A couple of unexpected turns of events at the courthouse in Corner Brook Newfoundland this morning
(1) The sentencing hearing for Father George Ansel Smith has been postponed and will now run for two days: 27-28 February 2013; and
(2) according to media reports the Crown told the court that a new charge will be filed prior to the sentencing hearing.
I gather therefore that another victim found the courage to come forward. Whoever it is, I commend you!
I think that what may be happening here is that the new charge will be streamlined, and Smith will enter a guilty plea, and then the sentencing hearing will incorporate the new charge with the other raft of charges to which he has entered a guilty plea?
We shall see.
There should be court dates to address the new charges. I will check tomorrow to see if I can find out.
So, another month. Hang in there all of you, and take comfort in the fact that your courage probably gave someone else who also suffered at this priest’s hands the courage to come forward.
Enough for now,