A Blessed Christmas

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A reminder for those who may have missed the comment, the preliminary hearing of Father Stephen Amesse continues 22 January 2016.  The hearing is to determine if the judge believes there is sufficient evidence to proceed to trial.


 It sounds as though the car is a write-off 🙁  There has been difficulty with the appraiser contacting us – a bit of a comedy of errors.  As I said before, it’s all so surreal.


The snow started falling here this morning.  Its beautiful.  The branches are heavy with snow.  The ground is covered in a blanket of white.  The children are out tobogganing and having the time of their lives.

It’s Christmas.  Despite all the aches and pains and chaos, Christmas is upon us.  Such a beautiful time of year.    And, so, on this much  happier note, I extend my sincere best wishes to each and every one of you  for a truly blessed, holy and happy Christmas.

For unto us a Child is born….

And, yes, here again is Enya singing her hauntingly beautiful rendition of Silent Night …..


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