Yesterday I posted a page on Father Antoine Tetu. I noted that this convicted child molester, had been described in one article as “a close collaborator” of the Bishop of St. Paul Alberta, Raymond Roy. I wondered what exactly that meant.
Well, today, some answers. I have further information on what might be viewed as the collaboration between Father Tetu and Bishop Roy. I will blog with further information later, but, for now, the following two articles, one from 1996 and the other from 1997. To put these into context, Tetu pled guilty in 1989 and was sentenced to two years in prison and three years probation:
(1) 12 March 1997: “Telephone chat line scam heats up St. Paul” & “Nothing sells like sex: A pay-telephone promotion collapses in ruin, taking with it a Catholic bequest”
Unbelievable! Bishop Roy, via a John Paul II School foundation, hooked into what has been viewed as a sex-chat line Ponzi scheme.
And, look who else was involved:
“Foss said that there were two other people involved with the Bible school Foundation, Father Tetu, who is Bishop Roy’s driver (according to Foss)”
(2) 26 August 1996: ‘The bishop wants you to stand!’: A pedophile Alberta priest harasses Mother Teresa’s nuns for kneeling during Mass
And there’s Bishop Roy assigning Tetu, a convicted child molester, to provide spiritual direction for Mother Theresa’s nuns!
And then Tetu doing Bishop Roy’s bidding and trying to force the nuns to stand during the consecration.
Close collaboration?
Enough for now