Father Denis Vaillancourt, canon lawyer and former Chancellor of the scandal-plagued Diocese of Alexandria-Cornwall, has a court date this morning (Wednesday, 08 June):
08 June 2016: 09:00 am, “to be spoken to,” Alexandria, Ontario courthouse (110 Main St. North)
The sex assault charge was laid October 2016.
Please keep the complainant in your prayers.
The Mount Cashel class action suit trial continues today (Wednesday, 08 June) at the St. John’s Newfoundland courthouse. I believe the correct address is:
309 Duckworth St, St. John’s, N
This will be day 15 of the trial. It is a test case in which”John Doe” seeks to hold the diocese of St. John liable for the physical and sexual abuse of boys at the orphanage by certain Christian Brothers during the period late 1940s to early 1960s (The diocese claims it did not run the orphanage and is therefore not responsible.)
According to media reports, the test case represents about 60 claimants.
As you may have noticed last evening, Father Joe LeClair is in trouble with the law, again:
07 June 2016: Father Joe charged with impaired driving
25 May 2016: Police accuse man of driving a Volkswagen while impaired
Yes, true, all very sad, but for me personally, a reminder that this unfortunate man needs to tend to his own soul – he should have been defrocked when he admitted to gambling, fraud and theft at Ottawa’s Blessed Sacrament church in January 2014.
Can you believe it? He was barely out of jail, taken in to the Moncton Diocese by Bishop Valéry Vienneau where he was allowed to minister to the flock at Blessed Elizabeth of the Trinity Parish, was in trouble and gone within months, and then taken in to the Hamilton Diocese by Bishop Doug Crosby omi and allowed to minister to the flock at St. Joseph’s in Guelph, Ontario . And, now this. ( I have heard but not confirmed that Bishop Crosby and Father Joe used to ‘work’ on Challenge weekends together in Ottawa – am actually waiting for a picture. Can anyone confirm this? Is there anyone who attended a Challenge weekend when both then Fathers Doug Crosby and Joe LeClair were the priests for the weekend?)
More later.
Enough for now,