A court date for Father Peter Sanczenko tomorrow morning at 10 am in the Chatham, Ontario court house. This is assignment court – to set a trial date in the Ontario Superior Court of Justice. We should also hear tomorrow or very soon thereafter if Father is opting for trial by judge or jury.
I encourage those who are free to do so to please attend.
Please keep the complainants in your prayers. This process has been going on for two long years. It has been a long journey to date, and without doubt there are months still ahead. They need your prayers.
As always, please pass along word of the outcome.
Enough for now
*oh come on sylvia, time to get off the train. you are a scandalous person. you need to deal with your own mental issues. you will never be happy until you get your way. LEAVE innocent priests alone. i wish i could see your personal life and comment about your behaviour. you are a sick lady, you need mental help. GOD sees your life and you cannot escape that. that what you are accusing of others will only send you to hell for your own personal life. you need to concentrate on YOUR life and do an examination of conscience. you better get to the confessional soon. get there early, you might be in there a long time.
*Thats rich..keep up the good work Sylvia…it’s not about poor innocent accused priests it’s about criminally traumatized children and making sure they are kept safe from abuser priests.
This poster is a prime example of what I spoke of earlier. Writing trash to deflect the focus from that “church” and it’s pervert priests (not all) directing the blame to you. Funny how the poster says “that what you are accusing of others will only send you to hell for your own personal life”…you haven’t accused anyone, merely reported facts found in trials and victim statements. And the comment on innocent priests…if they aren’t publicized on this site, then they are innocent…simple as that. The poster needs to examine their own conscience for being so blind to the plight of the molested!
*Mr. Edward Busko,
I’ve got a good one liner response to your post but I refuse to post it on the grounds I may be incriminate myself.
Many thanks Sylvia for all you do at this website to help so many victims and their supporters.
*Here is what I get having broken bread at Sylvia and Michael’s table…Intelligent, well balanced, thoughtful and genuine. A sense of social justice and a deep deep concern for victims of abuse at the hands of clerics and a genuine concern and love for her chosen religion. She is an into action women who when she see a wrong prays and acts on making that wrong right. It is a crime to abuse children in our country and she is trying to help victims retain their dignity in the face of oppression by a powerful institution who does not feel it is subject to the same moral and legal standard as the rest of the world.
By way of explanation here, edward busko has surfaced again because I made reference to Father Piotr Sanczenko and the fact that a trial date should be in the offing.
edward has blogged more than once in the past and obviously believes that Father Sanczenko has been falsely accused, the complainants are liars, and the police erred laying the charges.
Thank you all for your kind words. Say a prayer for edward – he is having a hard time dealing with the charges against a priest he reveres. There are many edwards out here.
Meanwhile we will wait while the charges snake their way through ‘the system’ and pray that justice will eventually be done. And, meanwhile we must remember to keep the complainants and their families in our prayers.
edward, no more comments like this on the site. If you want to take another strip off me in the future please email me at: cornwall@theinquiery.ca.
Having had a ring-side seat (translated documents and news reports) to one of the most dramatic cross-jurisdictional cleric abuse cases yet (Eric DeJaeger OMI), I can state the following about Sylvia: she checks and double-checks, she cross references, she acts with integrity and caution and she has a passion for understanding and dealing with the truth. She does not lead or orchestrate the evidence; the evidence leads her. She is focussed and non-sensational. Thanks for posting, Edward. It has given me an opportunity to put into words how much I admire her skill, dedication and faithfulness.
*she is trying to help victims retain their dignity in the face of oppression by a powerful institution who does not feel it is subject to the same moral and legal standard as the rest of the world.
I agree. That’s actually very well said.
Meanwhile we will wait while the charges snake their way through ‘the system’ and pray that justice will eventually be done.
So true!
Put these two quotes together and therein lies the problem.
Because the Church has felt it was obligated to a higher authority, it often hid priests’ abusive behaviour and placed its fellow priests in parishes…..hoping that they would not repeat the offense. The Church even sent these men to places like Southdown and other places hoping they could be “cured” of their “affliction”.
I still think “as the charges snake their way through the system”, a big disservice is done to victims of sexual abuse from priests.
Well it’s obvious to me that their obligation to a higher authority is a slap in the face to humanity. The abuse to me is a crime against humanity and the Church should step down off its mighty pedestal and admit is has sinned grieviously, wronged morally, and commited a punishable crime against the very people it is there to serve.
As for the Fr Pete Sancz story……if this is just another time delaying ruse……I also say shame on his Bishop..pure and simple….for allowing this to continue. It’s time we see more Bishops held accountable for the actions of their priests.
To Ed busko….I see Sylvia has left your comments in the thread. She could have easily deleted them. But it’s good for all of us to see the level to which a person like you can go. But rather than tearing you apart, we are praying for you. But I know how you feel. It’s tough to admit your friend and priest was capable of this. We all share in your shock and disbelief. It hurts.
But you now must think about the victim. That’s the real issue.
To ed busko: It is obvious you’ve never walked in an abused person’s shoes, you have no idea what we have gone through. We all respected our parish priest even during our abuse, that is the power an abuser has over their victims. We deny what is going on and when we finally break our silence, we are immediately condemned as liars. After many years, the legal process vindicates us and the abuser is exposed for the pervert they are. It’s too bad those that hide and protect the pervert priest are not also punished. So how do we fight back? With a site like this plus the justice system. And the parishioners who give their weekly collections may not realize it, but much of their donation gets used in the legal process to defend the cases against their beloved priest. Sad. So ed busko, I feel sorry for you when you come to the realization that you were duped by that church into believing your priest is totally innocent. When that happens, please come back to this site for the support you will receive from those of us who too were injured by them…we won’t deny you. God bless.
Mike Mc
Yes, I left edward busko’s comment. We can all learn from what he has to say, specifically his refusal to even entertain the possibility that the allegations might be true. The sad reality is that there is a large segment of the Catholic populace which thinks as he does and in consequence, as PJ said, the complainants are condemned as liars. As you said so well: “It’s tough to admit your friend and priest was capable of this….It hurts.”
After edward posted the above I put his future comments on moderation. He attempted to post again late last night. It seems he was unable to find his comment and is convinced I deleted it. He is furious, and I am a liar. We don’t need any more of that. There is nothing to be gained for anyone.
I will send him an email with a link to his comment so he knows that his first comment was not deleted and has been read by many.