Six new charges against ex priest Grecco

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To my knowledge the sex abuse trial of Father Yvon Faucher continues today in an Ottawa courtroom.

Has anyone seen any coverage at all from yesterday?  I can find nothing.  Is there perhaps coverage in the French media which I am missing?  If there is anything at all would you please send me a link?  Perhaps those of you who are bilingual could google with some French terms and see if there is anything?

Surely to goodness there must be at least one reporter from either the French or English media in the courtroom?  Just one?

Please keep the complainants and their families in your prayers.


Father John Sullivan (Diocese of Sault Ste Marie) has a court date this morning (Tuesday, 09 February 2016)

Tuesday, 09 February 2016:  09:30 am, “to be spoken to,”  courtroom #101, North Bay, Ontario court house (360 Plouffe Street)

I will be able to find out tomorrow what his next court date is.

Please keep Father Sullivan’s many victims in your prayers.  This current criminal case has been dragging through the courts since 2012. There comes a point where the dragging on and on is unconscionable.  If the shoe were on the other foot I am sure he would  be howling that his Charter rights to a speedy trial have been violated.  There is no such option for his accusers.

And, yes, despite his record as a convicted child molester, he is still a priest in the Roman Catholic. Why?


And some updates:

(1) Father Stephen Amesse (Archdiocese of Ottawa, Ontario)

In December 2014 Father Stephen Amesse was charged with two counts of sexual assault and two counts of sexual interference.  The charges date to 2008 and relate to allegations of sex abuse of a 14-year-old boy.

After a preliminary hearing a judge determined that there was sufficient evidence to go to trial.

Father Amesse’s next court date is:

Monday 29 February 2016:  Pre trial (NOT open to the public), Ontario Superior Court of Justice, Ottawa courthouse (161 Elgin St.)

Please note:  this court date is NOT open to the public.  This is a routine part of the process whereby lawyers from both sides meet with a judge – behind closed doors – to discuss matters related to the case as it moves toward trial, ie, witnesses, evidence, the number of days required for trial, plea bargains and so on.  It is highly unlikely that Father Amesse will be present.  Usually the accused is not present (there are instances in which an agreement is made to allow the accused to attend).

(2)  Father Charles Picot (Diocese of Bathurst, New Brunswick)

Another trial date for twice convicted and once ‘acquitted’ molester Father Charles Picot has been set:

Tuesday 10-11 May 2016:   TRIAL,  Bathurst courthouse (254 St. Patrick St.), Bathurst,  New Brunswick

Let’s pray that this time the trial proceeds.  From the wording of this short article I get the impression that it is thanks to Judge Brigitte Sivret that a date was actually set:

08 February 2016:  Trial of Former Bathurst Priest to Take Place in May

I recall this happening once before.  Remember?   He was charged November 2013 and

And remember the time he failed to appear and the judge was all set to issue an arrest warrant?

Anyway, thankfully, for the sake of the complainant, a new trial date has been set and, while it’s a few months downstream, it is not too terribly far away.

Please keep the complainant in your prayers.

(3)  The updates for Fathers Robert Couture and Linus Bastien have to wait until tomorrow.  The person who normally deals with such matters at the Windsor courthouse is away and will be back tomorrow.  I was unable to reach anyone else who could assist me.

(4)  Donald Grecco (ex priest, Diocese of St. Catharine’s, Ontario)

There are two upcoming courtdates for convicted molester and ex-priest Donald Grecco, one in St. Catharine’s, and the other in Cayuga.

I can tell you now that there are definitely new charges in St. Catharines.    In fact, there are a total of six new charges against Grecco, three of indecent assault of a male, and three of gross indecency.  Two of those charges date to 1975, and four date to 1982.  All of these charges relate to events which are alleged to have transpired in Niagara Falls, Ontario.  I don’t at this time know how many complainants there are.

So, on these St. Catharine’s charges, Grecco is scheduled for his court court appearance next Wednesday

Wednesday, 16 February 2016: 9 am, first appearance, St Catharine’s courthouse

And, on the Cayuga charges, the next court date is:

Tuesday, 23 February 2016: 2 pm, “to be spoken to,” Cayuga court house (55 Munsee St. N., Cayuga, Ontario)

I commend these men for finding the courage to go to police.  Good for you!  I urge those in the area to support them as thse cases move through the system toward trial.

Please keep the complainants in your prayers

Shrove Tuesday today.  Pancake Day 🙂 And tomorrow Ash Wednesday, the start of Lent.  An early Easter this year.

Enough for now,


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