Disappointing beyond measure

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Previously convicted molester Father Barry McGrory has a court date this morning:

04 April 2017: 08:30 am, “to be spoken to,”  courtroom #5, Ottawa courthouse (161 Elgin St.)

Please keep the complainants in your prayers.


A good article in the Regina Leader Post regarding Father Robert MacKenzie

04 April 2017:  Scottish police trying to extradite Saskatchewan priest over abuse claims: report

I just got home.  It’s late (early?).  Will comment on this tomorrow, but must say right away that it looks  as though Catholics in the archdiocese were not informed back in 2013 that there were allegations of sex abuse against Father MacKenzie?

Another quick point:   I see no explanation as to why a decision was made by the archdiocese to lift the suspension back in 2015.  And please, in that regard,  don’t anyone say anything about his age – there are in fact men in their 80s who find the wherewithal to molest.

Disappointing.  In this day and age, disappointing beyond measure.

Tomorrow a little more about Fort Augustus Abbey and the allegations.

Enough for now,


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