If only a handful of people know, is it a scandal?

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The name of Father James D. Foley has been added to the Accused list.  There is a fair bit of information there.  As you will see, he spent two years in the Calgary Diocese.  He was presumably ‘on loan.’  In truth, he was recycled.

Read it through.  Sadly, it speaks for itself.

All the talk of scandal always amazes me.  It seems that somehow, if no one aside clergy,  bishops, the victim and and perhaps one or two laymen know, there is no scandal?  Really?!  When I read things like this I am  reminded of that silly query regarding a tree falling in the woods:  if no one is there to hear it fall, does it make a sound?  Ditto clerical scandal.  If only a handful of people know, is it a scandal?  It seems from the comments of some diocesan officials regarding Father Foley’s dalliances the answer is ‘NO.”

My prayers are with his children.


More information coming regarding Father “Ernest Archibald.


I have heard that recently charged and convicted Father Omer Desjardins omi is facing new charges.  More to come.

Enough for now,


This entry was posted in Accused or charged, Bishops, Canada, Clerical sexual predators, recycled, Scandal and tagged , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink.

One Response to If only a handful of people know, is it a scandal?

  1. Tony Roma says:

    When Catholics say “scandal” they don’t mean “bad thing”. A bad thing is a bad thing no matter who knows it. Scandal means a bad thing that everyone figures they can do because no one cares. This is the real scandal in the events you report: that the inaction or evil actions of church leaders give the impression that the original bad things weren’t so bad.

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