Final say

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I meditated onthe clerical blogging spree all morning.  I have decided that  I am not going to tie up the blog thread getting into a tit-for-tat with Father Steve Ballard and/or Tim Moyle.  When I issued my warning I said that they covered neither themselves  nor the priesthood in glory yesterday.  I meant what I said.

What a sad state of affairs this is,   As both priests should know there are literally thousands of Catholics who will not darken the door of a Catholic Church, and that because  of the clerical sexual abuse scandal and betrayals of trust.  What came from both priests in last evening’s follies will do nothing to restore faith or trust in the priesthood or the Church.

Father Ballard and Father Moyle, this is for you:

You  both know that those who have been impacted by clerical sexual abuse and betrayal in the Church are hurt and angry.  You should both know that those people have, through difficult and painful personal experience, right or wrong, little respect for priests.

Yes, I agree and have often said that one of the sad realities of the scandals and the concurrent and abject failure of Church officials to deal with them honestly is that good  priests get painted with the same brush as the bad.  That is not the fault of the sheep.  It is the fault of the shepherds.  I suggest therefore that your battles lie with your superiors, both here and in the Vatican.  Please do not attack and/or blame the lost and abandoned sheep.  As priests your concern should be for those souls, not for how many more notches you have on your belt, or one-upmanship in wordsmithing, or sarcasms.  or getting the last word in edgewise, or telling them to shut up.  Others may think differently.  Those are my thoughts.

Like it or not you are not on the same playing field as we.  You are priests.  I personally expect more of you.  I believe you have the graces of your vocation to be more.

I believe you should be an example to us all in both word and deed.  That did not happen yesterday. I cringed at some of the comments you both posted.  Cringed.   If neither of you can see that you exceeded your bounds and that in fact your comments were detrimental to the very cause for which you profess to be fighting, then things are worse than I thought.

I have no intention of pulling out your comments and dissecting them  one by one.  Nor do I plan to nor will I compare your comments to those of others.  You are the  priests. Heaven help all of us, and Heaven help both of you, you are priests.

I steered clear of making a few comments last night and this morning.  I needed think time.  I will comment here on a few things which were raised in the tsunami of last night:

(1)  Father Robert McGuire

As a mother I continually did what I could to keep my children safe.  If I knew that a neighbour was a suspect sexual predator I would have ensured they were not near him.  I would also have told friends with children who could in turn protect their children.  I would expect others would have done the same for me.  Not for the sake of idle gossip, but for the safety of our children.

I was never in that situation, but I know without a shadow of a doubt that that is what I would have done.

Those actions by no means imply that I assume the suspect neighbour is in fact a predator, only that I firmly believe that, when it comes to the safety and well-being of our children it is always better to be safe than sorry. I would act accordingly.  I believe that we as adults have an obligation to protect our children.  The onus is on us.

My question is: Why would any bishop not have an obligation to advise Catholics that a priest is a suspect predator, and that young people MAY be at risk,  particularly when the allegations are current or very recent?  And why would any bishop in such situation not want to publicly encourage those with allegations to go to police?

We obviously disagree on this point and there’s no point belaboring our differences.  As I said elsewhere, Bishop Brendan O’Brien announced that Father Labelle is under investigation.  I don’t agree with other things Bishop O’Brien has done in the past, but, in this instance I believe he handled the situation properly. I commend him for that.  You both obviously do not.  I however pray that other Canadian bishops follow Bishop O’Brien’s suit.  We are light years behind the rest of the Catholic world in this regard.

Again, you do not agree, but I personally believe strongly that we have a right and a duty to protect children and the vulnerable from priests who have been accused and who MAY indeed be sexual predators.

Under the circumstances the fact that Father McGuire was not charged does not say he is innocent any more than it says he is guilty.  If after talking to the three teenage boys the diocese concludes the allegations are not credible, then so be it.  Give Father McGuire a parish.  If, on the other hand, the conclusion is that the allegations are credible, defrock him.  The diocese is quite capable of drawing those conclusions:  there is no need of a guilty verdict from a court of law.

I will add that I believe there is much work to be done on educating adults on the need to stand by their children if they allege abuse at the hands of a Roman Catholic priest. I personally believe that adults do their children no favour by coaching them to avoid court or hope that not talking about it will make it go away.  Parents need to understand the necessity of supporting their children through the process, and of the need to get assistance for the child who alleges clerical sexual abuse.  As we all know only too well, sex abuse haunts the child for life and, sad but true, when the abuser is a priest, a loss of faith is almost inevitable.  Parents need to know these things so that they can try to steer their children through these muddy waters.

Parents and all adults also need to help that child realize that there is nothing to be ashamed of, and that it is the adult abuser who should be ashamed, not his victims.  I further believe it is self-evident that parents need to understand that if ‘Father’ did indeed molest their son or daughter chances are good that he will molest others: in other words, parents need realize that they must think of the safety and well being of other children.  I am sure no parent of an abused child wishes the same fate on another child – they need to be reminded of that.

(2) .  RE out-of-court settlements.

I have trouble with dioceses paying off victims who go to them with allegations of clerical sexual abuse  and wind up with a stipulation that they, the victims,  remain silent about the abuse.  It is such ‘deals’ which have in part brought the Church to her knees.  The problem here is that such deals seem to work hand-in-glove with guaranteeing the anonymity of the clerical predator.

It is one thing for a victim to receive dollars from the diocese and a promise of anonymity, it is quite another for the diocese to stay mum on the identity of a predatory priest and blithely recycle him to another parish, diocese and/or country.

I believe therefore that if a diocese has concluded that the allegations a priest are credible the name of the predator should be publicized and the predator should be defrocked – not recycled.

I am talking here of the settlements  which are hammered out behind diocesan doors, not of those which are wrought through lawsuits.  The Statement of Claim in a lawsuit  is a public document.  Unfortunately lawsuits are often filed and settled without any publicity so we never learn that the diocese settled out of court in relation to allegations against Father So-and So..  I believe that the diocese has an obligation to publicize the names of those priests.

(3)  Re threats of legal action or negative publicity

Father Ballard has plans for you both to call in a team of lawyers to pore through my site.  So be it.  If you have the resources and desire to do so then so be it.

And a threat from Father Moyle that if I ban him he will write a blog for the National Post!  The latter demand  explanation.

Father Moyle asked me some time ago if I would agree to an interview for a column in the National Post.  I declined.

More recently Father Moyle asked if I would be adverse to him writing a blog – that was during our first and only meet, over a cup of coffee at my home.  There was no interview – he raised the subject and said he would write something and then pass it to me for final approval. He thought it important that the site get publicity.

I considered – not as long as I should have – and thought maybe that would be alright.  I thought it would perhaps allow the site to reach other victims .

However, I reconsidered.  My reason for reconsidering were specifically related to perception.  A blog about Sylvia’s Site in the National Post written by a Father Tim Moyle, Roman Catholic priest,  could easily be misconstrued by victims and others.  I hadn’t thought of that at all.

My greatest concerns there were that people would erroneously deduce that I am operating this site as an agent for “the Church”  or a diocese.  Even though that is not fact I feared that those who have grown to trust me could see it that way.  I do not want to hurt anyone any more than they have already been hurt, nor do I want people to feel betrayed or used, even, again, if that is just perception.

I emailed Father Moyle and told him.

Now Father Moyle in essence threatens that if I ban him from the site he will write something controversial or negative or whatever for the Post blog!

I am having a hard time keeping abreast the changing tides

(4)  Re banishment from the site

Others have been temporarily blocked from the site in the past.  The last time was I think  December  Due to past and present circumstances I decided that if things revert to the escapades of yesterday the only solution is to banish you permanently.

I run the site.  If I decide to ban you I will.  It will be a first, but for the good of the victims and all the lost souls out there, if I feel I must ban you I will.

That is my final say on all of this

Enough for now,


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31 Responses to Final say

  1. Michel Bertrand says:

    Yes indeed. I agree fully with the above and people ask me why I don’t refer to clerics as father.. my dad never ever spouted such inane dribble in his life.. he was a rock and so his the power greater than myself the Creator.

  2. Father Steve Ballard (Diocese of Pembroke) says:

    The tome is entitled ‘Final Say’. All you need to know. Control, deflection and cowardice. Get the last word in and stop it. You would make a terrific bishop! How ironic eh?

    In the blizzard of words offered, Sylvia will not deal with the only salient issue at hand: accusations of coverup – completely unsupported – by her clan towards two priests.

    I love the way Catholics and others throw around the old canard ‘I expected more from you father’. If you are at all familiar with Vatican II, pedestals no longer exist for anyone! Personal holiness is the call for every single Catholic Christian and not just the clergy. That you would not defend two priests from shameful and untrue attacks is shameful. Gossip, false accusations and innuendo have no place in a site that purports to ‘care’ about victims or anyone else for that matter. That you would not correct Mr Truth and Mr Theriault about that exposes your one sided agenda.

    If you are serious about truly opening up a dialogue about these terrible issues, park the control, the canards and the superiority trip and demand Christian, truthful and respectful posting by all.

    The other canard is the suggestion that my response or that of Father Moyle is about little care for victims. BULLSHIT. Your tactics are probably well intended but I and others do not trust them. The latest from the east is the perfect example. You have essentially burned Bishop Harris and his priests who have investigated this matter, at the stake. I can hear the outcry in other circumstances: the bishop wouldn’t even assign a single priest or anyone else to look into the case.

    You have the privilege of presenting yourself as Nancy Drew, Gloria Alred and Judge Judy all at the same time. Nice work if you can get it I suppose. Nothing you post means a hill of beans until charges are laid and matters are brought before the court. Until that time, you are assassinating people’s characters without foundation. If charges are laid against a priest, a teacher, a boy scout leader, whomever publish it. But to draw conclusions as you do about persons who have not even been charged? Are u kidding me?

    Consider the following FICTIONAL tome:

    I have been told about a relative of Sylvia who may have charges brought against him. I have been told it is her husband but I will hold onto this until further information comes my way. Evidence presented would not surprise me – you know converts and parishioners of St Brigid’s! It’s a shame they are so conservative and not in touch with the modern church. I have heard that it is either the husband or the son who is the abuser, but I will wait until I get an email tomorrow. It might explain alot given their attitude.

    You won’t answer but how would such a posting on a blog make you feel? Is it fair, credible, proven or legitimate. I know right now that your fans will come to your defense and say ‘I trust Sylvua’s crystal ball’. I don’t give a shit about your speculations. Only that which lies on the table when charges are laid and matters ate brought to court!

    At last: some time ago I spoke to a young priest who was debating whether he should attend a priest’s funeral. I asked, why the hesitation? What’s your concern? Well he said, he made a move on me when I was young and I don’t feel as if u can attend.

    I know what that feeling well.

    OK automatons (sorry that was a sin) lash away!

  3. Anne C says:

    I respect what everyone is saying – as a teacher it would hurt me deeply (both personally and professionally) to see friend’s and colleague’s names linked to child sexual abuse – especially if there was no conviction. On the other hand, considering the way things have been handled by the church – both now in the past- I think maybe we are also being called to open the child abuse stories wide open in a public forum – it is not a perfect system obviously – but I also think that overall it pushes boundaries in the right direction. Whenever there is a revolution, it is always imperfect and extreme – because the grass roots have to fill a gap. If “the church” would provide honest direction on this and lead, perhaps the flock would have a better model – but for now – I see no better model.

    I see my own priests, and Frs. Tim and Steve too, being frustrated with the church and the whole system as well. While they may symbolize “the church” – I certainly don’t see these guys as the whole church – or as ‘defenders’ of the wrong – though some here paint them as that. People get angry on all sides – isn’t it understandable. If they were jerks or weirdos or didn’t care – they would stay away from this board.

    Perhaps we really are in the midst of a revolution? Maybe all of this anger and digging for the truth, and making mistakes, will bring forward a new reality – where child abuse is dramatically reduced as a societal norm – because – we do not let it go undetected. (i.e. It will be completely abnormal to stay silent).

    To change the subject – it is indeed strange that we do not pray for sex abuse victims of clergy at weekly mass. I spoke about this to one woman at my church last week and she said: But we don’t want the kids to know! I said: But they have internet! If we don’t talk about it openly, how can we heal?

    There is a lot of work for us all – to lead, heal, support, find solutions.

    And to the person who said: “And I thought Canadians were boring” in the midst of yesterday’s fray: thank you for the comic relief!

    • Father Steve Ballard (Diocese of Pembroke) says:

      I appreciate very much your words. Good for you.

      We pray for victims in my parish regularly – weekday and Sunday mass.

      My parish is the home parish of Robert Borne, now convicted. I seek no sympathy but you can imagine what life has been like here for a the last few years! Nothing as compared to the victims but incredibly painful: anonymous nasty phone messages, confessional rants and zero support from our bishop or Chancery.

      Not that it matters but in the same period our parish hall leaked in every possible place imaginable and I was afflicted with Bells Palsy.

      Thank you for being a balanced voice.

      • Father Steve Ballard (Diocese of Pembroke) says:

        I’m being redundant: a funny face, like I had, like Mr Chretien, is peanuts compared to the violation of the young. I was simply attempting to provide a behind the scenes gander.

      • Anne C says:

        What it must be like being a priest these days. There is deep mistrust on all sides. Every week when I pray for “our holy church on earth”, in my heart, I pray for the church to see the light, to open their hearts to the victims, and to promote the values and openness of Vatican II (before my time, but I strongly value in the principles). The church could do better – you already know that. (I would have considered being a priest if my church allowed that).

        You chose a profession where you symbolize “the man.” As a teacher, I must fight this bias/history/projection every single day. When people are ill – they project their problems – I’m sure you understand this.

        You are so right – priests need not be on pedestals. We as the flock must emancipate ourselves from this belief. But, that takes strength and health, and usually, a turning point – hopefully towards faith. It would be difficult for victims to see it otherwise. Their childhood faith was shattered. We all feel rage and want to protect victims – and perhaps we make our biggest mistakes when trying to do so….as a teacher I work with a lot of ‘school marm’ types – who always ‘know what’s best for the children.’ Everyone seems to know ‘what’s best for the children.’ (Are we ALL right?). As history shows, we can all be very very wrong.

        To think that currently practising, good priests are not deeply troubled by this scandal – is just so wrong-headed.

        I have a good same-aged supportive priest friend now, and another friend just heading into vocations (Jesuits), and I am supporting them in every way imaginable – as we strive for truth, healing, and social justice.

        So – keep up your good work. The rest is a tempest in a teapot.

        • 1 abandoned sheep says:

          Anne C: Please continue to be an ear and a sounding board for the many good Priests who are surely being tried to the limit.
          I know many Priests in the Archdiocese of Ottawa, Pembroke, Kingston,Cornwall, and Gatineau Dioceses, and they are all concerned and puzzled at the turn of events in the Catholic Church.
          Some of these Priests still use me as a bit of a sounding board in a friendly way, venting their frustrations about the lack of support and direction they get from their Bishop and Chancery Offices.
          Jesus told them He would not leave them orphan, but, he did not explain fully the betrayals, deceit, and turmoil that lay ahead for them.
          I am positive Pope John Paul 11 and the present Pope have been screened out of the news gathering at the Vatican, so they would not know just how bad it has become.
          A few years ago a man I knew was asked to be a personal envoy for JP 11 to Moscow, in order to see if a visit by the Pope could be arranged while there.
          At a social event in Moscow he saw a man who looked familiar. 2 days later he saw the same man at the Vatican, and discovered he was a Cardinal ! Betrayal, deceit and mystery abound within the walls of the Vatican.
          The same man I knew went on to arrange for the Pope to visit Cuba.
          I used to think it was a stupid request when we were asked to pray for our Priests. It was I who was stupid- I id not understand what Poland learned during WW 11- first corrupt or kill the Priests, then themasses will be easier to become followers.

          • Anne C says:

            Thanks abandoned sheep 1. Very insightful. I guess it is true of any corporation, the higher you go up the food chain, the less they know about the grass roots (and the more cocooned you are from the truth). Good insight. Yes I do see the priests as having to deal with the front lines, a bit like WWI troops. They get their rations, live in ditches, take the crap, get inundated from all sides. Of course, priests are feeling just as abandoned as us, if not moreso. (It is their family for heaven sakes!). When everyone is in the dark, who sees the light? I am of course furious at the church. And we must try so hard to listen. This is not an ‘us’ vs ‘them’. How could it be – when we are ALL bleeding?

          • Larry Green says:

            I’m quite sure I know who you are Anne C. Don’t think you are a teacher at all. Priests are becoming ever increasingly ( in number and in deed) deceitful, untrustworthy and corrupt. Nature always has it’s way!!!

  4. Anne C says:

    Link to Scouts Canada case in BC – I’m appreciating both the strong words from the victim, and the strong stance from Scouts.

  5. Sylvia: I hope you will allow me address your summary of important issues from this entire unfortunate affair. No one is unbloodied or innocent in the fight; not you, me, Fr. Steve or anyone else we tangled with last night. Thankfully you have brought some organization to the mess and have teased out the essential issues and present them clearly and charitably. I will answer your points and questions with the same spirit.

    You write “Again, you do not agree, but I personally believe strongly that we have a right and a duty to protect children and the vulnerable from priests who have been accused and who MAY indeed be sexual predators.”

    I most certainly do agree. How did Bishop Harris fail to do this? The priest was removed. The authorities were brought in to investigate. Even you admit that he is not functioning as a priest. It is up to the Police to inform the public. You should know from your own involvement in these matters that often they decline to do so for reasons of that are related to the investigation. Why should the Bishop have done what they did not do? He fulfilled his responsibility that the accused could not and would not harm any further children through the Church. He did everything that he was supposed to do even if you don’t want to admit it.

    You write further: “Under the circumstances the fact that Father McGuire was not charged does not say he is innocent any more than it says he is guilty. If after talking to the three teenage boys the diocese concludes the allegations are not credible, then so be it. Give Father McGuire a parish. If, on the other hand, the conclusion is that the allegations are credible, defrock him. The diocese is quite capable of drawing those conclusions: there is no need of a guilty verdict from a court of law.”

    Yes. They are capable. Is that not made clear by answering the following question: Which Sobey’s store was it that you think he’s exercising his priestly ministry? Our Lady of the Produce Section? He isn’t threatening anyone in Church – and that is what the Bishop was responsible for ensuring. He did it with class. He did it effectively too if your own reports of his whereabouts are accurate.

    Regarding my alleged ‘threats’: Suffice it to say that after the three hours we spent together and many cups of coffees we shared (you offered to make a 2nd pot!) I was equally shocked to find you acting as judge, jury and executioner of a Bishop who did nothing wrong other than offending your own brand of justice. You hoist high his putard on the gallows of this blog accusing him of putting children in danger, something that I have amply demonstrated is a lie. When I believed that you were working for the force of truth and for the good of all concerned I was more than desirous of helping to publicize your ministry as far and wide as I could so that every Catholic possible would read what you post hear. Now I’m trying to decide if I should write an article for my blog at least to warn people that you have morphed into a vigilante dedicated to obtaining your own pound of flesh. I might publish the first article too. Comparing the two might provide a life lesson on how the road to hell which you’ve evidently started out upon with your recent post is a path that’s paved with good intentions.

    Regarding who deserves to be challenged: Any one who has read my comments here, on my blog, or my contributions to the NP knows that I have not cumpunction about confronting Bishops and demanding that they do better. It is equally clear by what I have done and written that concern for children and the adult victims in a manner that is as good as you do here. That is not at issue. What is at issue is the appropriateness of you attacking a Bishop in a manner that would make Goebel’s blush. It’s not about protecting children from a predator. That issue was addressed above. What’s left other than your damaged sense of pride and self-importance? I have heard far too many confessions and participated in too many therapy session to fail to recognize the sad consequences of good intentions gone awry. I sincerely regret finding you in the same situation, just as I regret the language of yesterday’s posts. Getting into a spitting contest with a camel like Prima and his empty threats and innuendo. (Even you will admit that what I have written today’s has been civil and cogently offered, even if find you disagree with my interpretation of the situation.)

    Regarding the issue of being personally associated with the Church: Was that an issue when you were putting out your own Church publication (‘The Oratorian’) which led to you being sued in the past when you accused another priest without having all your ‘ducks in a row’. Good thing the Ottawa Sun stepped in to pay your legal bill that time. If you get into hot water (and I am most definitely NOT THREATENING to cause you to fall into that particular pickle again) who do you think will bail you out again? You had no trouble associating yourself with the Church when it fit your personal spiritual agenda just do so just as it serves you again now on this blog. Is the Church an instrument or fashion for you to put on or take off at your pleasure, or is it an important constituent element of what you actually believe in? It certainly isn’t very clear to anyone who doesn’t looking at this affair without sharing your poisoned opinion of the Church. You claim to love the Church. You have the most unusual way of showing it.

    Feel free to banish me or not. As you very correctly say, it is your blog and all of us are guests here. I will still read everything that’s posted here each if even if only to know what the opposition is up to! I can always cross-post anything that sparks interest on my own blog and share my opinion there. I don’t get the 1000’s of hits you generate every day, but even something that’s read and passed along by the hundreds that do visit my blog daily can help spread any alert far and wide across the Catholic corners of the net if there’s something worthy of comment. I am just as free to do as I please on my own blog as you are with your. Seems silly to have to state such a simple fact – but this is the level this blog has fallen to.

    LAST POINT (finally!): You did not actually answer the question I put before Lina, Prima, you and others: Is it just to allow salacious accusations and insults to be hurled at a few to ensure that actual victims feel welcome here. You dance around the question, demurely musing about poor innocent priests being falsely slandered without approbation or sanction while facilitating the spreading of this same malicious gossip. There used to be a description of such a person is towns and villages in here, and I’m sure on the Emerald Isle as well. In keeping to my promise at the start of this (too) long post to remain civil and polite, I will refrain from ending this last (I SWEAR) offering of the day.

    Fr. Tim

    • Sorry: Screwed up one line.

      (end of 7th paragraph)
      It should read: Getting into a spitting contest with a camel like Prima with his empty threats and innuendo is not fun at any time.

    • Father Steve Ballard (Diocese of Pembroke) says:

      This is my last too – excuse me, what is this about the Ottawa Sun and legal costs? Having worked in the Chancery I am well aware of the lawsuit of LW and the costs associated and worked there when LW died…………..

      Wow wow wow…….fascinating……….I await the unblemished truth to be shared.

    • Lina says:

      Fr. Tim Moyle,

      Why is my name in that last paragraph of your post?

    • You wrote=
      Why should the Bishop have done what they did not do? He fulfilled his responsibility that the accused could not and would not harm any further children through the Church. He did everything that he was supposed to do even if you don’t want to admit it.

      Sorry but that don’t wash! How did his silence help other victims that he harmed to come foward and get a loving Jesus help that they are all in dire need of? It’s time for healing to/for all victims in getting professional help, regardless of where the criminal case is at!
      Put that in your blog, if you must!

  6. Jesus is Lord says:

    This is too rich even to contemplate – Sylvia on the take from the Ottawa Sun…… are a terrific employee! Boost those sales now!


  7. The Truth says:

    Elvis appears to have left the building and fled.

    I’m sure there will be a middle night retort, but will it answer the question: what is your relationship with the Ottawa Sun today? Do they fund you today? Are you their reporter?

    Further in the a.m.

  8. Sylvia says:

    I banned both Father Steve Ballard and Tim Moyle banned from the site earlier. First Father Ballard, and then Father Moyle. Father Ballard has been working tirelessly ever since to get his comments posted – all accusing me of being an Ottawa Sun employee. Two of his posts (above) made it through under the handles “Jesus is Lord” and “The Truth.” You no doubt now recall that we went through something akin to this in late November 2011 after the conviction of Father Borne. At that time he blogged publicly under the handles Inhisservice, Lostsheep2011, Matthew O’Grady and HappyMartin. He also tried to blog with the handle Evictedbysylvia but by then I had effectively blocked him.

    The insults hurled at and inaccuracies about me posted by both these priests do not warrant comment. A smear campaign is under way. They are obviously out to try to discredit both me and the site by whatever means.

    If by chance either priest manages to squeeze a comment through it will be removed as soon as I realize it is one of them.

  9. JG says:

    I guess the masks have been lifted!…and the sabotage was not only this weekend or in November… Sometimes just a subtle change to subjects which would have been interesting to pursue…but disturbing for some!

    Through all this storm I heard a few benevolent voices and one of them was certainly the priest who called himself “FSS”… I think your sincerity and your stature showed through your words …I for one would encourage you to stay and not follow through with the statement “this is the last time I comment”…or such words…
    We need to hear reason and your voice came to me from the “desert”…
    I may end up calling you friend or “servant”, respectfully, and you would not be offended because I believe you would understand what I mean…
    You may not even be offended if it takes a while to completely trust you…
    Maybe priests like you need to be heard instead of “the others”…
    I too decided not to return here and reviewing your words compelled me to send you this message.


  10. Mike Mc says:

    I am shocked but I am not surprised. Sylvia, you have the right to dismiss anyone you choose on your blog. Fr Tim writes: “I sincerely regret finding you in the same situation, just as I regret the language of yesterday’s posts.” I think we all regret the mudslinging, Fr Tim. But I truly believe it’s time for you to stick to your own blog. As for my commet of “the old boys’ club”, I stand by that comment. It’s real, it’s true and it’s sad.
    Sylvia,…Keep up the good work.

  11. PJ says:

    It might be time to close the blogs related to this topic. It’ll keep the riff raff from trying to smear you here, and most importantly, allow us to discuss the more important issues which those two yahoos tried to hijack for their own selfish purposes. I’m starting to see who the genuine folks are here by the supportive and sharing-type of comments made. I thank my lawyer for pointing out this site to me, it’s awesome!!

  12. Sylvia says:

    A good idea PJ – the trouble is that they would take to another thread and create chaos there.

    I will work at keeping on top of their attempts to post. I have blocked them but there have been continued attempts to post. One made it through evere so briefly in the early afternoon: I promptly removed it as I said I would. I shall continue to remove any of their comments which manage squeeze through.

    My suggestion to one and all is to put this whole mess to bed. If you make any comments about either of them you simply feed the dying fervor, – and they will claim they have no mechanism to respond.

    Let’s just all put it rest as a bad memory and move on. I am not going to dignify their wild, speculative and fanciful allegations against me by responding. If they want to they can carry on with their smear campaign elsewhere so be it.

  13. jon smith says:

    I miss Fr Ballard and Father Moyle!

  14. jon smith says:

    To 1 abandoned sheep – take your own advice!

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