Names of Canadian Roman Catholic clergy and religious publicly accused, sued and/or charged
A-L: Click here for names beginning with letters “A” to “L”
M-Z: Click here for names beginning with letters “M” to “Z”
Some prominent Canadian Roman Catholic laymen publicly accused, sued and/or charged
The pain, the memories …. never go away. They change who you were meant to be! Instead, you become a survivor. Full of self-doubt, self-hate, darkness, fear, loathing. You spend years trying to put it into perspective some how so that you can live a somewhat “normal” life. Thats not possible! Not possible, because you are shattered into scattered pieces and the best you can do is try to carry on with these big holes in your psychie … your spirit. Try to live your life with the constant reminder in your heart and on every breath you take … you have been abused! You have been altered! You are less than … you are not worthy … you are not loveable … you are not!!!!! You live your life, but there is always a cloud over every thing you do, everything you think, everything you say, you are a shell of who you were meant to be! Every relationship from the first day you were abused will be altered! No one has the right to destroy another human being that way and yet it happens every day.
I have struggled to live my life to the best of may ability in spite of the loss and destruction caused by my abuse. Who might I have been.
Spiritcatcher, you have with one simple paragraph,
“I have struggled to live my life to the best of may ability in spite of the loss and destruction caused by my abuse. Who might I have been.”,
summed up exactly what has been going on in my head for these 31 years.
Well, okay, maybe not initially. Initially I was told over and over that I was lying and that I wasn’t telling the truth.
I was also told that I was dirty and filthy for doing what I was doing.
There were two people involved in my abuse. One is mentioned on this site and the other was also a victim of the first.
And the thoughts keep going non-stop through my mind.
Am I gay because of this? Would I have been straight had this not happened.
Would I have had a good career if this hadn’t happened?
Would my father have a different view of me had this not happened?
Has my father secretly blamed me over the years for the possible abuse that my younger brother endured?
And on and on and on and on as you are probably well acquainted with.
I wish you luck Spiritcatcher, I hope that you are finally able to one day enjoy a life that you are at peace with.
I know so much how this feels. God be with you…
Thank you for sharing your thoughts Spiritchaser. I am always at a loss of what to say when confronted by such pain. What words of comfort can I offer?
You are not alone. My thoughts and prayers are with you.
With humility, respect and a lot of admiration I look up to you when I say that you have touched me deeply. In the last few days I have come back here to write a few words to you but the emotions got the best of me.
In a short paragraph I think you have explained the lives and pains of many abuse victims and their families as well, I believe. ¨Who might I have been?” has been running through my head in relation to my Father , since I found out about his abuse. We are all different because of it.
However, I think you, my Father and all the others who have been abused need to hold their heads high and proud that they have struggled and survived such an ordeal.
I can’t tell you who or what you , I and so many others could have been. I only know in my heart that with all the struggles you have faced and with the courage you are showing here by sharing your pain, you are twice the man I could have hoped to be in a similar situation. I have not been abused directly myself and my struggle is painful, consuming , in a place of lonely helplessness. You are helping me immensely and I think others who take time to meditate, visualize and visit your words in all their individual scars in this digital refuge… . To ask the questions is to provide some answers.
You can let your” Spirit soar”, my unknown distant friend. I would be honoured to kneel before you and wash your feet .Don’t feel less because of your pain, just follow your path.
I leave you my sincere affection and a lot of tears. You will find Peace.
Good work.
I didn`t see Errol MacDonald on your list. He was convicted and served time for sexual abuse, before he became a priest. he now serves as a priest in Sydney N.S.
Thank you Mary! I just did a quick search – found one article and will look for more. I will add Father Errol MacDonald to the Accused list and I will get to work at getting a page together with further information.
This is unconscionable!
Thank you Sylvia.
Thank you for running this website.
Thank you for posting the truth about these people and their enablers.
It would be nice to think that maybe, just maybe, a site like this would not be needed, but sadly we don’t live in that world.
Oh, I finally watched ” Deliver Us From Evil”. Such a tragically sad movie.
Some day, Bobbie Bees, by the grace of God, this site won’t be needed. That day will come when there is truly zero tolerance in the Church for the presence of sexual predators in the priesthood, and a genuine abhorrence by clerical Church officials for the sin/crime of child sex abuse by clergy.
Until then we must all work together to expose the cover-ups, root out the recycled molesters, encourage those victims who are summoning the courage to come forward, support those victims who are working their way through the court system, and pray for all those adults who are suffering, hurting and feeling alone and ashamed because their were sexually violated as a child.
There is a lot of pain out there.
This is a interesting work you have going here. I have subscribed to be aware to pray for all victims and predators. I am very sad this list of names is so long. I am very grateful for the length of list, were it published, of those men who have been and are faithful, and pure in their calling of Holy Orders. Thankfully I have, thus far, only known such priests personally.
Is there also a sense on this site that priests falsely accused and exonerated may also be published. Clearly they are victims whose lives and ministry have also been (in many cases irreparably) damaged? It seems we don’t hear about these men in mainstream or Catholic media.
God bless you in your work to, without malice or ill will, raise awareness that helps bring to godly justice and mercy all parties involved in such tragedy. May many who have left the Church find their way home.
You sound like a very cunning man, Owen! Your sympathy seems to rest comfortably with the Church and the “long list” of good priests, who have been looking the other way for ever!…
“The church” will never be home again; “GOD” has left your building!…My beliefs are unwavering but your dealership has cheated too many for too long. I wouldn’t buy a used car from “the church”… Trust is very precious, until it is wasted arrogantly!…
…multiply this list by a thousand, at least, then divide yours by the number of tears shed by only one abused child, his family and his children, then their children…and so on!
You might get the picture,then!
If it is “interesting” so far, you should try to feel the pain… without your “interests”
or “affiliation”. The “good priests” have been abandoned by “the church” while it is busy covering up, not by the media or this site…If they wish to fly with the pigeons, they shouldn’t expect to be treated like eagles!…How many “good priests” have walked out because of their religious, moral or simple human decency, in protest over the travesty of what you refer to as “Holy Orders” … Let those “good priests” speak up if there are any out there who are true followers of Christ. That would separate the devout from the predators, the “givers” from the “users”…
Feel the pain…
From one guest to another, “Welcome!”; please, do show some more of your color!…
…”without malice or ill will”…
Great work Sylvia. However, I don’t see Paul Leroux on your list. He was a supervisor at Grollier Hall in Inuvik, NT. He was arrested and charged for sexually abusing young boys under his care at Grollier Hall. Thank you. James
Thanks James. I do have info on the site on Paul Leroux but had not added his name to the list of non-clergy. I will do so this morning and will also add articles on his most recent charges.
Here is the info which is currently posted on the site, all of it cross-linked from the Father Martin Houston page.
Grollier Hall and “The Devil of Grollier Hall”
Leroux Admits Taking Pics of Boys
I have added Paul Leroux’ name and a page with a number of relevant articles. The page can be accessed manually via Of Interest/Non Clerical/Leroux: Paul Leroux. Click here to link directly to the page.
Mr Jenka: Paul Laroux has now been charged with abusing boys at the Beauval Indian Residential School in northern Saskatchewan. He has been writing the media and it appears he is quite incensed at this development. I have been forwarding the info to Sylvia.
Thank you for your work. Thank you for having courage Thank you for speaking for those whom do not have a voice… Sister of a survivor CFB Borden
You know they called us Army Brats…….. from the 1950’s on and probably still do
But we were taught to do as we were told and respect, God forbid Don’t ask any questions.
Thank You
Jerry Boyle and Pat McMahon both have earned the eagle feather,the act of courage,the way we Mohawks see it.A serious message to Pat’s parents,as mere mortals you cannot hold yourselves responsible for the fight against the work of satan.Your success in that fight is obvious,the training that you folks have provided to Patrick,is testament to your great parenting.Mr. McMahon (senior)you run great risk to your karma if you continue to accept blame where it does not exist!Be advised that the highly respectful Sudbury crew will travel to Windsor for a group hug on your person and hold it until we feel that you are cured!Further, if you do not comply,we’ll start with our gunner,Muhammad Teddy,our resident grizzly.You already know him.Pat we love your parents deeply and clearly sincerely.Best regards,Denis
Denis my friend,
I am so pleased to hear from you. Thank you for your wonderful message which I will share with my parents.
I have wondered where the Sudbury group has been as if any of the 17 were never to go quietly, it surely was the group of you. I know you are not going anywhere but forward of course but I have not been able to track anyone’s actions or contact you in any way. I would like to be in touch with all of you if possible and welcome. I think I have stumbled upon your email address in an email from another friend but I did not wish to use it uninvited.
As I said in a post elsewhere I think we will all be stronger and more successful in working together. I hope you will agree. One of the great moments of my life was receiving applause in that courtroom we all attended and I have always believed it was the “Sudbury Crew” that threw decorum aside at that moment and gave me such a great gift.
Please do share my thoughts and I would love to be in touch.
Thank you for your kind comments and support. I passed on the compliment of the “eagle feather” to my wife. She has 1/8 first nations heritage and the thought of your expression brought a big smile to her face. Thanks again.
I was looking for the name of the movie that was made of the Alfred Ontario sexual abuse by the priests. If any one knows the name it would be much appreciated.
There was a book about Alfred called “Boys Don’t Cry” (Darcy Henton and David McCann, 2995). I don’t know of a movie. Does anyone know of a movie about Alfred?
There was a movie/docudrama “The Boys of St. Vincent” which was based on the sex abuse scandal at Mount Cashel.
Hope this helps Rosanne.
Looking for update on the where abouts or status of Brother Leonard Michael Kenny dod: 12/5/1948. He was a brother at the Kuper Island Residental School on Vancouver Island 1961-1966ish.
I don’t believe I have any information on him Diane. Do you know what order he was with?
Does anyone out there know anything about this brother Leonard Michael Kenny?
I keep searching your site for Father [deleted] (sp?) who was at [deleted] church in Toronto [deleted] area in the 1960’s. He molested 2 of my brothers who were altar boys. The pastor was Father McGrath at the time. Have you heard about Father [deleted]?
Mary F. I had to delete the name of the priest you mention. His name is not on the list. Unless I have further information I am unable to add his name.
Did your brothers ever report this priest to Church authorities and/or the police? If not, would they be ready to go to police now?
Little correction on Abel Laviolette, his name is Abel Violette and was very much interested in little girls. I’ve talked with a male resistant of Bas-Caraquet, last year and told me “I remember very well Abel Violette, it would be 20 below zero and he (Abel) would only pick up little girls walking to church and leave us boys to walk in the cold”! Very odd at the time, but today it makes very much sence, he was a pedophile priest!
*How come Reverend Kenneth Gibbs of Ottawa has no listings convicted and 138 counts of abuse
Kenneth Gibbs was an Anglican, not Roman Catholic, priest. Here’s a link to an article re his 2010 sentencing after conviction on eight counts of indecent assault:
I have a priest to report. You may call me at 250 837 4137
Robert Wilson
So is Oblates of Mary Immaculate (OMI), Springhurst Residence in Ottawa, the Catholic pedophilia ring \ safe haven in Ottawa now?! MacIntee, Doughty and OConner committed offences at the same residential schools when they staffed there around the 60s and 70s at the same time. Also, MacNeil and Doughty both served at St. Agnes in Thunder Bay at different times, where MacNeil was convicted and Doughty had allegations against him. Now Leonard Paradis, Glenn Doughty, Ed MacNeil are all convicted criminals, and are all living together at OMI having dinners together, living the life of luxury doing oil paintings in their studios, and still working for the Oblates doing what?! Doesn’t OMI get government funding? Are these criminal pedophiles living off our tax dollars and charitable tithes and donations still? Do we know exactly what their roles are at OMI, and how are they being watchdogged to ensure they are not around children any longer (or are they even being watchdogged)? I left the God and the Catholic church in the 90’s after my family member was personally affected. I’ve since come back to God but not the church. It sickens me to know that still in 2012 the church is still allowing the injustice to continue. What can be done about this?! Who will do it?! And how can I help?!
I guess if the young men are 18, then overnights with sex offenders is ok, unbeknownst to the students I’m sure.
Can you tell me the name of the padre who was in CFB Shilo. Manitoba Circa 1992 and was found guilty and sent to Edmonton(Military jail) for sexual acts
Hi Sylvia,
I did not see the name of my abuser, Jean-Claude Étienne from Sault Sainte-Marie Diocese. I believe that if you google my name and the word abuse that you will find enough information on him. Please note that I have a new e-mail. Thanks for all the work that you do!
Thanks for drawing that to my attention Robert. An oversight on my part. I will definitely add his name and a page. Once done, if you can add further info please send it along.
Nice to see you here Robert, thank you for sharing..and yes I am still looking for a mantracker colleague> I live in this diocese and there are many who have been hurt here historically and they (the diocese) are hard core supporters of their own and have very little empathy or compassion for the survivor.
Hi Sylvia … My ex-husband & I were friends with Martin Wain. I would like to know where he is now.
I’d like to know if there is a listing for the cases that were dropped under pressure and charges were not laid?
I was only told of this site, and I have read thru many of the posts here…part of me feels like I have found a tiny refuge…and part of me feels very very much alone..but I am so encouraged to read your thoughts. For many years I carried the abuse and it devastated most of me every day. It was me, and I was it..When I finally began confronted the demons in the 90’s I was terrified. The first letter to the Toronto diocese started my healing…I was so terrified of “letting out the truth” and once released it all my fears and pain poured out like a tsuami.
Its been 40 years since I was abused; When my parents, both of whom are still alive and still very much “catholic”, was told of the abuse I suffered recently, they called me a liar…and many other terrible things. I felt abused again; the two people who I prayed someday would put their arms around me and say it will be OK… didn’t happen. Thank goodness for the support of my wife and kids.. I’m 53 years old now and my path is set and I hope to make the church “accountable” and the more I think about what my parents believe about me, the less it matters to me; at least that is what I want to feel. . When I really needed them 40 years ago, they were not there for me, and now after 40 years, they are still not there for me; they were never there for me. They were wrapped up in their church and their image of a good catholic family, going to service every week.. My father was involved with share life and I was an alter boy…My grandmother attended every day and would sit there for hours…and while she was in the pew, I was in the back of the sacristy being fed to the wolves. Although I don’t know what tomorrow will bring, I know that today I am happy to have my family around me…My wife has been my rock, and now that my kids have grown up with this all around them they understand as adults how very very evil this church is..and any one who would deny the cries of a child..even if he/she is grown-up. I found out that there was at least one other victim who had been abused by O’Donnell and I was devastated, but then at the same time I felt comforted…Part of me cried that there was someone else out there who had been abused, but then, I took comfort in knowing that I was not alone. I am so torn about this…and I feel very guilty about feeling this way…
Welcome, Tim, and thank you for your courage in coming forward and shedding a light on the truth. Each of our stories needs to be told, and Yes! We are definitely no longer alone. Remember when you feel those feelings that they are those of that young boy you were once we’re who had been groomed to stay silent and alone to protect the reputation of the men who harmed you, and the church. You now belong to the community of those who have had the courage to share their difficult and painful stories in order to keep children safe and to help survivors heal. I had the opportunity to sit among many of my heroes in this fight for truth and justice on the International Panel at the Dublin S.N.A.P. conference at the end of April. The one thing we all felt from Chile, Spain, UK, Africa, Poland et al, was that social media has worked to bring us all together. For years the church managed to isolate survivors, allowing them to perpetuate the myth that this was an isolated incident, something that only happened to them. Through the poer of social media, we now know that that is another lie the church has perpetuated. You are not alone. There are many of us who have walked the same path and will support you on your journey. Many of us will be attending the National S.N.A.P. conference in Washington D.C. this summer. It would be great to see you there.
I understand the pain of reaching out to parents and being hurt again, and of trying to come to terms with family who remain in the church that so grievously harmed you.
Sylvia has my contact info should you wish to talk further.
Take care.
Tim: The pain of rejection is understandable my friend. When that church blinds it’s parishioners, they do it well. Thank God your wife and children understand…and many on this site also understand and support you. The guilt you are feeling is normal given the indoctrination you were subjected to when you were a young boy. It’s hard to let that one go, I know from my experience. This site can help you to see you are not alone and hopefully find some comfort in this. We support each other and that is so precious. Yes, there are others who criticize us for coming forward and for putting their pervert collar on the website but we need to stay resolute in our convictions and keep pushing back on those that are so blind and narrow-minded. Your words mean a lot to us as you share your innermost thoughts…stay with us, and continue working to find your solace amongst us.
Now they are “Altered” boys! Their pain makes me so sad and angry. So many tragic examples of a church gone wrong. Can someone please tell me why so many ” good Catholics” are in such denial about the damage caused by criminal priests and brothers? Why are they still supporting a church that refuses to deal with this? I am not a catholic any longer. To be betrayed to this extent was too much for me. Why is there not a revolt, a hue and cry that abuse is wrong and must stop? God I believe in …. The Catholic Church? No way!
It does seem many Catholics are standing by their criminal clergy. They down play the damage done to the victims by these priests. They are quick to give the benefit of doubt to these priests but the victims are left struggling so to speak in the cold.
Some clergy have told their flock the Catholic Church have done major changes. Many in the pews believe it. While others still have doubts about it.
I know some people can only deal with this clergy crises by the power of prayer.
Many believe if you go against a priest, any Catholic clergy or even the Pope you are going against God. Your eternal life will be in jeopardy. In other words, you will be sorry because hell awaits you. That is a lot of pressure on religious person especially those who had a very strong Catholic upbringing.
Some will say the Catholic Church is a business. Other see the Catholic clergy as glorified social workers. They are on earth helping and guiding people during their life’s journey so hopefully they will all be together one day in Paradise/Heaven and live happily in bliss forever with God.
Many support the Catholic Church because of: guilt, penance, still believing they can buy their way into Heaven, some people always gave money to their Church and nothing will change their minds…etc..
A. Puddington, you said: “God I believe in …. The Catholic Church? No way!”
You are not alone in what you said, many Catholic folks do share those exact same feelings as you do and that includes me.
Lina, you might wish to call the Pembroke Observer and ask them why they have avoided publishing the news of Fr. Dan Miller pleading guilty to 5 charges involving 5 young boys- 1 from Arnprior, 1 from Eganville, and 3 from Deep River.
For some reason, tho I called them 3 times, they will not do so. I noted they did, however, have a lot of less important items on their front page.
They are so close to the Court House- it is just ridiculous.
Don’t know what is going on, the Arnprior Renfrew Metroland were contacted prior to court by me, it is their policy not to cover Pembroke court????? Also, I submitted a letter to the Editor regarding the court hearing and sentencing of facts, they won’t publish it, a myriad of excuses, stating it is still an open case, need to talk to lawyers etc etc, Sylvia has the response I was sent.
Suzanne, I will post both your excellent Letter to the Ed. and the surprising response.
Suzanne, it sure sounds like the kind of cone of silence owned by the Church has been used once again to prevent the public from learning about the details of this case.
Since the Priest pled guilty, it is hard to understand why. But, who ever said the way they do things could be understood?
A short article is in today’s Daily Observer (link below) and it has also been announced on myFM Radio. My understanding is that it was not being ignored by the media, but that they thought it was simply going to be another routine hearing with only the lawyers present.
Thanks Darlene. I just posted both articles: 06 June 2013: “Father Miller pleads guilty” & related article
When you see the difference of the in-dept reporting of the Eganville Leader compared to other news media. One cannot help to think their is something not quite right that is going on in the Pembroke Diocese.
One can’t help wonder how much did the Pembroke Diocese had to do about it, does the Diocese have that much pull, power etc…
Those are very reasonable doubts and questions when brought up in conversations.
The answers I read and heard just do not add up.
The Fr. Dan Miller situation, the man said he was guilty and so forth so this was not gossip or rumors, it WAS news.
You did an awesome job writing that letter.
Your letter is very informative. That is a good thing.
As for the reply to that letter….
I find there must be to some degree politics involve in keeping this news about Fr. Dan Miller at a very low key. I detect to some degree stalling tactics are being used.
Who knows what doors this Fr. Dan Miller’s case will lead to and open?
After so many days, finally the media gives this story some wee space.
Lets hope the news media does a better coverage at Fr. Daniel Miller’s sentencing hearing that will take place in Pembroke Court on September 7th 2013.
I thank you Suzanne and many clergy victims/survivors do too.
I’m not really surprised at the newspaper’s response to Suzanne’s letter, nor do I think anyone is using “stalling tactics” or holding back information.
I’m no expert, but I assume that since the newspaper didn’t have one of their own reporters in court to verify the facts, they need to be cautious about publishing anything that gets sent in — especially when it concerns a court case like this one.
Having said that, I don’t think this is any reflection on Suzanne, and I am certainly not implying that her letter was inaccurate in any way; it was excellent. I’m just saying there might be legal ramifications that we’re not aware of.
Lina and Darlene, thank you for your comments, the really annoying thing about the Metroland response, which I have in another email, is that I contacted them The prior week regarding the upcoming guilty plea and statement of facts, so they were well in “the know” I received an email saying that was publication day so no staff to attend. Then a statement saying they, meaning Renfrew and Arnprior, don’t cover Pembroke court. Something not smelling good here!!!!!
A fabulous letter Suzanne! Thank you for keeping the media informed.
I often feel that the media is being controlled by larger corporate interests such as the church.
Check the “Eganville Leader” …. a sick read but I am afraid it’s the truth. How can someone, who admits to this vile crime, just walk free. Hooray for the mother who slapped his face for molesting her son. I feel he got off easy.
I just posted the email exchange between Suzanne and Metroland: Here it is:
05 June 2013: Email exchange regarding absence of reporters for Father Daniel Miller “Guilty” pleas
From the West Carleton Review (print edition) and West Carleton EMC (online) — both published by Metroland – a court report (Ottawa courthouse) on sentencing of protestant Sunday School teacher, molester and Fitzroy Harbour, Ontario resident:
Laframboise given 18 more months
06 June 2013
By Patricia Leboeuf
EMC news -After getting an additional 18 months for molesting four teenage girls, Paul Laframboise started shaking, wringing his hands and muttered “I’m going to die.”
The 74-year-old Fitzroy Harbour man had previously pleaded guilty to several charges including sexual assault, sexual exploitation and sexual interference as well as careless storage of guns.
He has been in jail since October and has served 225 days behind bars.
Laframboise remained stone-faced as Judge Heather Perkins-McVey read impact statements the girls provided, highlighting how profoundly affected they all were by his actions.
Two of the girls wrote about their attempted suicide while another described how she would wake up in tears, terrified that he would find her and hurt her.
She no longer trusts people, particularly older men.
She now lives in constant fear that she will be harmed for stepping forward.
Another blamed herself and fears she is seen differently be her peers. Her self esteem and self worth have been deeply affected. All four bare deep emotional pain from his actions, according to the judge. They also wrote that the media had also caused further harm by publishing lurid and identifying details.
Laframboise previously spoke of his deep remorse, but Perkins-McVey did not feel he truly comprehended the deep turmoil he inflicted on the girls.
“You speak about your life and health,” she said. “You show little realization on how it affects your victims.”
Laframboise’s lawyer Joseph Addelman argued for a more lenient sentence consisting of an additional 34 days, citing that his client was old, sick and this was his first offense. He had also pleaded guilty, allowing his victims to avoid having to testify in court. And he brought forth his own difficult upbringing, his aboriginal status and the unwavering support of his wife of 52 years.
Perkins-McVey took these aspects into consideration, but ultimately decided she needed to send a message that children are to be cherished and protected.
Laframboise had been an upstanding member of the Fitzroy Harbour community for several years, working as a Sunday school teacher and a school custodian, she said.
After being asked to step down from his church role for unknown reasons, he spiraled downwards, drinking heavily and allegedly occurring $200,000 in gambling debts.
Perkins-McVey said that despite his remorse, he consistently portrayed himself as a victim of the justice system.
Previously in court, he told the judge to “do to me what you politically must” as he no longer trusted Man, was used to being treated like garbage and life was knocking him down.
Once released, he will receive three years of probation and his DNA will be put on record.
As the judge discussed what to do with his weapons, some of which are heirlooms, Laframboise rose to his feet, leaning up against the glass partition of the prisoner’s box. He called over his lawyer, muttering that the judge couldn’t take much more from him.
He was given the option between incarceration in Toronto with treatment on location or staying in Ottawa and receiving treatment afterwards. He chose to remain close to home.
He was given an evaluation by a psychiatrist who access that he was at a low risk to reoffend despite being aroused by adolescents.
Sylvia, the sheer absurdity of his lawyer saying this was his first offence. truth is it is the first time he was charged, but there were at least 4 victims, not one, and how many times was each of the 4 victimized?
I do not understand how a judge can listen to the baloney-spiel of lawyers, and not comment of the idiocy of what they (lawyers) have said
Either they do not listen and look only at what the Prosecutor has put in print before them , or they had their mind made up before the case was heard.
This guy, in particular was interviewed on CJOH just a few weeks before he was charged. Tim
We knew this Fitzroy man for 40 years-or we thought we did. He was in our house and did some work for us. We were shocked when the truth came out and feel he does deserve the time for the crime…. but I guess “clergy” are exempt.
Thank you for this site. What an eye opener. I knew Gary Hoskins, he was a Priest at my old church in Brampton Ontario, St Annes. I remember the Sunday when the announcement was made about his past in Newfoundland, and how we should all be forgiving because that is what God taught us. I also remember we were told that the Catholic Church was under attack again. NO IT ISN”T THE CHURCH IT IS ONLY THE CRIMINALS. I will pray for all the people attacked by these priests. I left the Catholic Church a long time ago and have joined another religion. I wonder if they are harbouring sex offenders too?
Do you by chance remember Kate what year that announcement was made? and how long that came after his arrival at St. St. Annes?
One more question: Do you recall the response of parishioners to the announcement?
As you see here, I have gaps regarding Hoskin’s early years in the Archdiocese of Toronto. Any info you have to fill in those gaps most welcome 🙂
I am thinking it was the late 80s & early 90’s. I have sent emails to people that might have a better memory for dates than I do and I will certainly let you know. He was there for sure in 1990.
We had some people visiting relatives from our parish, they were from Newfoundland. Imagine there surprise when the Prient celebrating mass that day was Father Gary Hoskins. They knew him from Newfoundland. They went to the Pastor Father Gerry Dunn with there concerns and information and nothing was done, so those people went to the local paper, Bramption Guardian and told the story. There was a big wedding at the church on the Sat, and everyone was talking about the situation. The Sunday was the announcement. We were told that no one in the parish was asked about their past when they joined the parish, so basically it wasn’t our business about this situation.
Usually the associate paster trains the Altar servers, but it was our Pastor who did that when Father Hoskins joined the parish. He had a camper – trailer parked somewhere and used to go on his days off.
My contacts remember it was May either 1989 or 1990.
No one in my group remembers anything being said about “conviction”, just an accusation. I remember Gary Hoskins denied everything. He said he was swinging his arms near an elevator and someone walked in to him. I know alot of us had some serious conversations with our children, it was a scary time.
Thanks Kate. Another case of quietly recycling the predator and hoisting him upon unwitting and trusting parishioners. And sheer happenstance that you found out. And then you were all made to feel like lepers for being less than thrilled at the prospect of having a molester for a priest, and told it was none of your business.
How disgusting it it all?
We hear of this happening in one parish after another when a predatory priest was recycled and parishioners happened to find out. The operative word there is “happened.”
Makes you wonder, does it not, how many are still in sanctuaries?
Does anyone by chance have copies of the Brampton Guardian? I would like to firm up the date: was this a stealth transfer arranged between Lahey and Emmet Cardinal Carter? or was it worked out between Lahey and Archbishop Ambrozic? (Raymond Lahey was then Bishop of St.George’s Diocese in Newfoundland, Hoskins’ diocese of incardination. Cardinal Carter retired as Cardinal Archbishop of Toronto in March 1990)
Do check out the page Sylvia complied on Gary Hoskins. It’s clear he plead guilt to more than just arm swinging by the elevator.
I’m going to transfer this thread on Gary Hoskins over to the Gary Hoskins page so all of this important information doesn’t get lost in the shuffle. I will ask anyone with any further comment on Hoskins to please post it at the bottom of the Gary Hoskins page. I have just added a new document to the Gary Hoskins – will make note of it over there
I wonder if you can get the original article from the archives of The Brampton Guardian. I remember the article, it was on the front page, a picture of the church, and then the article. Funny you should mention Raymond Lahey. We had a Lahey family at that church, they were from Newfoundland and I think they were his relatives.
I talked to someone at the Brampton Guardian. I was told that articles from then are on microfiche and that I should go to the Brampton library. (: I begged and pleaded, but realize it’s often difficult to get articles which ran 20 years or more ago.
I don’t have a date either, but seems to me it boils down to about eight options: four Saturdays in May 1989, and four Saturdays in May 1990? (unless five Saturdays in one of those months)
I’m still scratching my head trying to think of a way to get that article, meanwhile, is there anyone out there who can lend a hand on this one?
Dear Sylvia:
God bless you for helping our brothers and sisters who have been sexually abused by cruel, psychopathic/sociopathic priests and religious in the Catholic Church! Thank you for your hard work to bring the guilty clergy to face justice and punishment! I, too, like many here, am experiencing a lot of pain, grief, anger, and disillusionment of how heartless many of the leaders in the hierarchy and their lawyers treat clergy sex abuse victims/survivors and their families.
In regards to Diane Rodgers’ question on Brother Leonard Michael Kenny, who worked in Kuper Island Residential School on Vancouver Island in 1961-1966ish – he belongs to the Oblates of Mary Immaculate (omi). Hope this helps.
Cielo H.
I am a former student of Lejac Residential School at Fraser Lake, BC. Leonard Kenny was a supervisor at Lejac from about 1967-1969. He also had a brother (
Charlie Kenny) who came in as a supervisor at Lejac in about 1968. They were from Newfoundland and both left Lejac about 1969 (maybe 1970). Leonard may have joined the RCMP. He was going out on patrols with them while at Lejac as he had an interest in joining. He also worked with the Boyscouts.
Clergy Abuse and Suicide — Good Article
Clergy Abuse – victims support , a bit late now coming through years later for those with short term long term memory loss but live in fear since suffered by Nuns Staff in these Instistunial Homes the pain you suffered from transfered from your Catholic High School for learning disability but was a mainstream school the bullying easy target you were hate crimes then lead to self hate suicidal being wiped by thick wooden long rulers pallets by head teachers & took to office of SISTER Evone Jennings who could’nt listen or help but send you to Clergy abuse Boys ST PATRICK’S TRAINING SCHOOL , BELFAST like Nazarath House of sisters threw hot boiling water over your head or into freezing cold pool room shouting abusive words names calling slaps smacks with polls towel rails till you bleed locked up in tears fears beaten up put in care screaming for help with these staff at St Patrick’s training home juvernile prision it felt like BEHIND CLOSED DOORS from 1989-93 really annoying irritating people other immates no call or contact from home for a month we deseve to be given compensation for these abuses never so glad to hear when your dis-charged but even more when these cases were held few years ago had to close down these Homes finally peace on earth unless H.M.P services , Survivors NI Campaigne humalitation used as a slave HISTORIC INSTITIONAL ABUSE INQUIRY 2013-14 at last…
Dear Sylvia– I just came across your site about 3 hours ago by accident. Thank-you for your labour on behalf of those who have been victimized by the Catholic Church.
I am fortunate that my dealings with priests and other religious as a child were safe and healthy, but my heart is saddened for those whose innocence was abused by predators, and whose hope for validation and justice was dashed by the organizational church. I am appalled whenever I think of those sanctimonious clerics who were more concerned with avoiding scandal than protecting children and young people.
I pray for healing for those who were so grievously wounded, and applaud the courage it took to come forward. The pain in your correspondents’ letters is wrenching. Bless you for taking on this mission.