Update from SMIS Headmaster

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After months of silence, an “update” from Japan’s St. Mary’s International School‘s Headmaster Saburo Kagei regarding the inquiry commissioned by the school into allegations of “sexual misconduct.”

18 March 2015:  Saburo Kagei’s second letter to SMIS community re inquiry and panel

One expert member of the panel, Dr. Harold J. Bursztajn,  has apparently stepped down “due to other commitments”  ; he, advises Mr. Kagei,  has been replaced by  Dr. Arthur Becker-Weidman, “an equally distinguished expert.”

Dr. Bursztajn, you may recall, is a forensic psychiatrist.   When  putting together a page on the Members of the SMIS panel of “experts” I said  that I failed to understand the need for a forensic psychiatrist on such a panel.  I still don’t understand, but, no matter, Dr. Bursztajn is gone:  “other commitments.”

Dr. Arthur Becker-Weidman  is not a forensic psychiatrist, he is however listed as, amongst other things, a forensic psychologist.

A quick google seems to indicate that much of Dr. Becker-Weidman’s  recent work experience relates to “Providing evaluation and treatment for families with adopted and foster children. Adoption, foster care, and child development evaluations and treatment.” He is also as “Consultant and Trainer” who provides ” training and consultation in the U.S., Canada, and overseas to Departments of Education, Departments of Social Services, mental health clinics, and child welfare agencies.”

I shall look a little more closely and update the “Members of the SMIS panel of ‘experts‘” page.


There is a courtdate for Father Yvon Arsenault in the Miramichi New Brunswick courthouse tomorrow:

19 March 2015:  1:30 pm, “for plea and election,” Miramichi courthouse (673 King George Highway, Miramichi, New Brunswick

I had a query regarding this charge (s) with word that there is someone by the same name in the Miramichi facing charges.  I checked this morning to ensure that it is in fact the same Yvon Arsenault facing charges in both Moncton and Miramichi.  It is.  Same birthday.  I know nothing of the nature of the charges.  Hopefully there will be media coverage tomorrow so we have an idea what’s going on.

Enough for now,


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