I mentioned before that as I was getting set to post information about the Father Stephen Amesse trial I got side-tracked looking for “Eric.” And, as I also mentioned earlier, I did find Eric. More on that later. First, the whole matter of Eric and what was said at trial, then more info on Eric, and then a little more information regarding other testimony at trial.
Eric became a topic of testimony at the trial because the complainant, whom I have called “Robert,” testified that there was a framed picture of “Eric” in Father Stephen Amesse’s living quarters. He had seen it. I gather he had seen at least one other such picture, but it was the picture of Eric which became an issue. The picture is an issue in and of itself, but it also connects indirectly to the gift of the body shaver to Robert, and Robert’s testimony that Father Amesse has or had a clean shaven chest and that Father Amesse had used a body shaver to personally shave Robert’s genitalia.
So, first the matter of the picture. This is the essence of some of the testimony regarding Eric
The Picture
Robert described the picture as that of a naked man with a clean shaven body and penis showing. Father Amesse, he said, had told him that Eric was a friend in California who was into body building. He was told by the priest that body builders shave off their body hair to accentuate their muscles.
In response to questioning Robert said that he was surprised, but not super-surprised by the picture of Eric . He knew, he said, that Father Amesse loved men. Indeed, according to Robert, Father Amesse had variously told him how he, Amesse, is into men, is bisexual, and is homosexual.
Father Amesse admitted having contact with a body builder named Eric. The priest however flatly denied that he ever had a framed picture of Eric. Apparently he initially told detectives that he did have a framed picture of a shirtless Eric, upper torso only, and that he showed that picture to Robert once. At trial, however, Amesse denied ever having had such a picture. Furthermore, what Robert saw, said the priest, wasn’t a picture but a brochure. It was a brochure that he had received from Eric. He had it in his office at the rectory. That, according to Amesse, was what Robert saw.
Indeed, a very indignant Father Amesse angrily insisted that there was no way he would ever have such a picture of a shirtless man in the rectory, asking with some degree of incredulity “How many priests have a picture of a shirtless man in the rectory.” When the Crown suggested he was angry the priest curtly replied “I’m not angry.”
(Asking how many priests have pictures in rectories of shirtless men is akin to asking how many priests have porn in the rectory. As we know all too well, some do. I would assume that those who might have pictures of shirtless men would be smart enough to ensure they are kept out of sight of those who might take offence or wouldn’t understand? in other words, tucked away in a ‘safe spot’ until such time as it is deemed desirable, and perhaps even profitable, to put them on display? )
The brochure
According to Amesse, the contact with Eric transpired in 2008 when, he explained, he, Amesse, was turning 50 and became concerned about his health and fitness. He hunted about online and found and contacted Eric. He was, he said, seeking fitness tips.
As those who live in the Ottawa well know, there are no lack of fitness centres and trainers in Ottawa. When asked why he did not seek such expertise here in Ottawa a flustered Amesse said that he preferred to do this at home, and that what he was seeking was nothing “overly severe.”
Prior to taking the stand Father Amesse had taken time to find a copy of a page of an Eric brochure which was shown to the court. This, he agreed, would not be the same as the one he had in 2008, but it was produce to show the business company Eric was with and, it seems, to give a general idea of what, according to Father Amesse, the brochure which he claims was lying in his office in 2008 might have looked like. I got the impression too that it was shown to convey a message of sweet Eric who says he started working out when he was just a boy when his Dad gave him a weight bench, and of Eric the family man who now works with his son.
The Crown referenced the part in the brochure where Eric says he started working out when his dad bought him a weight bench . The Crown then suggested and Father Amesse agreed that there are many things which Amesse could have bought Robert other than a body trimmer. A flustered Amesse then insisted that Robert had asked for the body trimmer (shaver).
By way of explanation of the above, Robert testified that he had an interest in body building, and that Father Amesse had told him that body builders shave off their body hair because it enhances their muscles.
However, under cross-examination when the Crown suggested that the use of a body shaver makes muscles stand out Amesse replied “I wouldn’t know.”
The Crown: “Well, you have one [body shaver].”
When queried if he used the shaver to give him a better look, Amesse replied: “No, I just didn’t like the feel of hair on my clothes”!
Now, back to the brochure.
There is a picture insert of Eric, hand in pocket, shirt wide open to the waist exposing a clean shaven muscular chest. As the Crown suggested, and Father Amesse agreed, the look and pose are a little suggestive. No matter, there he is, Eric the family man: Eric clothed. That, the court is to believe, is the sort of picture which Robert saw .
To be quite honest, I doubt that too many Roman Catholics would be impressed to find the likes of that lying around any priest’s office, but Father Amesse seemed to be quite happy to show this off .
I did find the website of Eric affiliated with that particular business company. The page we saw in court is, I do believe, taken right from the website.
That’s one picture of Eric. Shirt on. Shirt open. Chest clean shaven. Muscles.
There are more.
To make a long story short, there are several websites with pictures of Eric. There are also websites which feature Eric under different names. I’ve found two different names. It is one name in particular which is of interest. There are pictures of Eric which are identical to those of a “bodybuilder” who goes by this other name. Identical. The same picture. Different name. Exactly the same picture. Same person. This “Eric” is very naked in many of his pictures. Very naked, with penis showing. And this “Eric” has many pictures which are sheer porn. There are pictures of “Eric” on sites which feature gay porn.
I will not provide any further information. Not the name of the company. Not Eric’s last name. Not the other name he goes by. I just do not want to direct people to this material. I assure you, it is Eric. He uses a different name, but, it is “Eric.” As I say, there are identical pictures of Eric under two different names. It’s him.
There’s probably more to find. I have neither the will nor stomach to continue.
Here is a little more regarding other subjects raised in testimony
Who’s a child?
There was a brief exchange where the Crown made reference to Robert being a child. Father Amesse shot back that he wasn’t a child “he was 14.” When the Crown replied that “14 is a child” the priest shot back again with “that’s what you say.”
The moles
Robert testified that he had seen Father Amesse naked. He described the priest as having a clean shaven body with moles on chest and back.
Father Amesse denied that Robert ever saw him naked. He testified in fact testified that he absolutely never ever would let anyone see him without a shirt on, and never ever would Robert have seen him without a shirt on.
Asked how Robert was able to describe the birthmarks on his body Amesse said that he, Amesse, likes to sit out in the backyard of the rectory sunning himself and reading a book, and so: “He may have seen me then.” He was adamant that that is the only way Robert could ever have seen his naked torso .
However, in as much as he expressed horror that anyone would ever see him shirtless, and then that that was the only way that Robert could ever have seen his naked torso, it seems he has no vivid recollection of Robert ever stumbling upon upon him sunbathing. In fact he became extremely rattled when it was suggested that if indeed that had ever happened he must have had a conversation with Robert on that occasion, something related to his, Amesse’s. own shock at being seen shirtless.
Things got ridiculous when it came to the matter of identifying marks on his torso
In an interview with Detective Woods the priest was apparently asked if he had any moles or warts . Amesse told Woods that he thought he had a couple on his neck. However, pictures taken while he was in the cell block show many moles on the front of his torso and a number on his back. Asked about this Amesse replied: “I live alone. I would never notice.” Further to that, Father Amesse denied that those were moles, said he considers moles to be “gross,”- and insisted those are birthmarks.
When the Crown referenced comments made by the detective about moles all around Amesse stomach and back Amesse said “I thought he was talking about moles.” The Crown replied “He was.” Amessee: “No, I mean birthmarks.”
When he was shown pictures which show moles he said: “I call those birthmarks.”
Asked why he never told Woods about those marks, the priest replied: “He didn’t ask.’
Robert testified that he had been kissed on the lips a number of times by Father Amesse. Roberts mother testified that she had seen it happen once.
Father flatly denied that he would ever do such a thing. How would never never have kissed Robert on the lips, not even the one time which the mother had witnessed. It didn’t happen. When the Crown asked if it was possible that Robert had kissed Father Amesse on the lips , the priest said that might have happened. He was reduced to stammering and stuttering when the Crown suggested that he was a smart man, and wondered if it would not be highly unusual that he would not recall being kissed on the lips by Robert.
All convoluted as all get out.
I will put all of these bits and pieces of testimony together on one page, and at that time will add other bits and pieces .
On that note,
Enough for now,
When is the verdict suppose to come out?
A date has to be set. I will check tomorrow to see if there is any news on that yet.
Did you get any news?
Not yet John. I have left messages twice – still waiting for a call back. I will probably try again today. If I’m lucky today I will reach a human being rather than answering machine 🙂
Here it is John:
07 April 2017: 09:30, Assignment court (to set date for rendering verdict), Ontario Superior Court of Justice, Ottawa courthouse (161 Elgin St.)
As I said elsewhere, this will be to set a court date for the judge to render his verdict. In other words, on 07 April there will a court date set – which is agreeable all parties, ie Judge, Crown and defence – to render the verdict .