Gambling priest?

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Well, this one is going to stun many….

A massive article in today’s Ottawa Citizen about Father Joe Leclair, the former teacher/popular priest at Ottawa’s Blessed Sacrament Church.

The Ottawa Citizen website is down right now and I am on my way, but I will post the link and eventually you should be access it:

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10 Responses to Gambling priest?

  1. prima facie says:

    Take the typical intervention; i.e.) send him to a 28 day treatment program in NJ, then join “GA”, have the Pope issue a blanket wide apology for all gambling priests, ask parisioners to dig deeper to help repay any “alleged” discrepancies, up the credit limit on the credit cards, and re-assign the “impeccable” Priest to a different parish, where “the books” don’t really matter—preferably close to a casino, so the parish can save on gas money. And, maybe parisioners could open a “retreat house” nearby, so other ganbling priests could also come for help—–ah—–fun.

  2. John says:

    Prima facia…..I hear that they have a place like that here. It is run by Father Jimmy he is a Greek Orthodox priest, they call him Father Jimmy the Greek for short.


  3. Reality Checker says:

    Test…test….are you moderating comments now Sylvia? I left a post on “Adjourned” that hasn’t gone thru the filter yet.


  4. Reality Checker says:

    Hmmm….my other comment is awaiting moderation….but these ones went right thru.

  5. Reality Checker says:

    Thanks Lina – that’s the problem 🙂

  6. Sylvia says:

    Good to see Reality Checker. Missed you!

    Yes, as Lina says, when a comment is posted with a link it goes into a moderation queue. I gather that’s because most spammers use links, so commetns with a url link wait for my OK. I was gone all day today so it took longer than usual.

  7. Reality Checker says:

    Still standing and breathing Sylvia 🙂

    ….and still check in daily!

  8. Sylvia says:

    That’s good Reality Checker. And never forget there are many times we could using your thinking cap and/or research skills :).

  9. Sylvia says:

    I hate to say it prima facia, but, you probalby hit the nail right on the head there!

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