There are several court-dates today(Monday, 27 March 2017):
(1) Father Omer Desjardins omi (Oblate priest, previously convicted for offences committed in Saskatchewan. Currently facing charges in Winnipeg )
Father Omer Desjardins has a court date this afternoon in Winnipeg, Manitoba:
27 March 2017: 1 pm, “to be spoken to,” court room # 302, Winnipeg Provincial courthouse (Main Floor, 408 York Ave.)
Please keep the other complainants in your prayers
(2) Donald Grecco (Previously convicted ex-priest, Diocese of St. Catharine’s, Ontario)
Donald Grecco has a court date later this morning:
27 March 2017: 10 am, “to be spoken to,” courtroom #5, Robert S. K. Welch St Catharine’s courthouse, St. Catharine’s, Ontario (59 Church St)
Please keep the complainants in your prayers
(3) Nathan Labatt
A busy week for Nathan Labatt…
The three-day preliminary hearing for Nathan Labbat on his Regina Saskatchewan charges starts this morning:
27 -29 March 2017: 09:30 am, preliminary hearing, Regina courthouse (1815 Smith St.);
A reminder that there will without doubt be a ban on publication of all evidence and testimony at the preliminary hearing. There will also be the the standard ban on the names of complainan. The preliminary hearing is, however, open to the public. I urge those who are free to do so to attend.
Barely will Nathan be done with the preliminary than he is off to Yorkton for the rendering of the verdict on his Kamasack charges:
31 March 2017: 09:30 am, DECISION (verdict), Yorkton, Saskatchewan, courthouse (120 Smith St. E)
Meanwhile the Humboldt Sskatchewan charges continue to wind their way through the system with a pre-trial in early April:
07 April 2017: Pre-trial hearing (NOT open to the public), Saskatoon Court of Queen’s Bench courthouse (520 Spadina Crescent E, Saskatoon, SK)
Please keep the complainants in your prayers.
A few more dates have been added to the Father Robert MacKenzie page. Links to the following pages have also been added:
10 June 2012: Father Bob MacKenzie 80th birthday celebrated (his birthday is actually 23 June 1932)
2010: Father Bob MacKenzie at St. Patrick’s Parish in Cupar Sask ( Faith Alive Regina 1910 2010 (in Faith Alive , Archdiocese of Regina, 1910-2010)
I have noted that there is a discrepancy in dates here, I think perhaps a typo? This puts Father Mackenzie’s arrival in Cupar and Sask. at 1985. For various reasons I don’t think that is accurate. For example, Archdiocese of Regina: A History, published in 1988, shows Father Eldon McGrath as Pastor starting in 1982 and still pastor at the time of publication. I think he, Father MacKenzie, probably did arrive in 1988 and replaced Father McGrath.
And, yes, that is indeed the Father Eldon McGrath who was convicted in 1994 and sentenced to three years jail for the sexual abuse of 15 girls under age 12.
Further to that, and of interest is the fact that another convicted molester Father Kenneth Greer served in Dysart Saskatchewan (Dysart has been a mission parish of St. Patrick’s in Cupar since 1976). Father Greer entered a guilty plea August 1999 to five counts gross indecency related to abuse of five teenage boys. The abuse transpired between 1967 and 1975 while Greer was serving as Pastor at St. John the Baptist in Dysart with mission in Lipton (That was before 1976 when Dysart became a mission church of St. Patrick’s in Cupar)
So, for the poor souls in Dysart, they had Father Kenneth Greer, then Father Eldon McGrath. This news that there is a move to start extradition proceedings against Father MacKenzie will be hard blow.
The next court date for Brian Lucy is:
10 April 2017: 10 am, “to set a date,” ( either for a guilty plea or sentencing), Brockville Ontario courthouse (41 Court House Square)
It sounds as though there is a guilty plea in the offing? When I asked specifically what date was to be set I was told that it was either for guilty plea or sentencing.
I urge those who are free to do so to mark their calendar for 10 April to see what happens.
Please keep the complainant in your prayers.
Enough for now.