorrow and once confirmed will post the information above along with start time.
The Father Jacques Faucher sex abuse trial finished some time this week. The verdict will be rendered Wednesday 30 March 2016:
30 March 2016: 09:30 am, VERDICT, Ottawa Ontario courthouse (161 Elgin St.)
Please keep the victims in your prayers.
Was there a publication ban on this trial?
I don’t know if there was a publication ban or not, but I highly doubt it Jacques. There is usually always a ban on the name and identities of the complainants, but NOT on testimony and evidence. Usually the only ban during trial is on the name of the complainants. On the other hand, preliminary hearings, which frequently precede trials, usually always have publication bans on names of complainants AND all evidence and testimony. However, once the trial begins the ban usually remains only on the name and identities of the complainants.
If you are wondering why there has been no coverage on the trial I think, alas, it’s because there was no media in the courtroom to report.
Once it’s all over I will try to find out what happened at trial, and I will do my best to get information posted on Sylvia’s Site. I must, however, wait until the verdict has been rendered, and. if the verdict is ‘guilty,’ until after sentencing.
Can anyone answer Jacques’ question?
Is it possible it flew under the radar and they all missed it? I look at the french media reporting from 2013 and they all had a piece on Father Faucher.
Yes, it’s possible they missed it jacques. In light of recent media cutbacks it’s also possible that a decision was made that it would be too expensive to send a reporter for the duration. But, they surely could have sent some to cover a few fours here and there?
Perhaps some of you could contact the French media and urge them to cover on 30 March when the verdict will be pronounced?
Will do, I will report back if I get a response.
Well it appears they all missed the boat. Of the few responses I’ve received, nobody explains why they weren’t covering it but that they would be there on the 30th.
Well done Jacques!
Quels sont les resultats de sa derniere parution en cour ?
Quel est le verdict ? Est-il en prison ou en psychiatrie ?
Quand sera le verdict final ?
C,est une histoire tellement triste, demandons a Dieu d,avoir pitié de ses victimes et de Jacques Faucher lui meme.
Google translation of above:
What are the results of his last court appearance ?
What’s the verdict ? Is he in jail or psychiatry ?
When will the final verdict ?
Thank you
It is such a sad story , ask God has d, have mercy on his victims and even Jacques Faucher him.
I just checked with courthouse re Father Faucher’s next court and was given the following:
17 June 2016: Assignment Court, Ottawa Ontario courthouse (161 Elgin St.)
I thought the next court date was to be a sentencing hearing? I will have to check further on this. When I learn more I will post,
Please keep the victims in your prayers
The next court date for Father Faucher is:
25 January 2017: 2 pm, decision, Ottawa Ontario courthouse (161 Elgin St.)
I believe that will be the judge’s decision regarding sentencing. Please mark your calendars, and please keep the victims in your prayers.
And, speaking of Father Faucher, here’s another story of circling the wagons and cover-up, this one relevant to none other than Father (YES, alas, he’s still a priest) Jacques Faucher. Read it and weep:
14 November 2016: Archdiocese of Ottawa paid former altar boy $50,000 after sex abuse allegations
How terrible sad that there was not a guilty verdict on the charges stemming from the allegations of the “alleged” victim who first reported Faucher to the Ottawa Archdiocese. Some years later, after concluding that Father Faucher was still functioning as a a priest, he was contacted police. He was the first to do so. Others then drew strength from his strength and came forward. Without the courage and concern of that first victim this wolf in sheep’s clothing may never have been exposed for what he is. A heart felt thank you to that victim.
Please keep all the Father Faucher victims in your prayers.
Here are the details regadring Father Jacques Faucher’s next court date on the new breach of recognizance charge:
13 February 2017: 09:30 am, courtroom #5, Gatineau. Quebec (17 Rue Laurier)
And, a reminder that tomorrow the judge at Faucher’s sex abuse trial will render his decision on sentencing:
Wednesday, 25 January 2017: 2 pm, decision, Ottawa Ontario courthouse (161 Elgin St.)
Please keep the victims in your prayers.
The decision on sentencing of Father Jacques Faucher was not rendered yesterday. The judge will render his decision 16 February 2017. Here then are the details for the next court date set for the judge to render the decision:
Monday, 16 February 2017: 2 pm, decision, Ottawa Ontario courthouse (161 Elgin St.)
That means the decision will be rendered three day after Faucher appears in a Gatineau Quebec court to answer to his new breach charges.
This has been a long ‘journey’ in pursuit of justice. It started in February 2013. That’s right: 2013. Four long years ago. Thankfully the case eventually made it to trial and conviction!
Please keep the victims in your prayers.
Hopefully the delay results in a lengthier sentence, as it appears obvious he has no remorse and has not learned his lesson.
Thanks Sylvia for your tireless and much appreciated efforts to shine the spotlight on these monsters who live among us.
Thank you. Like you, I hope the delay will mean lengthier sentence. We shall see…
A very disappointing judgement rendered today in Ottawa court… 12 months house arrest, then 18 months probation. The Ottawa Citizen has an article about it now.
Not what his victims were hoping for, I’m sure.
Yes, Concerned, I posted two articles here. I am sure it is not at all what his victims were hoping for. I think that they, like all of us, were hoping that JUSTiCE would be done. not what his victims were hoping for . I call this crumbs from under the table. The victims and all others are supposed to rejoice that this wolf in sheep’s clothing was convicted – identified as the wolf in sheep’s clothing that he is. What about justice?
True enough, That’s the first step, but Where oh where is the justice! The fact that he is 80 years old is irrelevant Well, no, perhaps not, – does his age that not speak to the very fact that this priest spent his entire priesthood manipulating and deceiving the flock? Why should a lifetime of lies and deception and cover-up warrant such charity from the bench? I think it would do Father Jacques Faucher a world of good to spend a few years in jail meditating on the damage he inflicted upon who knows how many young children, praying for all of his victims, and praying for the families of his victims, and praying for all those Catholics whose trust he sorely betrayed, and praying for his brother priests who suffer for his sins and crimes, begging God for forgiveness. I think it would have done him a world of good. The judge, in this act of ‘mercy’ or whatever it was, has done this molester no favours.
The Archbishop must now practise what he preaches – remove this creature from the priesthood! Yes, have pity on him, give him his pension, and offer him whatever help he will accept, but REMOVE HIM FROM THE PRIESTHOOD !!!! Mike.
You’re absolutley right Mike. Amen!