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Previously convicted child molester Father John Sullivan was scheduled for a court date today in North Bay, Ontario

21 July  2015:   09:30 am, “to be spoken to,”  courtroom #101, North Bay, Ontario court house (360 Plouffe Street)

Some of these charges (gross indecency) were laid in June 2012, and others (gross indecency and buggery) in the Fall of 2012.

Sullivan, a priest with the Diocese of Sault Ste Marie, Ontario, now lives in Montreal, Quebec.

If anyone hears news of the outcome of today’s court date please pass it along.

Please keep the many victims and complainants in your prayers.


The court date of another previously convicted child molester  Father Charles Picot was adjourned yesterday:

20 July 2015:  Former Priest to Have Trial Date Set in August

Father Picot is a priest with the Diocese of Bathurst, New Brunswick now living in Montreal. (Yes, like Father Sullivan he lives in Montreal, and, yes, like Father Sullivan, he is a convicted child molester who is still a Roman Catholic priest!)

Father Picot’s next court date is:

10 August 2015:  to set trial date, Bathurst courthouse, Bathurst, New Brunswick

Please keep the many victims and complainants in your prayers.


On 13 July 2015 Father Ronald Leger csv, Viatorian priest, former student and teacher at Cornwall, Ontario’s Classical College, entered a guilty plea in Winnipeg, Manitoba to charges related to the sexual abuse of three boys.  The sex abuse of the boys dates to the 1980s and mid 2000s.

16 July 2015:  “Father Ronald Léger defrocked after sex assault plea” & related article

15 July 2015:  “Priest admits to rubbing boys’ genitals” & related article

14 July 2015   Archdiocese of Saint Boniface Press Release re Father R Leger guilty plea

As I noted, Father Leger has been stripped of his priestly faculties in the Archdiocese of Saint Boniface, Manitoba.  That means only that he can not do such things as say Mass or hear confessions.  It does not mean that he has been defrocked.

Some of you may recall that while teaching at the Cornwall Classical College Leger was a good friend of Father Paul Lapierre.  Lapierre has since been charged and convicted for the sex abuse of Claude Marleau.

And, look here.  In the 1967 Cornwall Classical College yearbook Father Leger’s picture is on the same page as that of another convicted Viatorian molester, Father Paul Desilets.

I can’t help but wonder what Cornwall lawyer and Church canon Lawyer Jacques Leduc, and Denis Vailancourt,  a priest and canon lawyer in the Alexandria-Cornwall diocese, think of the news?  Both were students at the college in 1967.

Anyway, it seems that Father Leger departed Cornwall when the college closed its doors in 1968.  He has been serving in Manitoba since 1971 – most if not all of those years in the Archdiocese of  St. Boniface, Manitoba. During his years in Manitoba Father Leger founded two teen drop-in centres in Winnipeg and adopted two boys from Guyana.

According to media reports Leger will return to court for sentencing next year.  According to the courthouse the priest’s next court date is

30 September 2015:  1 pm, courtroom #301, Winnipeg Provincial courthouse (408 York Avenue, Winnipeg, Manitoba )

I’m not sure if the 30 September date is a sentencing hearing?  I think it may well be?  No matter, there definitely is an upcoming court date for Leger on 30 September.

Meanwhile Father Leger is presumably off in a “therapeutic setting” preparing for, what his lawyer Saul Simmonds referred to a “ultimately a significant incarceratory period.”

We shall see…

Please keep the victims in your prayers.  And, let me take this opportunity to commend and thank all three for going to police: it is thanks to your courage that we can now refer to Father Leger as what he is, a wolf in sheep’s clothing/ a child molester.


As I noted elsewhere, Father Joe LeClair is now Associate Pastor at St. Joseph Catholic Church in Guelph, Ontario:

July 2015: Father Joe LeClair Associate Pastor Saint Joseph Guelph screenshot 17 July 2015 (Hamilton Diocese – Bishop Doug Crosby omi)

I’m not sure  when Father LeClair left Blessed Elizabeth of the Trinity in the Archdiocese of Moncton, New Brunswick. He was out of jail in Ontario November 2014, and was assisting Father Phil Miulligan at Blessed Elizabeth in New Brunswick in January 2015, and was gone from Blessed Elizabeth by at least  May 2015, and now he’s in Guelph.

Guelph is in the Diocese of Hamilton, Ontario.  The bishop who took Father LeClair in and allowed him to serve in the diocese is an Oblate,  Bishop Doug Crosby.


And speaking of Oblates,  Canadian Oblate Father Rocky Grimard‘s next court date in Texas is:

10 August 2015: Pre-Trial Conference, Bexar County Texas, courthouse

Enough for now,





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One Response to Updates

  1. PJ says:

    Those pervert collars sullivan and picot PLUS that church paying for their defence are a waste of air. Rather than do the right thing, they continue to hurt the victims by dragging their cases out for years. Jesus must be so proud of them…NOT.

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